
Saints and Scourges: The Half-Demon of Stassi

Main Plot: Saints and Scourges "If there exists a world filled with wondrous amounts of power, would it be a blessing or a curse?" Set on a modern-medieval era where literally everyone has access to magic, the SnS series revolves around Sol and his misadventures. He doesn't know what happened to him and he's immortal for some reason, so he decides on a quest to regain his lost memories. He then meets (on a rather ridiculous circumstance) and later befriends an eccentric knight named Jean, who is rich for some reason and is willing to give stupid offers to get what he wants. Join Sol and Jean as they fulfill their mutual desires and travel the realm of Ensaeres to unravel what the real world of magic is capable of. Subplot: The Half-Demon of Stassi The demon, the mastermind, and the wildcard. Told in the eyes of Sol, the first edition of the SnS series revolves around the half-demon Nelen. Often referred to as "The Maiden", she got her reputation after killing the king of Stassi twelve years ago. The people doesn't know why she did it, and they're too afraid to ask, so Nelen had a very small social circle. Sol later found out that Jean managed to convince her to join his team, but he always knew there would be a catch. In exchange for joining his crew, Jean promised what Nelen desired: Her mother's killer. . WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE, VIOLENT ENCOUNTERS, MORE STRONG LANGUAGE AND MEME REFERENCES FOR ANIME ENTHUSIASTS. THAT IS ALL, THANK YOU.

Kuuzuu · Fantasie
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43 Chs


"Before we start; What happened to you?"

Jean asks, confused as Esmeralda taps on my face with an ice pack. We sat on the kitchen table, probably about to discuss our findings. It's night, the bells from the cathedral ringing as Jean hands me a packet and points to the cup. A remedy, perhaps? I start to mix the powder while he took a sip of tea, waiting for me to answer.

"Remember that guy from last night? He's still accusing me of killing his 'brother'. " I scoffed. " We got into a small fistfight. Apparently, he was drunk. At noon. He reeked of alcohol when he punched me."

"What happened to him?" Esmeralda said with a curious stare.

"He passed out after I hit him back. Don't say it wasn't fair. He swung first, so it's all good."

"Understandable." Jean nodded. "So... Business. Anything to report?"

"Yes." Esmeralda started. "She headed out to the plains just south from here. She's hunting some wild boars for a friend of mine."

"Great. Should be easy to find. You said it was south, right? Where's this so-called friend of yours?"

"She's a part of the Chimera Legion. Her subquarters are on the South, as well. It's about a thirty-minute walk from here. "

"Okay. Here's the plan. We all go at the same time, but only Sol and I get to go to the plains. Esmeralda. Just go and wait with your friend in case we miss her."

"Wait a second. What's this Chimera Legion?" I casually asked, trying to mask the fact that I pissed one of their men off.

"It's a large group of the most elite warriors here in Stassi. They're in charge of keeping the place safe. A vast majority of them are jerks, sure, but they get the job done." said Jean.

"Uhhh…. What happens if you get in a fight with one?" I nervously asked. Almost instantly, both of them stared at me for a second, but the tension quickly faded. Jean shrugged and finished his drink while Esmeralda answered.

"They're very stubborn, so you should look out. In spite of that, all of them fight fair, so it should be fine as long as you're winning."

"I guess that's it, then!" Jean stood up. "I'm getting sleepy now, so I'm going to bed. Don't forget to wake up early, okay?"

"Okay." said the both of us as he shuffled out.

"Are you tired?" I asked her.

"A little bit. Yeah."

"You should rest. I'll just do it myself. It's my fault, anyway."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "Thank you."

She grabs a cold drink inside the freezer before going out, and I just sat there, ice packet on hand, as I watch her leave the room. I should probably do the same after I finish drinking Jean's medicine... Wait. I remember Esmeralda saying something about these gloves containing healing magic. Does it work ?


Oh, wow. It does. I guess all that tapping was for nothing. I greatly appreciate her help, though. At least she tried. It's really cute... I'm starting to feel sleepy. Is it because of the healing magic? Oh, well. I guess that's it for tonight.


"Okay, so... Why are we finding her in the middle of the night?"

"I don't know. I just felt like it. It's pretty cold, right?" Jean smiled, mockingly.

"Yeah, but... It was two hours of sleep, Jean. Two hours. We've been walking all day. Even I'll die at this rate."

"Aww. C'mon, Sol," Esmeralda cooed. She seems more energetic now. "It's going to be fun... I think."

"Yeah. Just shut up and be a man. We're all tired here."

"That's exactly what I--- Okay. I get it now. You're stupid. I'm giving up."

Gray clouds filled the sky as we travelled to the south. I thought everything would be dark, but the moon shone bright, providing an easy light. I guess it makes me a little less angry. Esmeralda led the way, Jean and I trailing a little behind as I dragged my feet on the ground. After a few more minutes of walking, we finally arrived at a small building.

"We're here." Esmeralda said.

"Great. You go stay there. Sol and I will go to the plains now."

"Alright. I'll go inside, then. Take care."

"Do we really have to go now?" I groaned.

"We're here, aren't we?" Jean sarcastically remarked. "Let's just finish this so we could spend our time doing better things, like watching at a theatre."

Hmm... I'll be sure to remind him that.


Grasses surround the city, swaying as the gentle wind touches my face. The song of bugs filled every corner of the land, and the bellowing of something can be occasionally heard. Jean draws his weapon, so I did the same. I may be immortal, yes, but I still get hurt. And scared.

"What now?"

"I don't know. Any plans?" Jean returned seriously. What an idiot.

"You're an idiot."

"That's not a good way to talk to your boss, now."

"You're not my boss. Also, this is also not a good time to be walking around. Seriously. What made you think this was a good idea?"

"You know, despite your flat voice, you're honestly sounding like an idiot now. It's getting pretty annoying. Are we still not over that? "



"... Okay, okay. I'm sorry." Jean sighed, his tone persuading me to forgive him. " I've thought of a plan. Let's split up. She'll be easier to find that way. Does that sound good, chief? "

"The best. I'm going straight ahead."

"Alright. I'll go this way." Jean pats my back before disappearing into the tall grass. This feels nice. I'm all alone now. I can think to myself again... Okay. What was that? It sounded really close... Okay. I'm done. Somebody, help. Where's Jean when you need him?... Oh, it's just a baby boar. How cute. I was about to approach it when a large rustle took my attention. The noise disappeared just as quickly as it appeared, and the baby boar's gone now. Where did it go?


I return to the station, giving up after hours and hours of searching for her. I can't wait to sleep. Esmeralda's brown hair came to view as I recognized that familiar face just hours before. It was Jean, and he found the girl with the flaxen hair. Both of them looked dirty. I wonder what happened to them?

"Where have you been?" Esmeralda worriedly says, "We've been waiting for you."

"I was looking for her." I pointed to the girl. "How long have I kept you guys waiting?"

"A couple of hours now." Jean interrupted. "I found her an hour after we split up. You were approximately four hours late."

"Well, sorry. I didn't know. Can we go now?"

"Sure, but we need to do something for her after we rest."

The sky starts to lighten as the four of us returned to the shop. As we went up the stairs, Esmeralda gives the newcomer a key and points to the room next to hers. She tried to say something, but I was too tired to care. Finally. Some peace. I close the door to my room, and with joy in my heart, I jumped in the bed.


Where...am I? Despite being alone, the sound of laughter can be heard from all sides of the room. The noise got quieter as I slowly rose from the bench, slowly, slowly... Until there is nothing. Where's Jean? Where's... everyone? I walk onto the hall, my boots making loud noises as they stepped on the red floor, silently hoping for an answer. The golden walls shone an uncomfortable sheen, and I couldn't help but think that they're hiding something.

I went around the room, looking for hints as to where this place is, but to no avail. The room is literally empty. Is this... a dream?... It must be.


Then there was noise again. The laughter came back. There were two doors next to each other. It's coming from the left.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

I tried yelling out, but no response came. The laughter only intensified. The door wouldn't budge, but I still kept on tugging, expecting someone from the other side to open it. But no one didn't. The laughter just grew, louder, louder, until I couldn't stand it anymore. I rush back to where I came from, but the voices. They're following me. Someone make it stop!


I close my eyes, hoping that I would fall back asleep and dream something else. It did nothing. The voices won't let me. I need to get out or I'll lose it! Nothing in this scene just feels right!... Right! That's it!

Everything was so maddening... That it didn't occur to me that there was another door. Mustering all my strength and sanity, I rush through the second door.


Everything is silent again. Thank the gods. It stopped, but it was replaced by the annoying headache I had when I first woke. I enter the room, investigating as to what the hell is going on. The air is suffocating, like it's cramped with people, but I don't see anyone around. A limelight points toward an empty stage, followed by the thundering crash of the door closing. A chill went down my spine as a voice echoes from the door which I came from.

"Help... me..." I hear a voice. It sounded weak, but high and familiar. Like a young man. It was Jean's.

"Jean?!" I screamed. "HEY! OPEN UP!"

I sweat profusely as I grab onto the door handle, only to realize that it's locked. I bang on the door loudly, once, twice, but nothing happened. The silence is starting to get to me. After a few more minutes of jerking and pulling, my anxiety grew, along with my despair, but something inside kept me on control. Was it my pride? I took a deep breath, rationalizing everything. Okay, think. There should be another way out. There has to be someth--

And then there was brightness. Another light shone, on me this time, and I reflexively squinted my eyes in response to it. It grew, until it consumed everything in white. It felt hot, unusually hot, like the blistering sun on a normal day. I can also feel something. A pressure in the air. The room felt hot, like a thousand people were breathing straight into me. The pressure increased, and now I'm having a hard time breathing. And moving. What's happening? I stood in place as the room felt hotter, feeling the limelight's glare intensifying. "H...u...."

Then the familiar sensation hit me. The light was burning me alive. With headache and flames combined, I struggled to stay conscious for what seemed like hours. My body and mind... Is starting to feel numb now. I feel... Sleepy...


I woke up to the sound of bells ringing in the distance again. It's noon, and I strangely felt refreshed despite only having six hours of sleep. Cold sweat ran through my body, and I took a shower before going into the kitchen. Nelen and Esmeralda sat on the table as Jean cooked, watching him as he worked.

"Just in time." He smiled. "The food's about ready."

We all ate to our heart's content for a few good minutes. Not one word was uttered the entire meal, and I surmise it was because they're still tired from yesterday. Or a few hours back. We only got to talk after finishing, and I noticed that Nelen looked a lot better in personal. She still has those impassive eyes from the photo back at the guild, but I guess it adds to her beauty.

" ime for introductions, then?" Jean asks, but answers it himself. "Nelen. This is Sol. He'll be working with you from now on."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled, but she only returned with a nod. A cool type, huh? I'm already starting to like her.

"And this girl, right here, is Esm--"

"We already know each other."

"Really? Since when?" Jean asked.

"She usually comes here once in a while to help me gather some materials for the clothes. I was about to tell you guys when you mentioned it at the bar, but I kind of forgot about it."

"Well, that's neat. You guys get along now. " Jean turns to me. " Anyways, do you remember what I said last night?"

"The theatre?" I asked.


"The theatre?" Nelen inquired. There's a hint of sharpness in her tone.

"Yes. And before you ask. No. You don't get a say in this. It starts at two, so get ready. Also, Sol? Bring your Armas. I'm going to teach you some magic after this."

"What's that?"

"It's just a fancy term for weapons. Don't worry about it."

The theatre, huh?

A storm is brewing...

Kuuzuucreators' thoughts