
Saints and Scourges: The Half-Demon of Stassi

Main Plot: Saints and Scourges "If there exists a world filled with wondrous amounts of power, would it be a blessing or a curse?" Set on a modern-medieval era where literally everyone has access to magic, the SnS series revolves around Sol and his misadventures. He doesn't know what happened to him and he's immortal for some reason, so he decides on a quest to regain his lost memories. He then meets (on a rather ridiculous circumstance) and later befriends an eccentric knight named Jean, who is rich for some reason and is willing to give stupid offers to get what he wants. Join Sol and Jean as they fulfill their mutual desires and travel the realm of Ensaeres to unravel what the real world of magic is capable of. Subplot: The Half-Demon of Stassi The demon, the mastermind, and the wildcard. Told in the eyes of Sol, the first edition of the SnS series revolves around the half-demon Nelen. Often referred to as "The Maiden", she got her reputation after killing the king of Stassi twelve years ago. The people doesn't know why she did it, and they're too afraid to ask, so Nelen had a very small social circle. Sol later found out that Jean managed to convince her to join his team, but he always knew there would be a catch. In exchange for joining his crew, Jean promised what Nelen desired: Her mother's killer. . WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE, VIOLENT ENCOUNTERS, MORE STRONG LANGUAGE AND MEME REFERENCES FOR ANIME ENTHUSIASTS. THAT IS ALL, THANK YOU.

Kuuzuu · Fantasie
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43 Chs

A king's briefing

I expected the murmuring that came next. I can't blame them, though. He just claimed he was a demon just like Nelen. To be honest, I'm not even surprised at this point. The spell he cast back when we were fighting was already proof enough. I mean, come on. That guy looked a bit like us when we drank Nelen's blood.

"So is there a rule about demons acting out as Royal Knights?" I fix my crown.

"There's a small bit, yes. Demons are usually frowned upon because their ancestors were notorious for colonizing small villages. I thought you knew." Estressa fans herself.

"Hmm. That's interesting. So what's their take on red eyes over here?"

"It shall be negative, whatever it i--."

Curses and boos immediately come before Estressa finishes her speech, and Naas gives them all the finger. Wow. He's way more ill-mannered than me. I'm already starting to like him. The people respond by throwing food and shouting even more. Oh, no. This, I don't like. Don't waste food, for fuck's sake!

"Don't waste food, for fuck's sake!" I roar, silencing everyone in the room. Jean summons his wolf and makes it clap like an idiot. He's going to make me laugh at this time. Nice job, Jean. "Pfft. Hmm. Hmm. Okay. Everyone, shut the fuck up for a second. Erm... What's your name again?"

"I am Naas. Are you still sure about hiring me?" He smiles and lifts a can of beer he caught when they were throwing food around. "Do you mind if I drink?"

"Yes. I'm sure and no. I don't mind if you drink. Just promise me you'll do your job so people don't get any madder, okay?"

"Okay, cool."

Naas raises the can and pops it open. Looks of disgust fill his back, and he notices this, so he gives them another finger. Their booing intensifies, and Jean's screaming at the background like an idiot. So this is one of the burdens of being king, huh? Taking care of all of its citizens? This sounds like a challenge... A challenge a guy like me can handle. The crowd looks at me, as if expecting something.

"What are you guys looking at? Wanna fight?" I look at the kids and smile.

"Please do not fight the kids." Estressa sighs. "It is unfit for a king such as yourself."



Jean summons another wolf on her side and throws the middle finger at me. Well, that's great. Nelen and Esmeralda are just laughing, while everyone on the crowd stares at me like I'm a piece of art. Hmm. I'm guessing they aren't used to a king who swears like a sailor? I don't know. Maybe I should do something to lighten the mood. I'm going to be their king starting tomorrow, after all.

"Uhh... We should celebrate?" I shout. Jean's laughter intensifies.

"How? The city's being attacked by human puppets!" One girl screams.

"She's right! Do you think we can sit by knowing that there are terrorists out there?!" Another one says and leers at two men. "We have enough people in here with mental problems."

"What the fuck did you say, you bimbo?"

"You heard me, homosexual."

The room turned into a discussion. Quick. Debates stemming from beliefs ignite the dining room, and everyone's talking shit to each other. This is amazing. Estressa is trying to keep her composure, and the face of Naas suggests he isn't happy as well. I mean he IS whispering to himself. People only do that when they're about to chant something. Xaar, Xerr, and Arlynn also don't know what to do.

"Whoever dances the best wins this Void Stone!!!"

Heads turn as Jean presents an orb similar to what he gave me when we first met. The wolves behind him are doing... Something? Oh. Musical instruments. They're really going to start playing music like idiots. The smooth, yellow floor squeaks as a few people back away from the black aura coming from him. He's just grinning, and he points to the pink-haired girl a few meters to his left. He whispers to Nelen. Nelen then whispers to Esmeralda.

"Nelen Bordeaux, you are not permitted." Esmeralda smiles.

"I expected this." Nelen puts her arm around her lover. "You heard her."

"Oh, well. I guess I'll take this into my own hands, then. You! Come here!"

Jean slides over to the girl and offers his hand. She responds by taking it after removing her glasses off and putting it in her breast pocket. Just like that, they start dancing. The sound of armor and smooth body movements mix with fireworks as they dance while casting magic at the same time. They are holding each other's hand with one, while summoning different kinds of spells with the other. No eyes look away as they take their time with their tango, and the music coming from the wolves... Kinda makes me want to dance. Hmm. This isn't good.

"I'll make it two if you guys start doing it now!"

Jean graces everyone with his smile as he twirls with the pink-haired stranger. The sliding went from gliding as little tornadoes form around their lower bodies, lifting them up into the air. I think it was called Vento Laurem or something? I'll try to chant it silently to see if it works..... Oh, shiiiit. It does. I don't feel so good.

"Help..." I look at Estressa with pleading eyes, but she casts the spell herself and joins me.

"Shall we dance?" She grabs me and puts her lips onto my left ear. "Just play along, will you?"

Estressa leads me in the air, as if she's stepping on the floor itself. She summons yellow wisps with her fan, and they dance around us while raining glitter on the people below. The children below us cheer and start dancing along, and some people actually summoned weird musical instruments. Esmeralda's green hair and long skirt flows with the wind as she starts to dance with the kids. Some people are still skeptical, though.

"How much exactly is a Void Stone?" One teen says.

"I don't know. What even are those?" Another one says.

"I think it costs around three hundred and fifty thousand." A man joins the conversation. "Only if it's authentic, then yeah. It gives good money."

"I will make it two if all the people in here start dancing NOW!"

Jean finishes his dance by chanting his spell off and dragging the girl with him (in his usual, graceful way, of course). They land before the wolves, and Jean is grabbing her back and locking with the stranger's hands. Their faces are close to each other and they are panting. I swear to gods he's so gentle. Too gentle for a man, to be exact. Some of the audience clap at them, while some start dancing along as well. The tension is starting to ease. Jean's actually doing a good job. It's unbelievable.

"Shall we dance? Or is that a no?" Estressa frowns as she turns my head to her face.

"Hmm. We're goin' to dance. Just lead me. Even if we're walking on air, I still have two left feet."

"Do not worry about that, dear. Consider today a prerequisite on what's about to come."

"Good point, Estressa. Hmm. Now that I think about it... What exactly does a king do?"

"Excellent question, dear. They usually do the duties of protecting the kingdom, launching infrastructural projects, and you shall also represent us on foreign affairs... Mmm. Another thing. It is also your job to collect and use the taxes given by the citizens, although collectors do that for you."

Hmm. That doesn't sound so bad. Maybe I can get away with a few Cings for myself... Nah. Jean's enough money on my wallet. I'll just focus on helping this city. This might be fun. Also, this crown is making my head itch. What's this made from?.... Oh, shit. I think this is cabbage king's crown... Gods. I'm technically the cabbage king right now. Hmm. My feet feel like they're walking on ai--

"Oh. I'm doing it right now."

"What is it, dear?"


Estressa asks and fixes my crown. The crowd seems pleased. For now. There's still a hint of tension in the air. Maybe they're not used to celebration? Or is the music too slow? I look at Jean, and he's patting the shoulders of the wolves. I guess this party's ov--

"Jean. Summon a mic and give it to me! I can sing!"

Everyone looks at Nelen as Jean summons a mic out of thin air and throws it. The wolves are also changing their instruments for some... reason?... Hmm. That table is an instrument? Oh, wow. That's amazing. The table is producing music. It's making the tunics and dresses worn by the women glow, and the men are also starting to follow along. Well, this is nice. The volume and the beats of the music are increasing, and so are everyone's movements. Estressa's also dragging me in the air like a rag doll now. We only need some effects, now. I look at the four Royal Knights. Hmm.

"Show something amazing!" I shout, and they look up.

"Like what, baby?!" Xerr replies and smiles.

"I don't know! Summon something! Like those small lizards! Make them dance! Or cast spells! Just make something they'll enjoy!"

"Alright, baby! Xaar? Wanna give them a show?" Xerr drags her brother along the crowd. I turn to Arlynn, but's he's looking at me funny.

"The Chimerian Legion wasn't made for this kind of thing, sir!" Arlynn says.

"Think of something, then! Wait!... One... Three... Where's Naas?"

"He's going for the door, sir!"

"Wait, what?" I turn my head to the door. Sure enough, he is halfway through it. "Naas! Show us something amazing!"

"Sorry. I am going to leave this room. I hate noisy places like these. I'd rather stay--"

His words become silent as he shuts the door behind him, so I focus my attention back to the party...

There's still debate on various sects and cults, but they are all doing it in a fashionable way. They are dancing while arguing, and so are those who are religious and those who aren't. Straight and homosexual. Lion men who revere a lion god, and snake men who praise on their own. They are all doing dance battles, and they are competing to see which members are better at dancing. It's very wholesome. I would protect this with my life.

"Shall we take this chance?" Estressa whispers.

"What chance?"

"Hold tight, dear. Ilyacus Castrae."

Another group of yellow sprites come out of her body, and they spin before releasing a wave with the same color. A barrier forms around us, and I can feel the stare of the people as the barrier gets smaller and smaller. The sprites fly above us, and a sickening feeling sweeps over me. For some reason, we are in a different place. There's no one here, and the room's much wider now. Is it because of the spell?... Who the hell am I asking. Of course it is.

"Of course it is." I whisper to myself. Shit. My head feels like it's spinning.

"What is it, dear? State it." Estressa yawns and takes a few buttons off the sleeves of her garb.

"Hmm. First of all, where exactly are we?"

"In the castle halls. We shall sleep now, my dear."

"What? What's the time right now?"

"It is late. The clocks shall turn eight a few minutes from now."

"Hmm... Wait. We're sleeping at eight?"

"We shall have a long day ahead of us, my dear."

"Hmm... By the way, I just noticed. You're not changing your way of speaking." I say.

"Apologies, dear. Habit can be pretty hard to control sometimes. Shall I do it?" She replies.

"Oh, no. I'm not forcing you if it makes you uncomfortable. Are we the only ones in here?"

"I shall say no, dear. There are guards, maids, and butlers ready to cater us. Join me in the bedroom, dear. We shall sleep there."

She takes her fan out and fans herself again while I follow. So this is the castle hall. It looks antique and timeless, just like all of the buildings here. Chandeliers filled with shiny stones swing as we go through another door, and a man dressed in a suit greets us. Must be one of the butlers in this castle.

"Shall we eat once more? Are you hungry?" She asks.

"No. I could use a bit of bath water, though. I feel sticky."

"So be it. Our trusted servant, Cervantes, shall lead you into the bedroom as soon as you are done."


She walks through another door and disappears, leaving me to follow Cervantes across the room. He leads me into a bathroom as large as the library of the orphanage. Finally. I can think to myself again... Hmm. Can I actually forget about finding my memories? I'm living a nice life out here, and the gang looks like they can fend for themselves. I'll miss all the adventure, though. The hot water gives me goosebumps as I jump inside the pool, and a sense of relief sweeps over me. Shiiiiiit. This is life. This has to be life. No financial problems. A city-wide prestige. I wonder what awaits me after this? Do I still need Jean? Maybe it's a lot better if I can live like this forever...

Not. Oh, well. It's a long day ahead. I guess I better take a nappie.

Can't pump out much chapters because i have exams coming out this week. hopefully I can graduate soon so I can travel around and learn from expert writers themselves. Ciao, guys :D

Kuuzuucreators' thoughts