
Saint of Black Kite~ The Banished Healer Masters Dark Magic

Sir_Smurf3 · Fantasie
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91 Chs

Today is the First Time that I was able to ‘Give’

I can feel the weight of my childhood friend between my arms. I'm giving her a princess carry after all. Even if nobody tells me so, even I know for a fact that Emmy loves this kind of situation the most. To be honest, carrying a person wearing full plate armor is really grueling… But, she really did her best today so this much is fine. Though, yeah, it would have helped if she's a bit lighter. I was lost and questioning everything previously for being the only useless one. No matter how much I wanted to help, I wasn't able to do anything since my specialty and purpose had already lost its place. I then learned from Sybilla how to fight. Then acquired powers that only I can call mine. That was the day that I finally thought that I can finally now stand and walk forward on my own. But is that really the case? Looking back, weren't all of these things happened because of Sybilla? She even paid attention to every single detail and took very good care of us since we've arrived in Seiris. The sense of partnership is certainly there but I can't help but think that I've received more than what I had given. That's why I decided to give Emmy's sword my dark attribute. It isn't what Sybilla had thought of and instructed but a decision I made on my own. Sybilla had already seen through the darkness that resides in Emmy's heart which I saved her from. But without the memories Emmy and I had spent together and the sudden realization of her class, I would have never figured it out on my own. Not to mention, even if Sybilla tried to save her on her own, nothing will change as the way of saving Emmy is something that only I can do. –For the first time today, I felt like I was able to be the one to 'give'. Hey, Sybilla. I wonder if this is enough to allow me to stand right next to you. You who is willing to stretch her hand towards not just me and Eve, to you, an existence that can never be more proud of–. […Ahehe, fufufufun… e-eighteen corpses of floor bosses, oh how bountiful~ The ears of the armored ones are different even from its usual counterparts especially that huge one! Ah, how plenty, I'll definitely squeeze Gilmas and get lots of moneeyyy~] —…Hm. I almost forgot just how you are during the most important parts… [Haai,it wouldn't be much for the both of you to take care of the ones around that area, no?] Sybilla then moves her hand from my mouth and claps her hands to dismiss us. Mine and Emmy's eyes meet and as expected, her embarrassment can't anymore take it as she makes her way down from my arms. …I am not really sure if she broke her hips but let's use recovery magic just in case. [For the time being, let's retrieve everything that we should retrieve. You did good job out there, both of you.] [Yeah, you did great too. Fighting these floor bosses without you is something I wouldn't even dare to imagine…] [Un, that's true. Thank you so much, Sybilla-san.] [Looking at the results objectively, I didn't do any even a tiny bit of damage against the enemy and we were able to defeat them because of you two. You guys don't need to exaggerate things for me.] Sybilla then happily reaches her hand and starts to tap and stroke mine and Emmy's head. …Emmy seems happy but I hope you know that I am not particularly enjoying being treated this way. [Emmy really is the cutest after all but Russell is the direct opposite as he frowns, isn't he~ even though every single guy out there would die just to feel even a little bit of touch from me.] [Oi, look at you getting too ahead of yourself. But it's not about that…] I lightly remove Sybilla's hand on top of my head as I try to look away from her and awkwardly scratch my own hair as I continue my reply. [It's this kind of treatment from a senior and junior relationship that I… It's just that I want to be treated as someone of equal standing or something like that, you see.] I sneak a look at her as she widens her eyes a bit before she puts her hand on her mouth to cover her grin while looking like she has found a brand new toy for her to thoroughly enjoy. Damn it, how can I be this stupid. I should have expected this kind of reaction happening knowing Sybilla. [Afufufu. Looks like Russell is finally looking earnestly towards the fascinating Sybilla-chan!] [I don't mean any of those words in that direction.] [Oh you don't have to be shy~. Well, if you really want to stand by my side, then….] Sybilla then steps back while keeping her playful grin and points her finger towards her back. A moment after, jet black wings had shown itself and spread wide and free. [Prove yourself and show me that you can do the same things as me, the 'Dusk's Goddess'!] [You're asking for something ridiculously impossible, oi.] There's no way i'll be able to get powers akin to a god, isn't it! You know that it's impossible for me, and I think so too, but you could have just given me something I'll be able to achieve if I seriously tried to do it! Sybilla continuously laughs as she closes her wings. This girl really just manifested her goddess' wings right in this place just to show off. Now it just feels like there's not a bit of mystery about goddesses divinity… ….Heck, what the hell I am even saying. What mystery and divinity. There's no such thing in the first place. This is Sybilla we're talking about here! [Awawawawa...] Emmy looks at Sybilla visibly shock…. Oh, it's the first time she have seen it, huh. [Emmy, that was just how Sybilla looks when she shows her divinity as a Goddess…. But as you can see, it's still the same Sybilla inside which doesn't really seem like a goddess at all.] [Wait up, just what do you mean by that.] [It's just what it is. Just where else can you find a goddess with short hair wearing clothes fitting for a melee adventurer.] [I cut my hair immediately when I manifest in this world because honestly long hair will just be a bother. It will just get in the way in close quarter combats, no?] It seems that Sybilla really has long hair that she just cuts every time. The story I heard from Jannet then that 'for girls, their hair is their life' is just fictitious I guess. Her reasoning is solid and logical too. Goddess mystery and stuff might just as well be goblin's feed.* Yareyare, I really can't help but think this is just like Sybilla's way of thinking. [Well then] Sybilla then suddenly cuts off the light atmosphere around us and her gaze instantly turns sharp as she looks to the door. We instinctively follow her gaze and what's what we found is…! [The door is…!] Beyond that door should be the bottom levels. In other words… it's the place where that guy is. [We'll not be able to get breather this time… Russell's inescapable attack by continuously using offensive magic leaving no place to run won't work this instance. Unlike the fight against Living Armor of Oblivion from Adoria Dungeon, Russell now has Emmy-chan to stand in front and prevent attacks coming for him. I intend to launch offensive magic as well from the back.] Everyone's been fighting together all this time but Sybilla's apparently thinking of countermeasures while doing so. I see… Seems like I still have long ways to go if I want to stand beside her in terms of using our heads. [I want to hear your thoughts. What should we do then?] [I can make walls appear from the ceiling too using the same magic. So I'll make the place tighter and on top of that, I'll put a wall and spears on the ceiling to cut its escape route above. The enemy is probably adept on moving midair as what we've seen on how he dodged earlier that's why I'll take the initiative and modify the dungeon's terrain to put it at a disadvantage.] To challenge demon lords who are the makers of the dungeon by modifying the dungeon itself… This girl Sybilla really thinks of some crazy ideas…! I sincerely wish from the bottom of my heart for her to be the last person in this world to become my enemy…. [Uwa… Sybilla-san, you really think well, huh.] [If I can't do this much then I won't be any different from just a normal who can't do any of her job. Well, you can leave the thinking to me!] Sybilla's words and oozing realibility made me and Emmy nod towards her. Well then, now for the decisive battle.