
Saint of Black Kite~ The Banished Healer Masters Dark Magic

Sir_Smurf3 · Fantasie
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91 Chs

An Unexpected Reunion while Exploring what Seemed a Dungeon Created by that Demon Lord

We are in front of the entrance of the hidden dungeon that suddenly appeared. The insides of the cave seems totally honest as its walls are emitting lights that allow us to see the insides of it which is unique to a dungeon and tells us that this isn't just an ordinary rocky cave but a place infested of monsters. The sound of the waves crashing on the cliff sends shivers on our skins here in the shores in the middle of the night where there is no one else around. I look to the person in front of me who's trembling at the shocking sight revealed of what was hidden below the boulder, Sybilla. [When did you start to notice?] [Around Noon. I thought of the routes a monster can use to get in this place. From the second dungeon, seabed, ground, and other sources possible. I immediately cut the possibility from the first two. Though a route from the ground can be considered since it is a rabbit, it is still not possible.] [Why is that?] [Fine sands crumble immediately so no matter how small the hole a rabbit can dig, it will collapse… Furthermore, unlike rocks that have gaps, fine sands are tightly compressed that's why if a hole emerges, fine sands will immediately fill the gap. Considering the immediate closure of any holes, the heaviness as well of the compressed fine sands won't allow a monster from the upper levels to push through.] So much details… Still, for the sand to be heavier than a rock despite its soft and smooth appearance, if that's what Sybilla said then it's best to believe of it to be true. [Following the same theory, a dungeon entrance can't be made as well on a beach. Then what would be left are the cliffs. Using holes that are much smaller compared to humans, there's always the possibility for a single monster to escape in such a dungeon.] […Ah, so that's why Sybilla-san did not swim even for a bit and just walked back and forth in places under the shades of rocks, right?] [Correct… I made you worry earlier in the afternoon, isn't it, I feel a little sad and guilty myself as we were not able to play together.] [Eh!? Ah, Ahahaha… So you've noticed, huh… As expected of Sybilla-san. Uun, it's okay! I was worried because you look a bit down but I know how awesome and cool Sybilla-san is so!] I can see Emmy getting a sense of relief upon knowing that Sybilla isn't depressed or sad earlier in the afternoon. Her face shows how glad she is from the bottom of her heart. This may be the prettiest expression she has made since quite a while. …Perhaps, this moment would be the one to return Emmy's liveliness originally from before. [I checked this place earlier as well using detection magic to look for enemies. I didn't detect anything from above so tonight, we'll proceed while making a mess out of everything–] Sybilla makes her way first into the dungeon upon seeing Emmy's wide smile. We watch her back and think of the same thing at the same time. [This is a battle of wits between the Demon Lord and Sybilla, right…] [Un… I, from the bottom of my heart, am grateful that Sybilla-san is on our side.] It's as you say. It's a battle of the brains, a place where I don't feel there's a place for me to belong… We chase the back of our party's reliable Goddess-sama and set foot into the dungeon. … …? [N?] [What's up, Russell?] I turned around when we entered the dungeon but what's reflected in my eyes is just a little portion of the night's sea. [Nothing much. Probably just my imagination.] I think I heard something but… If someone else made it this far then we should have seen it. I want to think that it isn't the demon lord lurking. But I don't think it would be dangerous with Emmy here by my side. […] Still, let's be careful of surprise attacks just in case. Sybilla stops her track after we walk to some extent in front of an intersection divided between two directions. Left and right. [Magic detection, confirming enemies in both directions. Well then, this excitement of exploring a new dungeon, it's been a while… or not.] We've just completed Adoria's dungeon which is technically a new one though so she must be referring to that. [Emmy-chan, please continue towards the right path. Russell, you keep guard of our backs. If my expectations are correct, monsters will aim for our backs right after we choose a side.] Emmy moves to the right path as Sybilla had instructed and then, a monster shows itself and Sybilla utters its name. [Needle Boar…!] A monster that puts all of its strength to rush forward and trample everything on its path. Short but thick horns protrude on the forehead of the purple wild boar. [This place is just too thorough, isn't it? Putting a middle level monster right from the get go, if a feeble party accidentally wanders in here they'll probably not make it out alive.] …The monster that initially broken out from the dungeon is just an upper level floor monster, a needle rabbit. But what greeted us inside just on the first floor is already a monster of the middle levels. I am convinced seeing this familiar cunningness. –That demon lord is behind the creation of this dungeon. Emmy receives the ramming wild boar's attack with her shield and uses the sword in her right hand to cut it. It doesn't matter how much strength it has behind its legs, it will never be enough to push the current Emmy back. After confirming the situation on the side, I return my gaze to the back and remain vigilant. [It's coming. Shoot.] Emerging along with Sybilla's words… From the back, a needle boar also appeared. Considering a pincer attack coming from two middle level monsters just in the first floor, in addition to Sybilla's warning earlier, I think our movements are being completely monitored. …Seriously, I thought I can't hate that demon lord any further. []!] I already launched the offensive magic simultaneous with Sybilla's warning and the monster's appearance. Just looking at the needle board immediately made me realize that it is a monster that can't easily change its trajectory. With the magic that allowed me to slaughter armors in the lower levels, the needle boar only took a single hit to lose its life before flying to the walls from the aftermath of the impact then rolling several times on the ground before making a stop. I watch Sybilla take the brown horn from the corpse of the monster as I anticipate what hand will the demon lord use next. …If a needle boar appears just from the first floor of the upper levels, then what monster would there be in the lower levels? Then, more importantly… The floor boss. I just can't imagine what kind of monster nor its appearance will be. There's only one thing I am sure of. It can only be anything but far from ordinary. We steadily make our way killing needle boars and clearing the monsters on the first floor. We've been pincered several more times but we already got the hang of it and it poses no more problems. We left Emmy in the vanguard and I make sure to completely destroy the enemies from the back. We will probably finish the first floor soon. Then, Sybilla appears to have some difficulty as she lets out a groan. […Somehow, the numbers are getting bigger and bigger. On this intersection, there's five on the right while on the left… Just how many monsters are there, this is getting dangerous, isn't it…] [Really?] [Yeah. But as long as they are lump together then I can deal with it. But just in case, please prepare splash as I launch my range attacks. We will leave the right side to Emmy-chan to deal with by herself] [Hai. Please leave it to me.] I listen to Sybilla's instructions and follow her on the left path but… Seeing what's in here is outside of my expectations. [There's no monster in the wide room. It appears the monsters are hiding inside the walls, no?…Should we go straight away and fire off? Blocking the walls instead works well too though.] [If we have to be this wary just from the first floor then I don't think we can fight in the lower levels.] [I think so as well. More importantly, I don't think your wind barrier can be easily breach at this level. What do you think, Emmy-chan?] [Hai- I can defeat all enemies if it's just to this extent.] We nod our heads together and use defensive magic as we rush into the center of the room. It is as we expected that there are needle boars on the right side where Emmy heads to but the left side is…! […Needle Rabbits! We've come this far with conviction just for the levels of the monsters to fall!] The needle rabbits are… they just keep on coming one after another from behind the rocks and small holes that won't fit the human size. The needle rabbits didn't attack right away but they keep on jumping in an attempt to surround us. [! These rabbits dare to make a formation!? How impudent!] [!] I start dealing with the monsters that are making movements that are not imaginable for creatures known just obedient to their instincts. Sybilla then clicks her tongue and says something surprising. [Russell, Above-Sphere!] [Above!? []! The magic has subsided and what fell from the ceiling is a corpse of a needle rabbit. [There's a small hole leading to the ceiling! [!] Sybilla keeps on firing off her offensive magic to deal with the monsters on one side but with me keeping the ceiling in check, the monsters are starting to spread further as they surround us. I really don't feel that threatened due to our defensive magic but the number and the direction where the monsters continually appear is getting really annoying! This way how to annoy people — it's really that demon lord! I fire off an offensive magic to the ceiling once again according to Sybilla's suggestion but then… I saw a glimpse of something silver on the corner of my eye. What now, is it another enemy!? [Russell, don't shoot!] [Ha!?] What Sybilla wants me to do is to standby. It is rather surprising given the situation but how am I supposed to know that what will happen next is more shocking. –A needle rabbit's blood spread in all directions before it fell down. I confirm the appearance of the person who killed it and felt convinced about what I sense behind from the entrance. Emmy, who just defeated another monster, shouts upon seeing that figure on my behalf. [Eve-chan!?] Bashfully scratching her head with a large knife on her other hand, the young female orphan has made her appearance.