
Saga of Tanya the Demon Slayer

after making the deal with the two godly beings and being reborn for a second time to a world where demons in Japan kill and eat humans, Tanya finds herself becoming a demon slayer in hopes bringing peace to this slightly screwed up world. along the way she will make new friends and allies, and even old ones as well. as well as some foes old and new. Will Tanya succeed in her goals and be one step closer to finally taking down Being X? or will she die for a third time before she can even get close? final chapters are up! thank you everyone for reading even if I ended it early. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37523479/chapters/101646183#workskin where i got the novel from This is a fanfic btw

Tvv · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
69 Chs

Military Co-operation: Celebration and loss



A couple of days had passed since the defeat of the lower 6 demon and Cheers were heard throughout the military base, as the soldiers celebrated after their commanding Officer, Ruderkodia had announced that they had finally taken down the 'terrorism' threatening Takoi village. Some of the villagers even arrived to celebrate with them. While yesterday the soldiers grieved for their comrades that died a day prior, now they could celebrate their victory. Along with the 'mercenaries' that had helped them do so. 


Granz and Wilibald were patched up as the unwanted duel they had that night had left them quite injured, the former more than the latter. "Sorry again for…almost killing you," Willibald said as the moment he had snapped out of the demon's control his sword was just at Granz's head. The other boy laughed nervously, "it is fine Koe, I am just glad I held out just long enough. And that you are alright now." Weiss smacked glasses of drinks with his fellow former soldiers. Patting his hand hard onto Lehren's back, the blue-haired man was far past drunk. "Oh come on man, I know you beat up over Janoi being gone, but I did not expect you to get drunk after only a few glasses." Lehren merely looked up at Weiss in his drunken state, his best friend Janoi is missing, likely one of the soldiers found dead outside the base, among the many pieces they had been found in. he was not in the mood. "Shut up stone head." 


Weiss was about to comment back when suddenly a large hand had held his entire head. He gulped and turned his head to see the angry face of Ruderkodia "h-hi sir." He mumbled out. "A little birdie told me you let a demon getaway." Weiss gulped again, he was about to ask what 'birdie' but he noticed his Crow snickering on the general's shoulder. "You traitor!" he yelled at his crow, the bird flew off pretending not to hear. "You must make up for this, 50 push-ups. Now!" Weiss was thrown to the ground. "I am no longer a soldier you can't-" he was stopped as he noticed the glare the general was giving him "now it's one hundred." 


Weiss not wanting to make it worse for himself started doing the push-ups. "I think I preferred it when you were a puppet," he grumbled, gaining a kick from the general. "Hah!" all the soldiers on the table started laughing. "Serves you right you prick," Lehren said with a grin, but he felt a grasp on his head as well. "Now all of you get to do the same," Ruderkodia spoke in a deep voice, and the soldiers despite being drunk did so, all groaning and complaining as they did. Especially Lehren, who unlike Weiss had little muscle strength. 


Meanwhile, over by a different table, Tanya and Mary were sitting alongside a few villagers who had come, but they did not join the conversation. "W-well, I Guess even now despite being a demon slayer Weiss will always have sir Ruderkodia as his general," Mary said as she physically held back laughter. Tanya laughed after she saw it, but not for long. "Yeah, could be worse, they could be having a drinking contest with Viktoriya." her eyes leaned over to where Viktoriya, face flushed drunk was chugging down many glasses with soldiers and villagers alike failing to keep up with her and either vomiting, falling unconscious, or both. "U-um miss Kocho-" Tanya cut her off by lifting her hand, "I told you, Mary, you can call me Tanya now." 


Mary's face went a little pink and nodded "t-thank you. But I was thinking I should tell the general that he should go easy on Weiss. It was after the demon he let go that told me the weakness of the leading demons' blood art." Tanya blinked, a little surprised by what she heard. "A demon working against another demon? Very odd" Mary nodded in agreement "yeah. I think he hated him a lot for making him and my father stay at this village to constantly attack them." 


Tanya's eyes sidelined a bit, Mary had taken to having her father's yukata around her shoulders, having asked Viktoriya to help her sew it into a Haori, which they would do when later when they could get their hand on the sewing supplies they needed. Mary noticed Tanya was trying not to look at her after bringing up her own father, her eyes narrowed and she looked down at the table. She felt awkward now, she did not hate Tanya, on the contrary, her feeling for the girl in front of her came back just as quickly as they left. But she still needed time to fully forgive Tanya, even if she had no ill-feeling for her. "I-I will go ask Granz and Koe if they think it's a good idea!" with her face flushed she quickly stood up and walked towards the injured boys. 


Tanya sighed and turned her head again, everyone around her was celebrating their victory. She was happy about it as well, especially since she no longer had to deal with Zettour ever again. 'That is until I slay this Muzan guy and then move on to the next world…' she did not feel like celebrating. This was just one little victory in the many she aims to have against Being X. what was the point of celebrating till it was over after all? It was that train of thought that urged Tanya to leave and head inside the base, trying to avoid any chance for someone to pull her into a drinking game or whatever, thankfully there was coffee, something meant for the hangovers that many of these folks would have. So she grabbed a mug of that and went inside. 


"Urrrrh!" another soldier clenched his hand and fell to his knees. "SORRY! I THOUGHT I SHOULD NOT HOLD BACK AS YOU TOLD ME TO!" Rengoku said as he was having an arm-wrestling match, well many in fact. Many of them were doing it out of a need to prove they were better than 'the mercenaries' that had helped them. That was the last one, the most confident of the lot who unfortunately insisted he not hold back as he had with the previous ones. His hand was broken. During the man's screams, Rengoku noticed Tanya going inside. He turned to the soldiers he had beaten, "YOU ALL are quite strong. I bet Sir Ruderkodia can teach you to have a better grip!" The flame hashira stood up and followed after Tanya. 


Tanya sat in a room that had a balcony, she briefly went to stand outside it and look over it. She tried to ignore the fact that her height made so she had to get a stool to see over it and have her arms on the railing. She sipped some of her coffee as she stared at the celebrating people below. "HELLO TANYA KOCHO!" "AHHH! She nearly dropped her mug, some spilled out onto the ground a couple of floors beneath them. She looked over at Rengoku, who also had his arms over the railing. "I told you to stop that." he just gave a cheeky grin back, something Tanya noted was not that much different than his usual permanent grin. 


They stood in silence for a few seconds, baring the yelling from below. "So, Kocho why are you up here instead of down there?" Rengoku asked in a less loud tone. She sighed "damn it just call me Tanya, I might as well get used to it since now Mary is allowed to so you should just call me it as well." the brightly smiling boy said, "then call me Kyojuro." Tanya opened her mouth and went silent, remembering how happy he got when she absentmindedly called him by his first name during their fight with Anson. She averted her gaze from him "no." she did not elaborate further. She felt embarrassed for reasons she could not explain. 


Rengoku was disappointed but kept up his smile. "So how about my question then? Why did you leave?" Tanya grumbled before answering "what? Be around, drunk idiots? I think I'll pass. If Koe, Granz, and Mary are smart they would do the same." she mentioned the three demon slayers who had not drunk any alcohol yet just to make her point sound more valid. Rengoku went silent, and after his smile dropped he said "You're lying Kocho." Tanya looked at him as he looked at her. 'This boy…' she felt a vein pop out on her head. "Look, I am just not big on celebrating, okay? I just do not see the point." she was still lying just half so. He nodded, seemingly buying it. His smile returned "well, in that case, I have two questions for you." 


Tanya raised an eyebrow. "First, I would like you to become my Tsuguko. If you want to that is." Rengoku waited for Tanya's response. But she did not have any. 'Tsuguko? That's what Shinobu is for Kanae right?' she was a bit skeptical "why me? I am still only in the lowest rank, Mizunoto. This was my first mission." Rengoku laughed "So what? I think this mission has proven you more than capable. You took charge, and figured out a plan to defeat the lower six demons, even before Mary had arrived with new information about the weakness." he looked ahead back down at the people celebrating below them "besides, that combined breathing you've done is interesting. I would love to be the one to help you fully master it, perhaps make it your own breathing style." 


Tanya did think that what he said were good points and despite the pain that was this mission it gave her good insight into what to expect on these demon-hunting missions. Besides, she planned to raise in the ranks of the demon slayer corps as fast as possible, just as she had in her previous life. Becoming a Tsuguko was her best bet in case she never got to slay 50 demons or a twelve Kizuki demon. She looked back at Rengoku and nodded. "Alright Rengoku, I accept." the boy's smile raised "perfect. I'll send fill in the necessary documents later." he went silent again. For a bit, Tanya thought he was just thinking about his next question, but after a full minute had passed, she was sure he had just forgotten. "OI! Rengoku, you said you had two questions." she leaned over at flicked on the arm. 


"OH RIGHT!" Rengoku seemed nonchalant about forgetting something so quickly. This time he went silent again, but before Tanya could yell at him, or punch him for possibly forgetting again he spoke up. "Do you remember that bet we made over who could take down the most demons? And whoever took down the most demons gets something? Back when we first encountered that demon who turned out to be Mary's father?" this time Tanya went silent, freaking out in her head 'crap, I had forgotten about that. But that was over two years ago! How the hell does he remember?!' she thought to herself, but instead of giving a straight answer she just nodded. "Well I finally fingered out what I wanted to get, well sorta, more so ask. Kanroji help me figure it out!" 


Tanya was, unsure of how to take that. 'Kanroji? That girl so passionate and obsessed with the mere idea of love her breathing style is literally named after it?!' she held back a gulp, she was certain that Rengoku would not ask anything crazy of her. He looked her head in the eye, for a moment she felt her face feel a little hot, she could tell there was determination in his eyes. "Tanya Kocho…will you go to a festival with me in three years?" 


Tanya feels like she hears a pin drop. 'Eh? What?' she was very unsure of how to take that. Asking someone to go to a festival with you? Bold but not uncommon. Three years from asking though? That is just…' weird' she thought to herself as she felt sweat drops go down her head. 'In three years the Taisho era starts, not right away but even so I doubt he has any way of knowing that.' she then decides to bite the bullet and ask "why three years?" Rengoku blinked and smiled wider "because right now both of us are too young to go on a date ourselves!" if an anvil could fall, it would fall on Tanya's head now. 'Okay, so he knows he is asking me out on a date. But doesn't get how awkward it is that he's asking three years in advance?!' 


Tanya rubbed her temple, she was not even sure how she felt about Rengoku or anyone for that matter. She does not even matter what sexuality she was in her first life as a male, in her second life she felt a closeness with Viktoriya, so much so she cried heavily when she found out the woman died on the battlefield. But she is still unsure of it. "Why are you asking now? Why not you know, three years? At least then it would make sense!" she yelled as if just thinking it was driving her crazy. 


Rengoku patted Tanya on the head, something which only added to her irritation. "Kanroji said the same thing, but I am asking now because I know you. I know you like to consider all the options, if you did not you would not have learned three separate breathing styles even though you were having trouble with the others. If you did not, you would not have asked Viktoriya and Granz to wait till you were ready before taking their own final selection." she blinked and thought to herself 'how did he know that part?' after lifting his hand off her head he said solemnly "I am asking you now so that when the time comes, you are actually certain you want to go to the festival with me. Not just because I asked you right before it happened. So I guess what I am really asking is for you to consider it rather than just agree to it." 


'Consider it?' Tanya looked away from Rengoku. This whole time she has been thinking of every step she needed to get ahead of Being X, making sure Granz and Viktoriya accepted her as a leader figure, getting Mary to be close to her so Being X could not use the girl against her, planning on rising through the ranks which till now she did not have an exact plan of how. He was right, she did like to consider all the options. It is what she did in her previous life as well, despite it failing, though she still blames the higher command of the empire for that. Which was another problem, any time before she had to consider something was always for the betterment of a victory either in a battle, she was in or one that she would be in. she had tried to plan ahead to give herself a nice safe and comfortable life but because of Being X it always backfired somehow. Yet now he was asking her to consider something that had nothing to do with survival or a fight or battle of some kind. 


Tanya looked at Rengoku, he was still smiling "I will…consider it." Rengoku nodded. The two went back to watching below in piece. 


Meanwhile, Below Mary was trying to push a drunk Viktoriya off her, Granz and Wilibald tried to pull her off, but found themself face planted on the floor for their troubles. "V-Viktoriya this hug is far too evasive, don't you have a girlfriend or something that lives near the Kocho butterfly mansion?" Viktoriya made a "mouuuu" sound and very woozily said, "I was trying to cheer you up, because oh that." She tried pointing at Rengoku and Tanya up on the balcony, talking about something none of them could hear. Mary's frantic face mellowed out, she looked away "I-I am sure it's nothing, the two probably just wanted to get away from everyone." Viktoriya hugged Mary harder "ahhh, she is in denial, so sad!" small tears went down the drunk demon slayer's face. Willibald and Granz managed to get back up and pull Viktoriya away, who pouted as they did. Mary looked back at the two flame breathers above and went to go find some water to drink, mumbling to herself as she did. 


A while had passed, and Tanya had finished her coffee and was moping over the side. 'Do I risk running into drunk Viktoriya? Or do I stay here? Coffeeless…' she was wondering this as a crow landed on Rengokus arm "oh hey, I believe I am off-mission duty for now." he said to his crow, but another crow, Tanya's landed by her as well. "Oh, you…what do you want?" she hoped it was not another mission, they just finished one and she was still healing. Her crow however seemed, sad. But before it could speak Rengoku's crow proved to be just as loud as his demon slayer squeaked out loudly "Kanae Kocho, otherwise known as the Flower Pillar of the Hashira has passed. She was fighting an upper moon demon! The demon got away" 


Tanya's eyes widened. And for just a second she remembered what Being Z told her 'I am sorry….' her teethed clenched 'apology not accepted!'



A week had passed since the funeral and Tanya was sitting outside waiting for Shinobu who had asked her to come. She was twirling the yellow butterfly pin Kanae had given her, she of course had experienced the loss of her adoptive older sister, Kanae was always good to her. She even managed to cry a little without forcing it. Still though, much like when Rengoku lost his mother she found herself annoyed with Shinobu, who had 'shed' her usually aggressive and easily agitated personality for one more like Kanae's even smiling almost all the time. And unlike Rengoku who was only faking it sometimes, she could tell her 'older sister' was always faking her smile. 'What is with these people and smiling after they lose someone close to them?' 


Tanya's eyes looked over her shoulder where she spotted Kanao, staring blank-eyed ahead. 'Okay…' Kanao had been following Tanya around the mansion today, in total silence, blank stares the whole time. Aoi told her that Kanao always is like that, and unless told to do something directly Kanao only makes decisions by using a coin. Something which Kanae taught her to do. She saw that Kanao did not have her ponytail down to the side, and had a butterfly pin Kanae used to wear on her knees. "hey…Kanao did you follow me around because you wanted me to put that in for you?" 


Kanao did not answer at first, she took out a coin and flipped it in the air, and then caught it. It landed on heads, she turned to Tanya and said "yes please, onee-san" it felt weird for someone to call her 'older sister' but right now it was the least weird thing Kanao was doing. "Alright." Tanya put her own butterfly hairpin in and then helped Kanao with hers. 


Inside Shinobu was getting dressed, having finished putting on her uniform and Haori. After she put it on she stared at herself in the mirror. "This is fine…" she spoke softly, as she was wearing Kanae's haori now. She remembered how her older sister died. She had asked Shinobu to leave the demon slayer corps with Tanya and to live a normal life. but she refused. She refused till she killed the demon that killed her older sister. Kanae had told her what the demon looked like that killed her, the last thing she ever said to her younger sister. She had a plan to defeat the upper 2 demons, but it would take a while, especially since she had to do it under the radar. 


"For now focus on your mission. You are only one demon away…" Shinobu had been Kanae's Tsuguko, but she was already Kinoe and was only one more demon away from the amount she needed to become a hashira. Though she was sure she was capable, she would wait till after this mission to ask to become one. She may be positive around others now, but she was still a stubborn person. "Tanya is waiting for me…might as well try one thing Onee-san asked." 


When Shinobu went outside she saw Tanya finishing up Kanao's hairpin, she put on her smile and clapped. "Aww that's so cute, Kanao did you thank Tanya?" Kanao nodded. Tanya did not say anything to her, not even hello. Thankfully Shinobu learned to control her anger, otherwise, she would have berated her younger sister for being so rude. "Kanao why don't you go see if Aoi needs help? Tanya and I need to talk." Kanao nodded and went off to do as she was asked. Shinobu then sat next to Tanya. 


Shinobu was about to speak when Tanya said "so you going to stop with that bullshit smile?" a vein behind Shinobu's head popped. "Why, whatever do you mean by that Tanya-chan?" the younger Kocho sibling grumbled "don't call me that. Just Tanya. Look I get it, Kanae liked your smile, probably because it was so rare, but it's creepy when I know it's fake." Shinobu giggled "at least my smile doesn't scare children." she could hear Tanya loudly grumbling after hearing that. Normally she only teased Giyu, but this was fun as well since it at least allowed her to be passive-aggressive. 


Shinobu cleared her throat "anyways, I have come to ask you a question. Tanya…" her voice became calm, and she placed a hand on Tanya's shoulder "would you like to leave the corps? Or be like Aoi and just remain here?" that was two questions, yes, but she was trying to convince Tanya to at least be in a less dangerous position. She was sure Kanae would love either for Tanya. The younger sister did not seem amused, or affable to either question. "No, I joined the corps for a reason. I would not have done so otherwise. Is that all?" Shinobu had to force herself not to frown or get cross with Tanya. "Are you sure? I think you would love a more simple and normal life no?" 


Tanya shook her head, thinking to herself 'well I would, but considering my time limit…' she stood up. "Listen, Shinobu, I have no plans to quit. And I think you know that. Maybe I am wrong, but Kanae asked you to quit, and likely wanted you to ask the same of me. But I refuse." Shinobu sighed and pouted "okay…" she stood up, Giyu was likely waiting at the town edge for her. As she left she heard Tanya say "oh, and if I find the demon that killed our older sister don't think I will try to get you to come just so you can have the glory. Got it!" Shinobu turned back, looking surprised, and gave a more confident smile, a genuine one "we will see." while Shinobu started sprinting off out of the butterfly mansion she thought to herself 'oh Tanya, I hope you, Kanao, and the other girls can forgive me when the time comes…' 


After Shinobu left Tanya was about to go find a place to lay down when a crow landed by her "let me guess. A mission?" the crow nodded. She sighed and then gave a large grin "good, I needed some stress relief anyway." the crow took off and began leading Tanya. As she followed she thought to herself 'I wonder how the others are doing' 


Elsewhere Urokodaki was waving off Granz and Viktoriya "stay safe you two! If you come across Giyu tell him to stop by!" the two waved back, with Viktoriya saying "okay grandfather, we will see you later!" 


"Off so soon?" Kuwajima asked with a soft tone. Mary nodded "yeah, have a mission, but its not too far away…" her eyes averted as looked at Zenitsu who was still twitching on the ground after she knocked him down for hugging her from behind. Her master chuckled "don't worry, he's got a whole day of training ahead of him. I'll make sure to double it today." he gave a heer thumbs-up, and Mary smiled as they both heard Zenitsu's barely audible groans. 


Wilibald was off with Sanemi on a mission, the wind Hashira was running far ahead of him, as they ran he thought to himself, 'Sanemi thinks this is a race, doesn't he? Well, at least it has his mind off Kanae Kocho' while Sanemi thought 'HAH! Totally beating Koe in a race!' 


Weiss wiped his forehead, a demon's body disappearing in a crater below him. "Phew. that was tough. But I think I have at least one more in me. YO!" he screamed to his crow, who came flocking down, ready to report another nearby demon. 


"Fifth form, FLAME TIGER!" Rengoku yells as he slays two demons at once. "Haha! That was great! Iguro, Kanroji, I believe that is the last of them. Let us go check on the wounded in the hut." as he rushed off the two aforementioned demon slayers followed behind. The snake on Obanai's neck made a small hissing sound. "Kaburamaru agrees, Rengoku's smile has gotten a lot wider than usual…which I did not think was possible." Obanai squinted his eyes as he said that. Mitsuri giggled "well, the reason why is weird. But it's so heartwarming as well…" she held her face, picturing a far better scene of what happened with her master Rengoku and Tanya than what event actually occurred. Obanai raised an eyebrow "okay…" 


Back with Tanya following her crow, she could not help but grin widely to herself "perhaps I have to play the long game. But much like before I will come out on top. And when I do Being X will be groveling at MY feet. No, both 'godly' beings will." and then she took a deep breath in and out


With her patented devil grin, she said "and I'll look forward to every second of it."