

Ella started experiencing pain at a little age, she thought it would stop with her father by her side but he betrayed her trust. She was handed over to the man that broke her, and her father made her promise that when she's eighteen she will have to get married to him. But Ella escapes on her wedding day and runs into a stranger. Daring to ask for help

Kabejja_Daphine · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
14 Chs


" Miss... "

"Ella Vizziello " I replied immediately and he looked up at me away from the papers in his hands.

I know I didn't look so good with my messy dry hair and everything but he was the one who didn't give me enough time to organize my self.

"Miss Ella, since we agreed that you would stay for only a month I will be paying you weekly. Your job is to stay by my side every day can you do that ?" He asked and I nodded seriously.

Of course I can do that though we haven't met the son that we have been talking about, my gaze pinned on the man in front of me. His hair was unruly just like that day we had first met, his gun metal eyes focused on the paper in his hands, I wondered what was on that paper.

Any way he looked so handsome today but that couldn't capture even a bit of my attention, his looks meant nothing to me.

No matter how attractive he was, the looks of me lie because they are snakes in human skins. I sighed and tried to calm my thoughts so as to not think like that right now.

" Though you're going to be followed by guns every where, you are not allowed to leave my son even for a single minute of the day " he added coldly.

As I was about to nod again I stopped and twitched my head to the side in confusion, he lifted his eyes to me and I pouted while thinking about it.

Why did I feel like I was about to face war with a child. " I can agree to follow your every rule but who are you and why do I have to act like your son's guard and not his nanny " There's one single thing that my father once said will bring me trouble and that's my small mouth and small brain.

I don't know when I had become this free and talked a lot, ever since I left my home I don't understand my self that much any more. Am only desperate to let go of these memories that haunt me right now.

Anyway I could never take back my words so here I am doing best to act confident while waiting for an answer.

Now his gaze was pinned on me sending a shiver down my spine, it felt like the temperature in the room had lowered to certain degrees that I couldn't even guess.

" Miss Ella you should learn to control your mouth, am in no place to explain to you anything about my life. So focus on what am only telling you to do " I automatically nodded, in fact that was what I should have in the beginning.

I lowered my eyes to the floor not daring to look at him any more, he didn't have to be this scary especially right now when his offering me work.

" Do you want this job or not Miss Ella " he asked, this time his voice softer than before but then a lion can never change it's fur.

"I do " I replied and then he continued to order me to do this and this when it comes to his son and I did my best to listen attentively to his every word.

Though I won't be doing this job for long but it was the beginning of my new life, and I wanted to take it seriously because the pay is my only hope right now.

I haven't even thought of what to do when I step out of his house but at least I have a whole month to figure out my own life.

"If you agree to every thing then you can sign this contract and then meet Viktor " he added and I agreed but then frowned.

I didn't even reach high school and I don't know if I can properly write, my eyes raised to the paper and the urge to tell him about my education past grew big but then I didn't him to know more about me.

I immediately stepped forward and took the pen he was offering me with a shaking hand, he placed the document on top of a black file and pushed it towards me to sign.

I didn't know if he noticed my shaking hands but I didn't dare to look up at him, his gaze on me was like a burning flame trying to eat me up and it made me more nervous than I already am.

I brought my hand down and positioned my pen above the paper exactly where he had asked me to sign earlier.

"Won't you read through before signing ?" He asked and sweat beaded my forehead, if only I can tell him that I can't read that well. I can try bit the chances of understanding this were low.

I didn't reply and hurriedly started writing down my name on the paper, it didn't look bad though I haven't handled a pen in a long time but being able to do that was enough to me.

After singing I placed the pen on the table and handed him the paper before stepping back, I wanted to ask if that was okay but he didn't even look at the paper any more and I heaved out a sigh of relief, at least he didn't see my ugly hand writing.

This reminding of all my child hood dreams that had shattered the day I sat in Arthur's car, how I wish so badly to take back time and maybe all this wouldn't have happened.

" You're really brave, aren't you afraid that I would trap you with this contract " He said as he stood up from his chair and my eyes moved to him.

Lets just say that I don't trust men at all and the fact that he may have done this to me made me alert, I don't know how he suddenly turned bad in my eyes but he did.

" You can't do that to me right? " I whispered more to my self than him, my eyes on this man were so red as anger rushed through my veins.

"What if I just did ? " he replied, his lips curled in to a smirk as he shrugged like it was nothing. My breathing rugged and my heart beat accelerated, another man trying to trap me. Who does he think he is ?

I looked around and my eyes landed on the pen that I had used earlier, I grabbed it without thinking and rushed to the other side of the table that was standing in between us.

My mind telling me one simple thing, all men are bad. I grabbed him by the collar faster than he could react and brought the pen his neck.

I guess I caught him by surprise because I saw shock in his eyes before they turned cold again and now were staring at each other, our eyes locked like they were meant to be.

" I would do anything for my freedom" I whispered harshly.