
it was never a war

"Don't even try to interrupt Lucifer-Sama." Grafiya and Maou were on their way to the dining room and heard a speech among the children about the arranged marriage from the beginning. "Even though she was very young sometimes, someone would have to speak the truth and you were already able to delay her marriage until high school graduation did more than that would be an abuse of your authority and you know it." The words of his wife made sense making him retreat, "Okay, let's leave them alone, better not disturb the children's speech", so the two-point the room without anyone noticing.

After the argument was over, Rias left the table without speaking and was followed by Koneko and Akeno after saying goodbye. "That was a lively breakfast, don't you think?", Yan was sitting next to Sona in his room after the butler teleported them to Sitri territory, "Yes, I knew Rias was like that, but I didn't think that she would be so deluded ", Sona was a little red, when they both arrived at the residence Yan invited her to a private conversation.

"You know, Sona, we've known you since I was four", Yan looked out the window, his room was as big as Sona's room and his bed occupied the center of the room, and the walls covered with shelves full of sleeves, anime, novels, and collectible figures, mostly Mahou Shoujo, ("courtesy of Mahou shoujo Levia-Tan! ♥"), and in his room, two large windows are showing the sunset.

"Maybe you don't remember, but I remember perfectly, when I arrived everyone treated me relatively well, except you haha", he could not contain his laughter when he remembered Sona when she was younger clinging to Serafall. "I never treated you badly, you made things up," Sona vehemently denied, the final that a child will remember exactly what to define when he was 5 or 6 years old. "Even if you don't remember, you can ask Serafall later, well let me continue, I had just lost my only family and when I arrived I was scared to death, being brought into an unknown family after your mother was possibly killed is trauma", anguish was expressed on his face, Yan would have already forgotten his mother's face had it not been for the photos they retrieved from her apartment.

"At that time Serafall reached out and took care of me, I think that was the reason to treat me badly, however after a while we started playing together and look at how we are here today", Yan took Sona's hand and he intertwined his fingers with her, "But I have to say that I love Serafall", listening to Yan's words about his true feelings Sona couldn't hold back like tears and started to cry, he wanted to keep talking, but she interrupted him.

"I always knew, whenever Nee-san came you took her blood, they slept together and kissed", Sona reported through tears, but that was no surprise to the boy, after all, Serafall could easily discover something like this, however, he asked to she doesn't say that they knew. "I hope you are happy and if you hurt her feelings I will kill you!", Sona threatened Yan as best he could, but in the current state of the little girl, he was at a disadvantage in the intimidation test. Sona tried to let go of his hands only to feel his body being held.

"Sona, not So-tan! Do you wanna date me? ", Everything he said was true, Serafall is the greatest love of his life, maybe it is the need for the consecutive losses of his family, his family, and girlfriend in the next life, in addition to his mother in this one, and she appeared as an angel caring of him, playing with him and feeding him, at some point they fell in love this is the truth.

"Not! You just declared that you love my sister! ", She wanted to say yes, to say that she accepted to date him and have someone she likes by her side, yet here he was declaring his love for his older sister.

"So-tan, I love her very much, but when I heard that you were going to use a miserable horse on me, I couldn't stand the pain that arose in my chest", Yan placed Sona's hand over his heart that was beating hard, "My dream is to become the King of all demons, even reigning over the Maous! But just think about how to impress you, prove that I am worthy of your trust ", they looked at each other, Sona showed anguish and Yan perfect confidence.

"And when I heard that you bet the queen to resuscitate me I was very happy and I couldn't resist and kiss you when I woke up", Sona's face turned red when he caressed her face with his free hand. "Sona, although I love your sister, I love you too and I won't call to see you with someone else because I love you, so it will change my request, will you accept to play chess with me?", Yan's voice was resolute and calm, at that moment for the first time in this life or the next he never bet so much on a game.

all right, but this is going to be our last game, "the girl wiped away the tears with a handkerchief that Yan gave, then took the chessboard for the decisive game. She would like to lose, but her pride wouldn't let her do it, as pride wouldn't let her share it with her sister, that was the only solution, "He wins and takes everything or he loses and we become master and servant", the Sona's heart hurt when she thought of the other option.

"Okay, you start", Yan knew he could never beat Sona, no matter how much he dedicates himself to chess, he could never beat someone who loves this game to the point of trusting his destiny to a single game, at least before to unlock the Balanced Breaker.

"Sona I'm sorry, but you already missed this game", Yan's thoughts turned into action, with each piece he moved.

The simple game of chess became a real battlefield, between two generals fighting for their goals, whether fighting for the woman he loves or to preserve their pride and position, both said nothing while moving their pieces.

Yan's confidence was not blind, only a fool trusts luck, fate or breasts, to get stronger and decide his future, at this moment his confidence comes from one of the skills acquired by unlocking the Balanced Breaker, the False Mind Eye, which in addition to partially improving vision by decreasing visual penalties, also gives the user a sixth sense capable of predicting / detecting and avoiding danger, a skill that cannot be acquired through any training. And the results appeared with every piece that Sona missed and his plans were thwarted.

Sona's situation worsened by the minute, her pieces disappeared with each move and her poker face collapsed, the finger she bit was bleeding, "I can't lose! Not now and not today! ", Her heartbeat accelerated, despite saying this over and over in her mind, her real desire was to deliver the game.

"Don't give up", Yan's voice took her out of the trance of negativity, in a war what he did is the worst possible move to encourage the enemy to continue fighting, when he would break alone. "This is not a war, is it?", Sona said smiling, looking at the man sitting in front of her, who even on opposite sides encouraged her, "It never was", he returned the smile and wiped the blood that dripped from her hands and rolled it up with a scarf.

The mood of the world match, however the end of the match was already sealed, Sona had only the King on the board and it was Yan's turn to play, who had a Queen beside the King. "In the end, I lost, didn't I?", She had a smile on her face, but the boy knew she was feeling bad. "No, you didn't lose it is a draw by drowning the King, I ended up moving the Queen wrong".

Yan could win now and have her in his hands, but he couldn't do that with Sona or Serafall, he could have as many women as they were, tall, short, busty, or lolis, but the two were his only family and he would never have them. your side by coercion. "I think we drew, don't we? So either we both win or two lose right? ", His voice had a hint of hope.

As if her prayers were answered, the girl got up and sat on Yan's lap, "We win," the world went in slow motion when Sona kissed Yan, who hugged his waist while they both enjoyed each other's warmth. "I love you".

I don't intend to change what I call the characters' names. other than that you can let me know about any errors that I will correct.

I traded tower for Rook and demon for Devil.

thanks for the feedback.

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