
Sable Noir

Long ago, the Living Realm was filled with humans, Gods and Demons. This divinities protected all in a stable balance, but that was before the Awakening. On that terrible day, the world and the cycle of life was split apart by the hand of Apep, the ultimate creation of Ra. To reduce the damage, Gods separated themself from the human world, leaving men behind facing new dangers: Kamarupa, also called the undead. To face it, divine beings decide to use the same strategy against humanity’s nemesis. They summoned warriors with strong desires from the dead. Each God gave them power and immortality to face the new kind of beasts lurking through the world. These new kinds of undead were called Dune Walker. The ultimate soldiers of the Gods… --- The wind of the desert of Damar was strong. Sand was everywhere, covering the Dune Walker in a large number of particles. That didn’t stop him. He needed to grab this monster to conclude his deal. Another five years was a big reward paid in advance. Khal was not greedy, but a contract was everything to a Dune Walker. Killing the monster was another day for this lonely traveler, but Khal was different. He had a goal, a desire to live stronger than humans. And for that, no request was too much to handle… Even killing other divine creations… **The story can be also found in royalroad.com**

The_SkyMix · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Dream Thesis of Reality

The undergrounds of the palace were dark and clammy. All the walls were made of rocks, and the floor was a chain of stone slabs. Only the makeshift torches hanging on the side of the alley seemed new. Strangely, numerous roots were growing on each part of the path. Passing from different cavities, they were fusing the whole structure with efficiency. Almost prominent for the simple existence of the buried galleries.

Khal, Ali, Saan and two guards were walking silently in the corridor for a few minutes. Proceeding in front of large cells with an incredible amount of convicts. The contractor of Heh was looking around frantically, searching for the source of a specific scent that grabbed his attention since they entered the lower level of the palace. It was the same feeling he had since his entry into the city, but this time the scent of Anubis was even more present than before. Lurking around and stretching through the countless passages.

Ali accelerated his rhythm and joined Khal in his walk. Taking place on his side with his hands tied. He touched him on the hip to grab his attention.

"You seem to have an interest in the undergrounds of Rudhetria?"

"Just curious…tell me, how far this path goes?" Asked Khal looking out of the corner of the eye Saan.

"My father told me that the underground extends through almost all the city, but the only entrances are from the palace. I'm pretty sure the Sultan hides secret entries all around Rudhetria."

Khal simply nodded his head quietly and continued walking. Waiting for an answer, Ali broke the silence with an immature tone. Pushing the nonchalant Dune Walker out of the path and stopping the group's march.

"Can you just… I don't know, say something!"

"I have nothing to say.." returned Khal regaining his balance

"It's your fault if we are in this situation. Can you not even take responsibility!" Screamed the teen with emotion. "How do you intend to take us out of this affair, "strong Dune Walker!""

"Just shut up!" shouted Saan, leading the procession. "You're not in any condition to raise your goddamn voice! The Sultan will hear your stammering after."

Ali restrained his answer in fear and took back his position on the side of Khal. Letting the group advance again.

"Why does your king need to hear our side if he is already aware of what I did?" Asked Khal to Saan.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm just asking myself if he is already aware of this situation? Maybe he is, but just don't really care that much? Letting a daughter of a Sultan go alone in the city is quite unusual…."

"That's not your business."

"Is that a yes?"

Saan didn't answer the question of the undead man and simply clenched his fist on a wall. He lead them to a room with a young white-haired man on the side dressed in a white smock. He closed the door behind them and looked through the bar in the direction of the black-dressed Walker.

"I think that it's better for you to just close your mouth."

"You need to have a strong belief in me to let me in a cell where I can easily escape? With all my stuff? Does the sultan's dog happen to love me?" Replied Khal with a provoking face.

"We don't have this kind of cage here, free yourself if you want," responded Ali with some anger. Turning his head and walking away with the guards. Right at the moment when Saan looks away, Khal erased his emotion and walked to the corner of the room where he lies on the ground. Ali gazed at him with anger and sat on the other side of the room.

The strange man dressed in white was looking at the water dripping from roots to a piece of metal. At each drop, he was counting slowly to ten. Saying the number louder and louder each time.

"one, and two..."

"I was planning to see the Sultan, and I will see him. Everything goes as planned," told Khal, taking his place comfortably.

" and three, four..."

"We are in a cell; where do you see control here?" answered Ali furiously.

"five, six..."

"Why are you mad? The only person in danger earlier was you."

"seven, and height..."

" You know that I can't die. That's not your case!" Answered nonchalantly, Khal.

"But..." murmured the young man.


"Grow up, Ali!"

"And finally te.."

" SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Screamed in synchro Khal and Ali giving a kick to the man.

The two men made a sign of satisfaction and returned to their respective seats. The white-haired man stood up and did some stretching to make the pain disappear; He was pretty tall and had a thin body hidden behind a seemingly oversized lab coat. His white hair was messy, and his eyes darkened. Like he had any sleep for numerous days. Even with that, he was young and seemed in his mid-twenty. But he always had this large, creepy smile stuck on his face. Without even minding the attack, he began to elaborate alone.

"What beauty can science be, people? The water from the surface lurked through meters of roots to finally attend this dark room. Making the metal erode at each drop. I counted every drop it took to make this piece redden. And I can say it's a fine work of powerful logic!"

"The work of Geb you mean, not logic... "answered Ali softly.

The man stopped his speech and turned his head on Ali. Sauntering in front of him.

"What is your name, young man? Mine is Nasseh, but everybody calls me Nas."

"My name is…" answered Ali thinking that saying his real name was not a good idea. "Lia, my name is Lia!"

"Do you know the Dream Thesis of Reality, Lia?"

"Uh, no?"

"NORMAL, I just invented it, ahahaha!" Shouted too loudly the strange scientist.

Ali gazed at him with disgust and quietly slid away, but the man saw him and grabbed his hands. The teen looked at Khal with despair, but the Dune Walker simply showed him his thumb with approbation.

"Let me explain. You want to hear it, right?"

"no…" whispered Ali

"Yes? Perfect, let me begin,"said Nas, ignoring the answer of the poor boy.

" The Dream Thesis of Reality is a theory of my own making. The common folks are just a bunch of sheep learning insanity through papyrus of all kinds. The sage lost their wisdom since the day they began to believe unlogical things like… God's, Demon and Kamarupa. My theory bases my thinking on a simple rule. Only the human mind has the ability to create, so if I saw something that goes against physics and math. This whole world needs to be the fruits of my own mind."

"What do you mean by that" asked Ali

"He means that if he can't explain something…." Answered Khal, who walked right in front of Nas, "Everything must be a dream."

"Bravo, bravo! You grasped the logic," Screamed Nas clapping his hand happily.

"I will not take your compliments. I hardly understand you. Do you intend to ignore the death of countless by the hand of Kama… Tell me… Did it mean we are in your dream? Perhaps I can help you wake up?"

Khal was so close to Nas that their two breaths could be heard by each other. The Dune Walker was deadpan, but the smile on the scientist didn't stop, stretching slowly to a stressed smile. The normally inexpressive Khal was showing signs of annoyment.

"I don't want to die to verify it since I believe that after death, nothing happens. That's why I travel through the world to prove the beauty of logic and the "real" of this world. I don't have an answer to your question, but I will be happy to examine your case and, you know, try to understand ... We can even begin now. Tell me... how can a Deadman die?"

"We can't die."

"Don't lie to me; if Dune Walker were really immortal, they would have lurked around cities in number. But they are rare even after centuries, so answer my question, how can I kill your kind?" Insisted Nasseh, smacking his forehead on the one of his talkers.

Khal hesitated and stepped back for a moment. Unwilling to answer the question, he began to analyze the fundamental nature of the man in front of him. He knew things that he was not supposed to know. "Maybe I..." thought Khal. "But why should I bother for the others?" "Screw that, screw Them, screw all of this! She, only she matter."

"I see your silence as a positive sign, Dune Walker," answered swiftly the man who threw away his smile for a moment. Looking at Khal with platitude. Khal reacted with the same look, ready to act if needed. Pression began to rise, and even Ali was speechless. Then the door opened abruptly, letting a group of guards get in and stopped the confrontation.

"Your majesty is ready for the audience of all the men in this cell. Even you white scholar."


Light open room, with bright color and decoration of all kinds. Gigantic exotic flowers, dressed on the border of each wall. Even the ground was made in correlation with the eye-catching ornament of the building. The palace was the contrary of the undergrounds. A joyful place where all the workers were serving happily, the prominent number of guests enjoying the festivities. The title that gained the city of Rudhetria was taken from this specific place… A constant smile can be seen in the face of all the drunk merchants and nobles. Even in the throne room, where the sultan was waiting with his countless spouses, The guests enjoyed the calm and the delicious fruits developed by the grace of their protecting God. They were all surrounded by guards with gold armor and swords made with rare metal. But the more wealthy dresses were worn by the Sultan. Colorful clothes of rare textiles and a multitude of jewelry of all kinds. The only simple thing on him was his Crown made of a rare flower called Camellia.

It was unavoidable for Khal that the sanctuary of Geb was not far. The more a person walked in the zone of influence of a door, the more miracles could happen, like the unnatural fertility of the city or even the possibility to blush plants from different climates. As a Dune Walker, He was able to feel the presence of God and Kamarupa. And by this sixth sense, he knew his goal was not far.

Even with that, the king himself was the only person without a smile in the room. Knew all around the land of Damar as the happy Sultan with scarlet hair. This look on his face put some interrogation into the mind of the three newcomers.

"Welcome travelers and Dune Walker," said one of the spouses. "The Sultan Bilal Beni III will now hear your demand. We are sorry for this abrupt reception. We have a reputation, but each of you did some act that pushed us to restrain you for a moment. Particularly you, strange white scholar, you made quite an entry yesterday."

"Haha, sorry! I was impressed by your plant and started some investigation. If I knew that I would have burned the whole yard I…."

"That's okay! We don't need a reminder..." grumbled a man on the side with ashes all over his clothes.

"Humpf, good. We are also sorry for the silence of the Sultan. He is in mourning right now. As you know, it's almost the anniversary of the death of prince Salian. May Geb protect him." Continued the spouse approved by the other nobles around.

"So we shall begin with the demand of the Dune Walker. As you saw, we already have a Deadman on our side. We don't really need your service, but we are ready to hear your demand."

"Thank you, your highness," answered Khal, advancing further in the room. He pulled his knee on the ground and gave a reverence in front of the throne. The Sultan looked at him with death, green eyes darkened by old tears.

" I have a goal and one remark for you and your court, your majesty. I traveled through the land of Damar for personal reasons, and you can help me. For that, I only need to see the door of Geb."

Exclamations are heard all over the room. Even the guards look at each other in front of the bold demand of the undead.

"You always have the worst choice of words, black hair bastard!" screamed Saan entering the room.

"I will send it back to you, vulgar Walker, but I'm dead serious."

"You already know that only the Sultan has access to the door. How a nobody like you, can ask this kind of question?"

"I ain't nobody, I'm Khal, and I'm above all a Dune Walker. A rare kind of merchandise to deal with."

"He is right, Saan, don't forget your place," Cut the Sultan.

Saan was hurt by this interruption and lowered his head like a kid; He then took place with the other guards in silence. The ruler walked with difficulty to Khal.

"Continue visitor, you talked about a remark for us. Perhaps it can help you attain the door exceptionally."

"If I can, I heard about your problem with the… Anubis demons. I even protected your daughter this morning against one."

"Oh, I didn't hear about that, even if it's a minor thing," replied the Sultan, looking at Saan.

" As you know, Anubis is a unique God. He doesn't have a door but can act through the actions of humans. He only punished blood who trespassed the taboo. So it's pretty rare that he attacks cities without reason. And by the circumstance, the only person targeted by the demon was your daughter, majesty."

"How dare you!" Shouted Saan with emotion

"I just use the information that I have, but right now, I think the trigger and the cause of the attack is your daughter. Anubis never stopped until he tracked his victim to death. He will retaliate really quick.

The guest stopped feasting, and all looked at the Sultan silently. Saan, redden by anger, showed an irregular amount of devotion for a Dune Walker. Ready to slice at a simple word of the king, the presumed mercenary was deeply touched by the insult. Only the Sultan was silent and turned his head around, looking at the crowd reaction. The same crowd, sure that he would have burst out in rage.

"Good, if it's only that," Answered Bilal with a smile on his face. Not even stressed by the condition of his daughter. "I have a deal for you. Be on her side for the next two days until the end of Al Sawah. If an Anubis demon appears, kill the demon and my daughter with it. That should stop the anger of Anubis. If nothing happens, good things for her. After the two days, whatever the result, I will give you what you want."

The crow stayed quiet for a whole minute. Saan looked devastated, and the guards were confused. When the Sultan took back his place on the throne, the guests started feasting again out of fear. On the other side, Ali was at his limit and began to stroll through the direction of the Sultan. Only he saw behind the throne, Camelia hearing his father's treason with disdain. Before he committed something stupid, Nasseh comically jumped on the way. Hoping to gain the attention of everyone.

"My Sultan! My Sultan! Don't forget your two other guests!"

"Talk heretic. But before you begin, don't forget that our country abandoned your kind a few years ago..."

"Yes, mon Roi! I, Nasseh and my assistant Lia heard about your… research."

The expression on the Sultan's face changed, and he walked quickly to Saan to whisper some words to him. Ali looked at Khal with interrogation, but he was more focused on the reaction of the ruler.

"And without entering in detail, what kind of things can you bring to us, Nasseh?" Asked Bilal.

"Oh, perhaps I should show you something! Démonstration!"

Nas showed a guard his tied hand, and the sultan asked to free everyone. Then he dived his right hand inside his lab coat. He used one of the inside pockets as a passage. He brought out a flask with seeming water, a match and a Camellia flower he picked in the yard the day before (not in the pleasure of the dirty gardener). Khal finally recognized on his coat a sign marked discreetly. The white smock was a demon of Thot, the same kind of Bag; An infinite container called Haqibat Siriya.

Nasseh then showed the flower to the impressed crowd. He put all the liquid in his mouth, letting the empty flask break on the ground. He threw the flower in the air, lit the match and spit an immense wave of flame to the flower. Making her burn to ashes. The noble all shouted with excitement, and the guards stepped back from surprise.

"Wait for your cheer. I'm not done."

He then makes another flask appear with another invisible liquid. He charged his ankh on the fluid that passed from intangible to bright yellow. He poured the new solution on the rest of the flower, and in a few seconds, it regained its form in bright light.

The audience was conquered, and even the Sultan ran to look at the state of the flower. Only Khal looked at Nas unimpressed. The scholar stared back at him with a satisfied smile and then back to the stunned ruler.

"The work of Geb!" shouted one man. Nasseh stopped smiling and answered with annoyance.

"Don't bring God on that. This is pure science. The liquid that I drank was Kerdane, a highly flammable liquid. And to reform a flower, it's a simple task for an expert in precise Ankh manipulation. All things are made of life energy. This is a common thing. Even this fire was filled with Ankh from my breath. When something is dead, his Ankh distillates around him, creating ashes or sands. But if you can quickly give back the life energy of a simple metabolism like a flower, with all its remains in place..."

"It will retake his original form…." Replied the Sultan, amazed. "Just imagine taking this operation to a more complicated organism like…."

The sultan stopped talking and looked at an empty place on the throne. A site reserved for the legitimate heir. Saan stares at him with sadness. Bilal Beni III then claps his hand and assembles a group of guards to the doors.

"You and your assistant will come with me immediately. This session is done. I have business to attend. Take the Dune Walker to my girl ward. "

He then brought Ali and Nasseh on his way out. Letting the guard guide Khal to Camelia's room. Ali tried to escape but was brought forward by the Geb Dune Walker guiding them. He looked one last time on his back, searching for the eyes of Camelia. He finally saw on her face what he needed. Even with the changes on his body, Camelia smiled at him when they looked at each other. She recognized him… Camelia recognized him among all men…

But only he was relieved because Khal was in a whole other mindset. His face was stoic, but bursting rage and anger were storming from his aura. The pieces were more evident. Anubis was already ready to appear, and if he did nothing, this city was doomed with him inside.

"Stupid human…"