
Sable Noir

Long ago, the Living Realm was filled with humans, Gods and Demons. This divinities protected all in a stable balance, but that was before the Awakening. On that terrible day, the world and the cycle of life was split apart by the hand of Apep, the ultimate creation of Ra. To reduce the damage, Gods separated themself from the human world, leaving men behind facing new dangers: Kamarupa, also called the undead. To face it, divine beings decide to use the same strategy against humanity’s nemesis. They summoned warriors with strong desires from the dead. Each God gave them power and immortality to face the new kind of beasts lurking through the world. These new kinds of undead were called Dune Walker. The ultimate soldiers of the Gods… --- The wind of the desert of Damar was strong. Sand was everywhere, covering the Dune Walker in a large number of particles. That didn’t stop him. He needed to grab this monster to conclude his deal. Another five years was a big reward paid in advance. Khal was not greedy, but a contract was everything to a Dune Walker. Killing the monster was another day for this lonely traveler, but Khal was different. He had a goal, a desire to live stronger than humans. And for that, no request was too much to handle… Even killing other divine creations… **The story can be also found in royalroad.com**

The_SkyMix · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Anubis, eternal God of the dead; before the great Awakening was the almighty sovereign of the beyond. He was praised by man for being the protector of humanity. But that was before Apep the demon... On the chaotic day of the awakening, Ra sacrificed himself and the balance of the living realm to stop the aberration. Giving his immortal life to an endless battle that abruptly separates God's and humans.

Yet, that only enraged the death deity since the inevitable truth was standing right before him. Humans were the reason behind the creation of Apep. Humans were the cause of their own misfortune. Eager for immortality, they trespassed perpetually on the boundaries of nature. Consumed by ego, they even now wanted to become God themselves. Since that day, Anubis was never praised again by man. Only fear keeps him in existence… haunting mortals lives like a vengeful being. His demons lurk the world to punish foolish men who try to play with the taboo.

Bag was one of these demons, but something separated him from the other wild monsters in nature. An eternal love for his summoner and master… a girl with a bright full love for life. A girl who hates death with all her heart. Even though Death himself loves her endlessly. The deep irony of human tragedy…


Flames grew slowly, and embers were flying in the wind. The sun was progressively hiding its last ray, letting the moon shine on the horizon. The first colour of the dusk began to rise since the sky passed from blue to pitch orange. The rest of Ra was coming to an end, and again tonight, a furious battle will take place. Letting a remarkable trail of light stretch in the black starry sky. Common folks call this phenomenon the Divine Way, but rare heretics prefer the term Aurora Borealis. An event that all the inhabitants of Rudhetria enjoy each night with loud excitement.

The already drunk citizen couldn't care less for the business of their rivals. For them, this fire was a reason for even more decadence, seeing in it a vulgar fire of joy. Young and older folks danced joyously around, not even stressed. Sure, whatever the incident, their proud ruler will erase it with just a glimpse. All of that aggravated the misery of the poor Gahzo, but the man was already accustomed to this nonsense. This city lost its pride long ago when it forgot the words of its thinkers and fell to hedonistic pursuits. Hoping for help from the outsider, he turned on himself to call the Dune Walker.

"Khal, please help me with this fire. My son will give you..."

When his head reaches his back, Only Bag was standing around barking like a dog.

"The demon bag... where is Khal?" he said, stretching his hand on the demon.

Bag opened his mouth and bit Gahzo's hands without hesitation. Strangely, the old man didn't feel any pain. The mouth of the dog-like creature was warm and dry. Even with his whole arm inside the beast, he couldn't reach the end of his throat. It was like putting his hands in nothingness. After a few seconds, he finally took away his arm but brought something with him. A large black tube with a metallic top stretching from his belly. The things seemed to be plugged into the monster's mouth and went deep inside his throat. When Gahzo rose out of curiosity, a large water jet gushed out from the tube. Surprised, the merchant quickly redirected the stream to his shop. Fighting the flame for a multitude of minutes.

When the last fire patch was extinguished, he let the tube go back inside Bag. The crowd disperses all-around, showing no interest in this successful operation. Even after stopping the blaze from reaching the rest of the city, almost all Gahzo stock disappeared into ashes. The camels who made him proud were all dead in the incident. Letting the only goods left of Gahzo be his old animal and the fruits that he carries. He lost everything in a single day. So when Khal came back with his unworthy son, Gahzo looked at him with different eyes... He didn't even question either the Dune Walker or his descendant. He simply sat down and quietly listened to the explanation of the deadman. Even if he already knew what was coming…

"So right now, I think you will have to settle some things with the Sultan himself…." Said Khal flatting his pet.

Gahzo stayed silent for a moment and stood up in the direction of his child. He looked at him, clenching his fists of anger.

"I gave you… all my life. I worked harder than anyone to give you an opportunity, and now look at that. Everything went into ashes."

"Father… I had to save Camelia. Or this mon…."

"Shut up!" Shouted the old man with his full voice. Stretching his hands on the face of his son. "How dare you bring this name back! After the warning that I gave you before I went away. Some things are just unattainable for people like us."

"I love her dad!" Answered the boy pushing his father's hand rudely, "Did you ever feel something like that in your whole life? I know that your union with mom was arranged… that feeling, that desire for someone or something is not something you can understand."

"How dare you talk like you know everything! Wake up to reality!" Said Gahzo, slapping Ali violently. Ali fell to the ground cutting his cheeks on the way. Khal watched the scene tacitly without any emotion.

"You are truly the worst," answered Ali looking at his father with animosity.

"You think, son? Do you really think that you are the only one with a goal? I always knew your desire... So I will offer you what you want. This man will make you grow. You will be an adult with all the liberty with it, but don't even dare to show yourself in front of me. I don't need a boy who doesn't even want to be my kid anymore," Told the old man, taking his stuff to go home.

"Do you think I'm stupid? He told me everything…you sold me!" Screamed Ali out of anger. The old man stopped his walk and thought for a moment. He knew… he knew in his heart that he was right. Since when did he lose his humanity for his own benefit? Since when did he prepare himself to sell his soul? What a stupid man he was...

"And? Do you intend to not take his offer?" Answered Gahzo before walking away.

There was no going back...

Ali didn't answer the question and simply looked at the shop without any sound. Khal came to his side and looked at him with cold eyes. His face stiffened and darkened slowly, revealing a hesitant mind.

"Do you intend to pay the debt of your ol' pa or not? It will anger me, but if you don't pay, I will need to find my payment at his side…."

"You talked before of…taking life…" said the young boy hesitantly.

"That's only one of the numerous ways to settle this," answered Khal, sitting on the boy's side. "We all have goals to attend to, passions that push us further and ambition that drives us in our actions. We need that to survive in this inhospitable world. Certain people, more than the other… Are fragile to their desires. Craving for something that they can't afford…."

"I will never give up!"

"I don't talk about you stupid lad. Your not the center of the stupid world, neither I am… Your father is not incredulous, so why do you want to reach adulthood that quick?"

"To prove myself to the Sultan… Camelia is 15 years old, and I am 13. I need to be at least 18 to be considered a warrior and reach the high ground by battle. I will have my place in the royal court," answered Ali with light in his eyes. "I can't let her down!"

Khal observed the boy's eyes and saw a magnificent sparkle in them. It was not the eyes of ordinary folk. It was complete devotion to a goal bigger than himself. A rock unmovable that even water or wind couldn't break. He saw himself in Ali. An innocent and reckless boy, running toward danger without fear. His decision was already taken. He wanted to give this lad an opportunity. Even if it wasn't the right thing to do.

He took off his necklace and put his hand on the boy's head.

"Do you accept this punishment and is ready to lose a precious year of your mundane life, human"


"This decision is yours, do you?"

"Yes…yes! I am!"

At this point, black energy flowed from the reverse hourglass necklace and imbued Ali. The black sand on the time counter began to drop slowly in the right direction. At each drop of sand, the boy grew from a few months. When Ali reached 20 years old, Khal stopped the operation and dispersed the energy. Letting the sand go back again in reverse. He then put on his necklace and signaled to its two demons that it was time to go.

Ali looked with surprise at his new body. He was more muscular, grew to 6 feet and had hair in unusual places on his body. One thing was sure, the kid changed to be a whole new person and, more importantly, a stronger one. He couldn't desire better and got accustomed to its new body quite fast.

"Hey, wait. I didn't have the chance to thank you..." Surprised by how low his voice was.

" I only took 7 years, nothing out of the ordinary. I judged the rest non-important." Said the Undead walking out of the perimeter of the old shop.

"That's beyond ordinary, making a kid grow faster… Where…are you going now?"

"I'm going to the sultan."

"After all of this?" Shouted the young man.

"I need to see someone before taking the road… and for that, I need your ruler. I'm also quite intrigued by this Anubis demon appearance."

"That's just stupid," Ali replied. Pushing sand to Khal with his feet.

"As you are, you and your father," Answered the Deadman without minding the childish action of Ali.

"They will kill you."

"If only they can…."

"Stop being reckless, and just let me come with you!"

Ali thought for a moment and looked back in the direction of the palace in the center of the city. A gigantic colourful monument surrounded by beautiful flowers of all kinds. He hesitated but had already taken his decision.

"Can I… Can I come with you? I need to present myself to the Sultan, and I'm sure it will be an easy task by your side. I don't have another purpose right now... She is now my only family..."

Ali clenched his fist, looking at the remainder of the shop. His heart pressed on him as he realized his own words. Khal didn't stop his walk and briefly answered yes to the surprise of Ali.

"Do what you want. You are an adult; I will not be your guardian this time. But you will need somehow to face your past soon. Are you will regret all your life…."

"I know…Thank you, thank you so much!"

The boy changed clothes on the way and walked with assurance at the side of the Dune Walker. It was already nighttime, but the city seemed to be fully awake. Fire of all kinds illuminated the road, and joyful music guided the steps of each Rudhetrian. The party had just started in the city, and festivities were done in the rhythm of the blue Aurora in the sky. Ali couldn't stay in place and asked frenetic questions to the poor Khal. This new body replenishes his force and determination, making him more assured than ever. The closer they were to their destination, the more indiscreet the topics became.

"So yeah, I understand that your contractor is Heh, but how can you summon Anubis demon?"

"I told you, I don't summon him! It's more like... calling. Nobody can really make a contract with him. logically…"

"So you're not a kind of evil Dune Walker or anything like that, but Bag is a..."

"Can you just shut up for a minute…"

"But, right there..."

"If you dare talk for another…."

" There!"

A gigantic wooden club flew right on Khal, who stumbled to avoid it in extremis. When he tried to regain his balance, the roots were already on his feet, stretching on him. Khal tried to summon his sword, but the lack of sand around allowed the plants to completely recover his body. On the other way, Ali ran to a nearby shop and stole a kitchen knife. He went by the side of Khal and struggled to cut the plant.

"Stop being dumb! How can you cut a Dune Walker roots with a normal knife?" Scream Khal to his companion.

"I didn't see one! It's not my fault if you are this weak"

"So move, I will make it myself!"

"You made a new friend, Dune Walker?" Asked Saan coming from the crowd around the palace. He made a sign for his men, and Khal and Ali were surrounded by royal guards within a moment. Khal charged Ankh and burned the roots around him in a moment. He then summons his heaven door and reaches for two gold swords. He sent one to the hand of Ali, griped the blade firmly and ran to the bunch of warriors. They all took a position in front of Saan. Creating space between their opponent and them with their long spears. One of them made a loud scream and charged first on the Dune Walker. Khal rolled on the side of his spear and hit the guard's helmet. He then lightly slash the lower part of his body, making him fall on his knee. He took advantage of that to take him hostage, bringing the blade on his neck. Saan pushed another one with ferocity.

"What are you waiting for? Fight!" He screamed, stretching more roots on Khal. The contractor of Heh. Let the man go, killing him on the way, pierced by the coming roots. Khal didn't even flinch and jumped on the confused soldier. He passed head from head and quickly reached the other Dune Walker. Saan took off his two swords and pointed them at Khal, who stopped his momentum to take his stance.

"If I was you, I would simply give up and come with us… I'm sure the Sultan will be happy to hear your story." said the Geb undead with a smile. Khal looked at him with curiosity and turned eyes only to see Ali surrounded by many gold guards. He then dropped his weapon and made his chains disappear.

" That sounds like a good idea…" answered Khal, making a sign of surrender.