
Just a Man

Fala, Suture

The year 9304 was the year when news had gotten out that a man, more than just a man had escaped the grasps of the greedy empire. He was said to be unaffected by time, ageless, Immortal.

Such thing was never heard of in the entire galaxy, not even beings of upmost power and recognition had achieved such heights.

Many looked for him, not just for the bounty he had on his head, but also because of his blood. It was rumored that whoever drank his blood could become immortal, constant, infinite. Infinite, thats the name he was given by the millions of admirers he had unintentionally gained.

The empire was restless, they kept flipping every corner of that planet, hoping to find even the smallest trace of him, fortunately for that man, they couldn't find anything he didn't want them to find.