
RWBY World Chaser dropped

Watch Jack take on the world of RWBY with previous knowledge of the world. And him later explore worlds.

JackbladesFF7 · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs


The Soul awakens in a void. The void is endless and the soul feels the pressure of this endlessness. The soul then sees a golden light an a purple light that engulf him an teleport him to a realm of light and darkness. The Golden light speaks "Hello I am the God of light". The dark purple light speaks "Hello I am the God of darkness." The golden light continues "We are brothers and have a request for you." The souls sits there and thinks and then says "Well what can I do I just died."

"We know." The brothers say in unison. The Light God continues "See we know of your knowledge of the world we created while you may think it is just an anime it is real. Also because of your knowledge we want you to help this world as part of our experiment. We both will give you some of our powers making you a God as well. Your power will involve the balance between us half light and half dark." The soul was very happy about this idea as he understood where they came from and the power he would have. The Gods seeing this in the soul started to infuse their powers with soul as it began to change shape. The soul now gave off an aura of half light and half dark.

The Gods continued "We will give you a system that shows your stats and has some other benefits we also will allow you to change how you look this one time as well as your age and timeline of where you are going to be placed. We are giving you all this because of our selfishness for making you part of the experiment." The soul then said "Do not worry this exciting for me as well and now that I am a God I guess like you guys are you technically my brothers as well. The God of light spoke "Yes but..." he got caught off by the God of Dark "You are not as strong as us yet. However you are really strong just not our level." The soul understood and said "Let's start."

The soul was then sent to remnant a year an a couple months before Ruby would join Beacon. As the soul was traveling the system booted up and started to show the soul his character design as the soul started changing it and then when he was finally done he appeared in a forest. The soul named himself Jack Silver. Jack did this because he new of the color names in RWBY and decided silver was the best choice as it sounded good and could represent grey the in between of light and dark. He also made himself a faunus with a tail and ears. He would be a wolf faunus but he made his tail long enough wrap around his waist. His tail was a dark purple almost black and his ears were golden in color. He made his age 14 the same as Ruby. He made himself 5'7" just shorter than Yang but knew he would outgrow her in a year. He also had an athletic build to him. He had the same style hair as Qrow but with his Golden wolf ears as well as his black hair had thin streaks of dark purple and red. His outfit of dark and light as well between gold and black he wore a a black vest with a golden long sleeve underneath. He has a pair of black pants with gold like shoes that looked like a pair of vans. He then put on a silver Indiana Jones hat (I like the style of the hat) to cover his ears. He then put on a black coat while wrapping his tail around his waist to hide his tail as well. Jack knew how faunus were treated and wanted to avoid trouble. Last thing was his eyes which he couldn't not change one was gold and the other grey.

Jack then told the system to pull up hair stats

Strength 54

Battle intelligence 80

Vitality 60

Charisma 100 (Smooth Talker)

Worldly intelligence 80

Agility 80

Aura 200 (Locked)

Semblance (Locked)

Dark (Locked)

Light (Locked)

Weapon name Lunar Eclipse (Jack always thought Rubys weapon was the coolest) (Looks the same as crescent rose but is black while the blade is golden. When put away it takes the form of gloves that are black and gold and enhance close quarters combat capabilities. It is able to make this change by morphing.)