

Huntsman Academies—prestigious institutions in the world of Remnant dedicated to training the next generation of humanity’s protectors—Huntsmen and Huntresses. Together, they fight to protect the people from the ravenous creatures of Grimm and evil organizations. Unfortunately, not everyone attends these schools with such righteous ambitions in mind. The members of Team SWRZ (Pronounced Schwartz) are far from becoming the defenders of Remnant.

LawVinson · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs

Team SWRZ - Volume 2 - Chapter 2 - Silver Lining!

Another day, another excellent class. Watchet Amin sat attentively during the history lecture. He listened to the profound wisdom of the professor, Clancy Armstrong. The tall, robust man informed the class of many historical events across Remnant. Sure, it was a lot of information that the student knew already, but it never hurt to start from the basics of knowledge. Disregarding even the simplest of information could make or break a Huntsmen or Huntresses.

The class went on without a hitch, ending when the school bell rang. Most of the students were in a hurry to leave the classroom, Rowan Cassidy included. Escape was just within her reach until Watchet intercepted her.

"What do you want?" Rowan asked.

"May we talk?" Watchet politely requested.

The orange-haired girl didn't provide an answer immediately. Instead, she looked to the exit on the other side of the classroom. It was no good. Schwartz der Hund, the team leader, also had that exit blocked.

Damn. They knew she'd tried to escape.

"It doesn't look like you're giving me much of choice," Rowan sighed in defeat, realizing that escape was impossible at this point without causing a stir. "What do you want?"

"I would prefer it if we took this conversation somewhere more private. Would you care to accompany me to the roof?" Watchet suggested.

Rowan gave into her teammate's demands and followed them to the roof. She occasionally checked over her shoulder, noting that Schwartz deliberately lagged behind the group. Did they have so little faith in her? Did they honestly believe that the con woman would bolt at the first chance she got?

Well, they were right to do so.

That's precisely what she had planned. Her teammates got surprisingly more competent over the past few months. When Team SWRZ arrived at the rooftop of Haven Academy, Watchet explained his plea for the team to participate in the Vytal Festival Tournament.

"You want us to what?!" Rowan exclaimed. She couldn't believe her ears.

"I want us to participate in the Vytal Festival Tournament," Watchet repeated. "We have made slight improvements as a team. If we continue to push forward with a similar goal, we might be able to make it."

"Aren't only top-ranking teams selected?" Rowan reminded the team. As far as she knew, Team SWRZ was far from being one of the best teams in Haven.

"Not entirely. Teams SSSN and ABRN managed to make it in," Zorina noted.

"And we can become one of those teams," Watchet's tone exuded tremendous confidence. He believed in his team and what they could accomplish in Remnant. He wanted them to see the potential that he saw in them.

"You're okay with this?" Rowan directed her gaze at Schwartz for confirmation.

"Why not? We get to prove that I'm the best in the world by winning the tournament," Schwartz arrogantly proclaimed.

Rowan mentally threw in the towel. Of course, it's all about him. The jerk hadn't changed in the slightest. He still didn't care about the team but himself and his idiotic image. His sadistic lust for combat outweighed his common sense. Trying to convince him otherwise was impossible.

Watchet was out of the question since it was most likely his idea in the first place. That meant her only means of escape was her partner, Zonrina Teufel. Hopefully, she could talk sense into her.

"Zorina, let's get out of here. We shouldn't entertain this," Rowan grabbed her partner's hand and tried to lead her away, but the girl refused to budge.

"Fated One, I desire to test our mettle in this tournament," Zorina's golden eye sparkled with intense excitement. How could she resist the urge to showcase her superior strength and talent in competitive combat? Winning the tournament would undoubtedly show her mother that she can do fine independently in the world. She could see it now. Her name spelled in lights with the glorious title of champion hanging over her head. No one would ever be able to tell her differently.

"What?!" Rowan's jaw nearly hit the floor. Again, she couldn't believe her ears. Her teammates were deadset on competing in a tournament; they had no chance of winning. The fools didn't understand the severity of her situation.

She has to remain hidden from forces she'd preferably not explain to the simpletons she calls teammates.

By participating in the Vytal Tournament, Rowan's location would be revealed to her enemies worldwide. She couldn't allow that to happen. She wouldn't let a bunch of students put her life in further danger.

"That's three to your one," Schwartz happily boasted with a raise of three fingers. "Majority rules, Rowan. We're participating in the tournament."

"Like hell, we are!" Rowan immediately protested the idea. "In case you morons forgot, it's a team thing! If one of us doesn't want to participate, then none of us do!"

"What's your problem?" Schwartz asked. "You don't even have to do anything for the tournament. You can go ahead and leave us behind like you always do."

"I don't want to hear that from you!" Rowan pointed a finger of accusation toward Schwartz. If anyone had a habit of abandoning people to do their own thing, it was Schwartz. "I'm not going to bother wasting time on this discussion! I'm not participating in some stupid tournament! End of story!"

The orange-haired huntress in training turned her back to her teammates and headed for the exit. Right on cue, the three desperate students moved to intercept, but Rowan anticipated everything. Before they knew what hit them, the girl activated her Semblance, [Kinetic Burst], and left them frozen as she proceeded to escape with ease.

The rest of the Team SWRZ returned to normal when she left the area.

"Damn it! She's gone!" Schwartz exclaimed. "That super speed semblance of hers is so annoying!"

"Well, that did not go according to plan," Watchet noted, feeling somewhat defeated about his teammate's refusal to participate in the tournament. How could they hope to grow as a team if a single member refused to help them?

"That's an understatement," Schwartz angrily responded. It was thanks to uncooperative subordinates like Rowan that he disliked being on teams. If she refused to obey the orders of her betters, then what good was she to the team? He had half a mind to speak with the instructors and have her removed.

"What should we do?" Zorina asked as she looked between Schwartz and Watchet. "We cannot partake in the tournament if my Fated One refuses to join us."

"This is quite the conundrum," Watchet reluctantly admitted. He thought the team did quite well in bonding exercises throughout the months, but Rowan proved otherwise. "There is still time before the tournament. If we tread carefully, we can convince Rowan to join us."

"Yeah, good luck with that," Schwartz dismissed the potential option and took a seat. Knowing about Rowan's stubbornness, the young bandit gave up all hope of competing in the tournament. She'd drag the team down in the gutter anyway.

"Are you giving up?" asked Watchet, suspiciously eyeing his team leader behind the safety of his shades.

"Nah," Schwartz shook his head. "You two worry about trying to convince her. I'll think of a plan B."

Watchet and Zorina were skeptical of their team leader's thinking capabilities but left him to his own devices. When Schwartz was left alone on the roof, he sat down on his back and stared at the sky. The whole Vytal Tournament caused more problems than anticipated. But regardless of the roadblocks, he was determined to participate and win the entire thing.

He wouldn't let someone like Rowan interfere with his ambitions.

"Trouble in paradise?" Schwartz sat up when the familiar, sarcastic tone reached his ears. He looked over his shoulder and spotted Professor Lilith Hale approaching him with a lit cigarette. "What's with you and your team walking around with the long faces all the time?"

"None of your business," Schwartz dismissed the woman's question. He didn't know why, but for the past few months, wherever he went, Lilith wasn't too far behind. At first, Schwartz suspected that the Wisteria woman outed him to her. But as time passed with nothing happening, he didn't quite know how to deal with the instructor.

"Harsh," Lilith took a drag of her cigarette and showed no kindness as she blew smoke in the student's face. "I thought you and your team were on better terms."

"Well, you thought wrong," Schwartz waved the smoke out of his face and backed away from the instructor.

"So, what happened this time around?" Lilith continued to pester the student regarding his teammates.

"Argument as always," The student revealed without hesitation. "Three of us want to participate in the Vytal Tournament."

Lilith snickered at Schwartz's predicament, having already surmised the rest of his problems. "Your team wants to participate? Good luck with that."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Schwartz glared at the woman.

"Don't get me wrong. Your team is decent." Lilith dropped her cigarette and crushed it beneath her foot. "But the Vytal Tournament isn't something any of you are ready for, at least from what I've seen. You'd get eliminated in the first round if your team participated."

"You don't know that," Schwartz shook his head in denial.

"Have you forgotten your frequent losses to Team WEIS in sparring class? That's what you would have to look forward to in the tournament. Individually, your teammates are okay. But you're all severely lacking in the cooperation department as a team." Lilith pointed at her student. What was the point of their past lessons if Schwartz refused to retain any precious knowledge she passed down to him? "You said one team member didn't want to compete in the tournament, right?"

"Yeah, it's Rowan," Schwartz revealed.

"Have you asked why she didn't want to compete?"

"No, I didn't. I don't care, honestly--we'll do this with or without Rowan."

"See? That attitude right there is one of the main reasons you'll never grow as a proper Huntsman," Lilith shook her head in disappointment—looking after the brat proved harder than she thought. She didn't know babysitting Schwartz also meant looking after the team. "Get your head out of your ass and try talking with Rowan. Maybe you'll learn something."

"Been there, done that. It's like talking to a brick wall," Schwartz admitted.

"Then I guess you're screwed," Lilith taunted and confidently crossed her arms underneath her chest. "Team SWRZ will have to sit out the Vytal Tournament. I'm sure someone like you will enjoy watching it from the stands. But that's fine. None of you have what it takes anyway."

"Just you watch!" Schwartz pointed at the instructor. If there's one thing he hated most in the world, it's people telling him that he can't do anything. The young Huntsmen in training desired to participate in the Vytal Tournament, and that's what he would do no matter what. "There's still time before the tournament. I'll show you that Team SWRZ is ready!"

"You're ballsy; I'll give you that," Lilith smirked at her student's tenacity. "Let me give you a little heads up. The students of Haven are going to head out on missions soon throughout the kingdom. Since you're a first-year student, you'll most likely shadow professional Huntsmen, depending on the task you take."

Schwartz's eyes lit up at the mention of the missions. It was the perfect opportunity to prove that Team SWRZ could compete and win the whole damn event. He'd rub it in the faces of everyone that doubted him.

"So, if my team performs well in the mission, would you recommend us for the tournament?" Schwartz inquired.

"I'll think about it," Lilith smirked and walked past Schwartz. "Now hurry up. The class will start soon."

Schwartz obeyed his teacher's command and followed her back to class.