

Leading one of the top teams at Beacon Academy, third year Joseph Cameron is considered one of Beacon's greatest leaders. Persephone Comis, a Demon Faunas, Rachel Ariti, the rebellious 2nd IC, and Samuel Hunter, the bachelor Sniper, make up team JSPR and this story is a retelling of their heroism.

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Chapter 9: Oh No....

Joseph POV

~Me and CFVY will walk down the street~

Me: "And then that's when I said, now that's a katan-." As I said this I hear sirens wailing down the street.

Yatsu: "Those are a lot of police cars."

Velvet: "Maybe we should go check it out." 

Fox will nod agreeing with Velvet.

Coco: "Alright, good plan Velvet. Let's move CFVY....and Jose-"

Me: "Come on, slowpokes!" I will yell to CFVY as I was already down the street far away from them.

Coco will let out a sigh and motion for her team to follow me.

Me and CFVY will walk toward the police cars as all of the officers will have their gun trained on a small office space I will walk toward one of the police officer and tap the Captain's shoulder.

Captain: "Hm? Oh Joseph. Good to see you."

I will nod and look toward the building.

Me: "Are they keeping all the donuts hostage?" I will say letting out a chuckle.

Captain: "Real funny, Joseph. We do have hostages in the building but, we can't go in until the SWAT team comes. But, they're halfway across the city. There is one suspect but, we have no idea where she is. Where is JSPR?"

Me: "My team isn't here right now, but CFVY is a suitable replacement you can send them in."

The Captain will nod and turn towards CFVY.

Captain: "Sure you are up for it?"

Coco: "We got this."

Me: "I'll stay in the command station providing you with any information you will need. Good hunting CFVY."

Everyone in CFVY will nod as they slowly make their way toward the entrance of the building. 

Coco Pov

My team will enter the building and quickly usher the hostages out of the building. Yatsu will grab one of the Hostages by his arm.

Yatsu: "We are looking for a suspect, do you know where she went?"

Hostage (Black Hair Male): "Somewhere in the main study." 

Yatsu will nod and allow the hostage to leave.

Me: "Alright, Joseph we are heading into the study."

Joseph: "Copy." 

Fox will walk towards the lock door leading to the study.

Me: "Sense anything?"

Fox: "No, but we should still be careful. Also, the door is lock." Fox will turn the knob.

I will turn towards Yatsu.

Coco: "Want to open this jar of pickles for me?"

Yatsu will nod and tackle the door open as my team will enter a room filled with books and a large desk.

Fox: "Do you think the hostage was wrong?"

Yatsu: "Don't know."

Velvet: "Maybe there's something we aren't seeing."

Joseph: "Velvet is correct, from these schematics it looks like there's a passage leading to a panic room. Maybe you have to activate a switch."

Me: "A switch....." I will look around at all of the books. "Do you remember all those old movies we watch together."

Joseph: "Yeah, good times I was there."

Me: "Do you think one of the books might activate something."

Joseph: "It's worth a shot."

I will nod at my team as they began to pull on the books. Suddenly a passageway will reveal itself when Velvet pulled a correct book.

Velvet: "Got it!"

Me: "Good work, Velv." I will say petting her head as she smiles. "Let's do this." I will walk down the spiral staircase as my team will follow.

Suddenly my team will hear weeping as we get closer and closer down the stairway.

Velvet: "What is the source of that crying?"

Fox: "Something is not right."

Me: "Get ready."

My team will reach the start of a hallway as we slowly begin to move forward toward the panic room. We reached the end of the hallway as we spot the entrance of the panic room and a women standing at the entrance having her back turn from us.

Fox: "Lady, put those hands up."

The lady will keep her back turn and then slowly turn around as her hand glows green.

Yatsu: "Don't try it we'll drop you where you stand."

Velvet: "Come peacefully, please!"

The lady will begin to silently cry as her eyes will glow green.

Lady: "I'm....sorry....please....forgive....me." Green energy will appear and go down the hall rushing toward CFVY.

Joseph POV

I will attempt to readjust the radio signal but I'm only getting static.

Coco: "Jos- hel- AAAHHH!" 

Me: "No no no no no no." I will quickly take out my scroll and check CFVY's aura level they were all gone. I will quickly grab my swords and rushed into the building running into the study and going down the stairs. "Yatsu! Coco! Velvet! Fox! CALL OUT!"

I will look down and spot Coco's hat laying on the ground. I'll pick it up and dust it off. 

Me: "I'm so sorry."

Suddenly I heard a sound and quickly turn around.

Me: "Oh no...."

Timeskip at Beacon

I will sit on my bed as CFVY was staring back at me who all turned into babies. 

Me: "This better not be permanent."

Coco will extend her arms out to me and I'll look at her confused. 

Me: "What you need your diaper changed or something?"

Coco will continue to extend her arms out to me and I'll sigh and pick her up. Coco will then snuggle against me and I'll pat her back.

Me: "If you guys want some hugs you have to wait your turn." I will say toward FVY as they make some gurgle sounds.

My dorm room door will open.

Persephone: "Joseph! We are back!"

Samuel: "And we bought your tea."

Rachel: "Not sure which one you liked so we just bought them all."

Persephone, Samuel, and Rachel will walk into the room and their eyes will widen as CFVY will look at them.

Me: "Better be some black tea in that endless mound of tea pocket."


Rachel: "So, let me get this straight, CFVY chased some person down to the basement of an office building....and then they saw some green glow and now they are cute babies?" Rachel will say as she holds Yatsu in her arms.

Me: "Yes." I will say as Coco sits in my lap nibbling on a lien I gave her.

Samuel: "Can we like reverse this?" Samuel will say as he held onto Fox to make sure he doesn't bump into anything and hurt himself.

Persephone: "They will grow right? We should leave them like this." Persephone will say as she tickles Velvet.

Me: "Now, we both know we can't do that Ms Comis." 

Our door will open as a figure will walk in.

Ozpin: "Joseph, I ran out of coffee and I need you to go on an erra-"

Me: "Hi, Professor."

Ozpin: "Explain..."


Ozpin: "I see..."

Ozpin will look at Coco as she hugged my shirt and hover his hand over Coco's head. Green aura will emit from Ozpin's hand before reciding.

Ozpin: "Hm...looks like I can't change your friends back to normal."

Persephone: "So they are stuck like this! Yes! Come Velvet, we get to be friends all over again."

Me: "What if we find the person who did this? Do you think we can change them back?"

Ozpin: "Well, that should work. And I'm assuming you will be going to find the person."

Samuel: "We can't just leave them here, right?"

JNPR will walk into the room.

Jaune: "Joseph, what tea do you drink? I want to be just as great as a leader like you."

Nora: "I bet the tea is pancake flavour."

Phyrra: "I don't think you need tea Jaune. 

Ren: "I think it's black tea."

All of JNPR will stop and look at JSPR then the child CFVY.

Jaune: "Coco?"

Coco will look at Jaune before returning to munching on Joseph's lien.

Me: "Looks like we found our babysitters."

Jaune: "What?"

I will stand up and hand Coco off to Jaune.

Me: "Alright JSPR, let's go find this girl. Coco behave." I will say as I rub Coco's cheek as she begins to drool. 

Persephone: "Take care, Little Velvet." Velvet will make a small wave toward Persephone as she was picked up by Ren.

Samuel: "Don't hurt yourself, Fox." Samuel will say as he hands Fox off to Pyhrra. 

Rachel will look at Yatsu and place a kiss on his forehead before handing her off to Nora.

Nora: "Give me!"

Rachel: "Be safe, Yatsu. And Nora please...don't kill him."

Nora: "Heh heh."

Ozpin: "And JSPR, take Team RWBY with you as a safety precaution."

My team will nod and head out of the room to turn our friends back to normal.