

Leading one of the top teams at Beacon Academy, third year Joseph Cameron is considered one of Beacon's greatest leaders. Persephone Comis, a Demon Faunas, Rachel Ariti, the rebellious 2nd IC, and Samuel Hunter, the bachelor Sniper, make up team JSPR and this story is a retelling of their heroism.

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Chapter 8: Beach Day

A bus will stop at an intersection as JSPR, RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY exited it.

Nora: "WE ARE HERE!!!!"

Ren: "Nora you don't have to yell...."

Yang: "Nothing to do on our weekend then to relax in the sun!"

Weiss: "I will rather be studying."

Samuel: "Lighten up, Ice queen. You can't study forever."

Weiss: "I wish....."

Ruby: "Sowhatarewegoingtodofirstarewegoingtogoplayvolleyball?ohohmaybewecangoswimmingunderwater.Ormakeacampfire!

Coco: "Well, we can start with changing." As Coco will motion for the girls to follow her towards the changing rooms.

Samuel: "I agree with this plan!" As Samuel begins to follow the girls before being abruptly stopped by Fox and Yatsu pulling on his ear.

Samuel: "Ow ow ow ow ow ow!"

Joseph: "Geez, Samuel I should keep money on the side just to bail you out of jail one day."

Samuel: "Aw, you will really do that for me?"

Joseph: "No. Anyway we should probably get changed as well."

Jaune and Joseph will wait for the rest of the boys as Pyrrha will walk up to them wearing her scarlet bikini.

Pyrrha: "Jaune...how do I look?"

Jaune: "Um...." 

Joseph will slightly elbow Jaune's ribs.

Jaune: "You look nice, Pyrrha. Nice to see you out of the armor from time to time."

Pyrrha will smile and slightly blush as she moved a hair strandto the side.

Samuel will walk out of the changing room and walk towards Joseph.

Samuel: "Ready?"

Joseph: "Yep!"

Jaune: "Where are you guy's going?"

Joseph: "Going to hunt us some swordfish. The cafeteria people needed one so we promised to get one while we were here.'

Jaune: "Have fun." 

~Timeskip brought to you by Persephone and Velvet chasing after a seagull that stole their food.~

Persephone and Blake will lay down on mats underneath an umbrella reading a book. While Ren and Nora are building a sand castle it seems a little bit bigger then usual. Coco, Velvet, Jaune, and Rachel will go against Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha and Yang in a volleyball match. While Fox and Yatsu went surfing.

Somewhere in the distance will be a small boat with Joseph and Samuel on it.

Samuel: "Hm...wonder when the fish are going to bite."

Joseph: "Patience, I'm sure we'll get a bite eventually."

Samuel will think.

Samuel: "My sister is coming to the Vytal festival."

Joseph: "Cool, it's great for Sarah to come down here, again. Wonder what stories she is going to come up with this time."

Samuel: "Remember the first time you guy's met. I almost went to jail!"

Joseph will look at Samuel.

Joseph: "I'm not apologizing."

Flashback brought to you by Rachel entering a time machine. Returning back to the present and showing a picture of her giving bunny ears behind Abraham Lincoln at a movie booth as a figure crept up behind her.

Persephone: "I wonder what the big surprise, Samuel is always talking about."

Rachel: "What if he got married?"

Joseph: "Isn't that like breaking a law..."

Joseph will reach for the door and open it. As his team walks in they spots Samuel hugging a small girl.

Joseph: "...Rachel call the police."

Rachel: "Already on it."

Persephone: "This is low Samuel even for you."

Samuel: "Woah woah woah this is the surprise my sister Sarah."

Sarah will walk up to Joseph and bow.

Sarah: "Hello, I'm Sarah you must be THE Joseph! My brother talks about you alot!" 

Joseph will give a confused look as Sarah will walk to Persephone and bow.

Sarah: "You must be, Persephone. My brother really talks about you alot! You are so beautiful!"

Persephone: "Aw....thank you."

Sarah will then walk to Rachel and bow.

Sarah: "You must be the crazy scientist!"

Rachel: "We just met but I like you already."

Persephone: "What are you doing here little Sarah?"

Sarah: "My parent's had some work in Vale so they decided that I can come and visit and meet the super cool team JSPR!"

Joseph: "We're good but not that good."

Sarah will smile. 

Current time

Samuel: "Heh good times."

Joseph: "Well, I can't wait."

Suddenly there was a tug on Joseph's fishing line.

Joseph: "I got something."

Samuel: "Reel it in!"

Joseph will begin to reel in the fish but it was stronger then he thought. Samuel will pull Joseph back but the fish seemed stronger.

Joseph: "I GOT IT!" As Joseph will flick the fishing line up as a huge Grim will appear from the sea. 

Joseph: "...."

Samuel: "..."

Joseph: "We should run."

Samuel: "Yep!"



Samuel will paddle as fast as he can when suddenly the Blade Jaw bit the paddles and dragged it into the sea.

The Grim will begin to catch up to us as Samuel and Joseph begins to resort to using their hands as paddles. That's when the Grim appeared underneath and launched Samuel off the boat. 

While at the beach

Persephone will look up from her book.

Persephone: "There's a disturbance in the force."

Velvet will look at Persephone questionably.

Velvet: "Hey....Persephone...."

Persephone: "Yeah?"

Velvet: "You are not going to believe me...but I think...something happened to Joseph and Samuel." As Velvet shows Persephone the camera.

Persephone: "Oh my..." 

Joseph will follow Samuel on the boat finding the motor for the boat so he doesn't have to resort to paddling.

Joseph: "Samuel, don't stop running!"

Samuel: "Do I have a choice?"

Joseph: "My bad that was a dumb suggestion."

Joseph will pull out Samuel's rifle and fire. Nothing came out of the muzzle.

Joseph: "Hey, Samuel....I think your gun is broken.

Samuel will look back at Joseph while running.


Joseph: "Is that the left ammo or the one on the right...."

Samuel: "Joseph, use any."

Joseph will put the ammo on the left but only party streamers came out.

Joseph: "Hey Samuel...."

Samuel: "Oh my goodness...I'm going to stop."

Joseph will pull out the streamers while looking at Samuel.




Samuel: "1000%!!!" As Joseph's gold aura will surround Samuel.

Joseph will place the right ammo and begin to fire towards the beast.

Samuel: "WOHOO!!"

The bullets will deflect off of the skin of the shark.

Samuel: "Well, we're dead."

Joseph: "I have an idea." As Joseph will reach for his scroll.

Rachel will sit on a beach chair as a couple of boys will look at her. Rachel will then roll her eyes. Rachel will then hear her scroll ring.

Rachel: "Hello, Joseph." Rachel can hear distant shouting in the background.

Rachel: "Hey, Joseph where are you?"

Joseph: "Um....at the....club!"

Rachel: "Did something happen to Samuel....wait is he in jail?"

Joseph: "Um....no....he's running from a...wait a minute... SAMUEL TURN LEFT TURN LEFT!"

Rachel: "I'm not even going to ask.....what do you need?"

Joseph: "How do you kill a Grimm that looks like a shark?"

Rachel: "Hm...the outer shell is probably rough..have you tried cutting it up?"

Joseph: "Yep, already tried that."

Rachel: "Well, you can either try to cause the Grim to exit the water....but then again there are civilians."

Joseph: "Plan#2?"

Rachel: "You can try to blow it up from the inside....but, it's going to have to open it's mouth first."

Joseph: ".....Plan#3?"

Rachel: "Sorry, Joseph that's all I got."

Joseph: "Alright....thanks.....and Rachel..."

Rachel: "Yes?"

Joseph: "Don't tell Coco. She's going to make fun of me on my dayoff."

Rachel: "I won't." As I close the call. I will then turn towards Coco motioning her to come over.

Joseph will then turn towards Samuel.

Joseph: "Hey....Samuel...."

Samuel will look at Joseph.

Joseph: "I need you to be eaten."

Samuel will look at Joseph in shock.

Samuel: "NO!!!"

Joseph: "You have to blow it up from the inside!"

Samuel: "How am I suppose to do that without any explosives?"

Joseph will look at Samuel and give him a shrug.

Samuel: "I'm too young to die."

Joseph will then call someone else.

Glynda will answer the call.

Glynda: "Joseph how did you get my number."

Joseph: "Ironwood gave it to me."

Glynda: "*sigh* what do you need? Please don't tell me you burn down another orphanage..."

Joseph: "What no. I need you to go to Rachel's locker and take out all of her explosives and shove it into my locker."

Glynda: "May I ask why?"

Joseph: "...no...."

Glynda: "MR CAMERON!"

Joseph: "I just need a big boom to kill this one....Grimm..."

Glynda: "Alright.....I'm moving them now. Call them in 5."

5 minutes later.

Samuel will begin to look tired and slowing down.

Joseph: "GET READY!"

Joseph will call in the locker as it can be seen flying overhead.

Rachel will look at Persephone and nod.

The locker will fly a little bit to the right of Samuel about to miss it's target. 

Joseph: "CRAP! I miscalculated by 10 inches."

Samuel will jump over the rocket and kick it to line up with the mouth of the Grimm. There was then a sudden explosion that caused tremors on the seas. Joseph's boat will rock back and forth aggressively as he scanned the area for Samuel.

Joseph: "SAMUEL! SAMUEL!" As Joseph regained control and slowly moved around the body of the Grim. 

Joseph: "Come on...man...."

Persephone will pop out of the water as Samuel held onto her.

Persephone: "Mind helping?"

Joseph will pick up Samuel and laid him on the boat. And helped Persephone on as they headed back to the shore.

Joseph: "How were you able to get here?"

Persephone: "I used one of my nevermores."

As Joseph arrive on the beach everyone will come and check on Samuel.

Samuel: "...energy gone....."

Rachel: "Stop being a baby."

Samuel: "I have to move on I'm going towards the light."

Persephone: "No...Samuel stay away from that light."

Samuel: "It's so beautiful...." As a tear will form in Samuel's eye.

Rachel will roll her eyes and reach for Velvet's camera. Showing an image of young girls in bikinis posing for a picture.

Samuel: "I'M ALIVE!" As Samuel will perform a backflip landing on his feet.

Joseph will shake his head as Coco will stare at him with a devilish smirk.

Coco: "So....heard you were afraid of a fish."

Joseph: "Says the girl who went down her stairs one day on her birthday and she thought a bunch of balloons was an actual person. So, he attacked it. Paranoid lady wonder how your team will react."

Coco: "You wouldn't dare."

Joseph: "Oh I will."

Coco will reach for her purse.

Joseph: ".......Oh..."

Joseph will run away down the beach as everyone watch on. Coco will then pull out her minigun.