

Leading one of the top teams at Beacon Academy, third year Joseph Cameron is considered one of Beacon's greatest leaders. Persephone Comis, a Demon Faunas, Rachel Ariti, the rebellious 2nd IC, and Samuel Hunter, the bachelor Sniper, make up team JSPR and this story is a retelling of their heroism.

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Chapter 7: The Forest

~During Professor Peach Class~

Professor Peach: "Alright, time to end class make sure you complete your assignment and get it in to me by our next class period. You are all dismissed and have a great day! Team JSPR please stay behind."

Everyone will leave the room as Team JSPR remained.

Joseph: *sigh* "What did Rachel do?"

Rachel: "Come on Joseph you know me better then to make the same mistake twice."

Professor Peach: "Luckily, it doesn't have to do with you Rachel. As you know I won't be able to attend the 1st year field trip tomorrow. Goodwitch will be handling the field trip but I want JSPR to join for security. If you don't mind after all."

Joseph: "Well, anybody have any issue with it."

Persephone: "Nope, could be fun!"

Samuel: "Aw...fine..."

Rachel: "Could use some more sap for Project G."

~Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Samuel throwing a grenade over a wall while Chibi Joseph was standing next to him. The grenade will then be thrown back over the wall to Samuel's feet while Samuel and Joseph looked at each other with fear in their eyes.~

~JSPR was in their dorm rooms~

Rachel: "Finish!" Rachel will say as she stretched after completing her assignment for Professor Port. As a dismantled Spot laid next to her.

Joseph will clean his pistol swords as Persephone was watching TV while Samuel was reassembling his weapon.

Persephone: "Great, let's get some rest before the big mission tomorrow!"

Samuel: "We are just going to defend capable first years I consider this mission small."

Persephone: "Come on, Samuel. Any mission could turn into a big mission. That's whats great about being a huntsman!"

Samuel: "I have to reschedule a date!"

Rachel: "Another one? How are you even finding these girls?"

Samuel: "I'm a busy man."

Joseph: "Sure sure."

Samuel: "Joseph what is that suppose to mean? Do you think I don't got game?"

Joseph: "Game recognize game Samuel and you are looking really unfamiliar right now." 

Samuel: "Oh please."

*Knock* *Knock*

Persephone: "Enter."

Ozpin will walk into the room and pull up a chair.

Joseph: "Good evening, Professor."

Ozpin: "Good evening, JSPR." As Ozpin will take a sip of his cup.

Rachel: "You know Professor....you shouldn't drink so much hot chocolate."

Ozpin: "I'm old enough to take risk Ms Ariti."

Samuel: "Well, I don't think you are here to congratulate me on getting myself a new girl."

Ozpin: "Another one?"

Rachel: "That's what I said."

Ozpin: "Anyway, I'm here to talk about your mission."

Persephone: "Protecting the first years right?"

Ozpin will shake his head.

Ozpin: "Sadly, we are going to have to alter the mission a little." As Ozpin will take out a hologram. He will press a button on it as a ruined building will be surrounded by Forever fall.

Joseph: "What am I looking at Professor?" As Joseph will look at the ruined building.

Ozpin: "Reports in the area have stated that a contingent of white fang are in the area. It seems like they are creating a new weapon. I want JSPR to go in and destroy the project."

Joseph: "The White fang? Seems really out of character especially for them. Does Sienna know about this?"

Ozpin: "We don't know, all attempts to reach Sienna has gone silent. So, we will have to assume that they are the enemy."

Joseph: "Consider it done." As Joseph will virtually blow up the ruined building.

Ozpin will nod.

Ozpin: "Good luck, JSPR."

Rachel: "There is more to it then luck, Professor."

Ozpin will chuckle as he leaves the room.

~Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Rachel attempting to steal Yatsu's sword. On the bullhead transporting student's to the forever falls.~

Pyrrha will look at Jaune who was sitting near CRDL away from his teammates.

Pyrrha will give a depressed sigh as Samuel will wake up from his nap. 

Samuel: "You know it's hard to sleep with your sighing."

Pyrhha: "Sorry, Samuel...."

Samuel: "Well might as well tell me what's on your mind. You keep on looking at Jaune is there a problem with your team?"

Pyrrha: "Can I ask you for advice?"

Samuel: "Well, you're not a boy so I don't know what type of advice I can give you.."

Pyrrha: "I mean team advice."

Samuel: "Oh....well go ahead."

Pyrrha: "Jaune, he isn't the strongest in the school but I think that he has alot of potential. He just needs that push in the right direction sadly, every time I try to help he just pushes me away."

Samuel: "Hm....you want to know why I follow Joseph?"

Pyrrha will look at Joseph who was reviewing some sort of holographic structure with Rachel.

Pyrrha: "Is it because he is your leader and you trust his abilities?"

Samuel: "Yes, but he is more then that. You must understand that Joseph he does have his doubts and grudges. But, he never let that compromise any mission that we are on. He is level headed, probably more then the rest of us. And he is willing to make the tough calls to ensure the completion of the mission." 

Pyrrha: "So, the perfect leader?"

Samuel will shake his head.

Samuel: "No such thing as a perfect leader, Pyrrha. Just someone who knows how to lead his team efficiently."

Pyrrha: "What does this have to do with Jaune?"

Samuel: "Did I ever mention the rest of JSPR or just Joseph?"

Pyrrha: "Only Joseph....."

Samuel: "Exactly, you have to get involved with your team leader to ensure that he/she stays on the right path. Joseph is the ship, as teammates we are the anchor."

Pyrrha: "So, I have to do whatever I need to do to help Jaune even when he doesn't want it?"

Samuel: "Yep, but in Jaune's case find the right moment."

Pyrrha: "The....right moment?"

Samuel: "Yeah, you will find it." 

The bullhead will land in a clearing of the forest. 

Samuel: "Good luck Pyrrha." 

Pyrrha: "Thanks...Samuel."


Glynda: "Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so."

Glynda will look at JSPR and nod as JSPR will walk into the forest away from the rest of the teams. 

Joseph: "Remember the mission infiltrate the building and destroy the secret project. Any white fang we encounter we will eliminate or gather information from them."

Everyone will nod as a structure begins to appear in the distance.

Rachel: "Structure 12:00."

Joseph will look towards Persephone and nod as Persephone will return the nod as she create a Nevermore and jumped on it's back and fly over the structure. 

3 minutes later she will return.

Joseph: "Status report."

Persephone will pat the Nevermore as she makes it disappear. And take out her fan and fan herself.

Persephone: "The White Fang are in the building, but it looks they are preparing for more white fang soldiers."

Joseph: "Alright, let's move." 

Joseph will slowly near the door of the building stopping his team when he spots the datapad at the door.

Joseph: "Datapad, Rachel can you hack into it?"

Rachel: "Give me a minute." Rachel will take out the datapad and begins to tinker with the wires.

5 seconds later

The door will open.

Rachel: "Sorry it took so long." Rachel will say smirking as the door opened. 

Joseph will roll his eyes and motion for his team to move. The doors open, two white fang members will walk away from the door and quickly turn around. 

Female White Fang: "CONTACT!" She will say in an Australian accent

Before they can react Persephone will run at the white fang hitting him in the neck with her fan and then kick him straight across the face knocking him out. While Samuel will use the butt of his gun to knock out one of the female white fang members.

The white fang radio will then crackle to life.

Radio operator: "Team 2? Team 2?"

JSPR will look at each other. Persephone will reach for the radio coughing before speaking into the radio.

Persephone: " This is Team 2, how's it going mate?" Persephone will say in an Australian accent.

Radio Operator: "Please remain formal, 2-1."

Persephone: "Sorry about that command, waiting for orders."

Radio Operator: "Sending you information on your scroll to go protect the secret project."

Persephone will look at the scroll. 

Persephone: "Got it now, command."

Radio Operator: "Hop to it."

Persephone: "Copy that."

The radio operator will cut communications as Persephone will let out a sigh of relief.

Samuel: "Nice accent."

Persephone: "Hang around Velvet long enough and you will pick up her accent."

Rachel: "You will make a great actor."

Joseph: "Alright, let's go." 

JSPR will follow the scroll directions until they reached a stairway leading down into a narrow corridor.

Samuel: "I hate stairs."

Rachel: "I wonder where it leads to?" 

Joseph: "Death."

Persephone: "Well, only one way to find out." As Persephone will walk down the stairs as her team follows.

The White Fang radio will beep on.

White Fang: "This is Team 6 we found two bodies of Team 2. They are unconscious but their scrolls were taken."


Suddenly footsteps can be heard rushing towards the entry to the stairs.

Joseph: "Double time it everyone!" Joseph will say sprinting down the corridors leaving a dust trip mind.

White Fang: "Got them!" As the White Fang begins to fire at JSPR with his rifle.

Samuel will quickly turn towards the white fang and fire at his rifle shooting it out of his hand. 

Rachel: "Nice shot."

Persephone: "I see the end, straight ahead."

The trip mine was triggered blowing up two white Fang members who were thrown against the wall hard.

Persephone will run into the room as 3 white fang will block her path. 

Persephone: "Crap!" As a grenade will be thrown to her feet. The grenade will then detonate.

Samuel: "PERSEPHONE NO!" Samuel will say as he was pulled back by Joseph.

As the smoke will clear a small King Taijitu will wrap around Persephone shielding her. The White Fang will slowly approach the snake. Behind the white fang an Ursa will appeared and begin to thrash them around before stopping. Rachel will walk towards the Snake and pat it's scales.

Rachel: "Did you finally kick the bucket?"

The snake will unwrap around Persephone.

Persephone: "How am I supposed to answer that if I'm dead? Anyway, thanks to Gorgon I was able to make it out of their in time. And you too Callisto for taking care of the white fang." Persephone will say as she pats Callisto and Gorgon before making them disappear. 

Joseph: "Alright, let's hurry up and get this information." As Joseph will sit down near a computer. "Provide me with cover until I got this down."

Everyone will nod and position themselves on each side of the door.

Joseph: "Alright, let's see what we got."





[01010011 01110101 01101101 01101101 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110010 01101111 01110011 01100101]


[01010000 01110010 01101111 01101010 01100101 01100011 01110100 00100000 00110001 00110000] 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joseph: "Well, this isn't helpful, hey spo-" Joseph will look around before facepalming. "Right, maintenance and upgrades."

Joseph will motion for Rachel to come over.

Rachel: "Yes?"

Joseph: "I can't read binary, this is more of your expertise can you handle it?"

Rachel will nod before Joseph takes her spot near the door.

Rachel: "Top one is Summer Rose....maybe a relative to Ruby. But, there is our project."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project 10: A weapon that has the ability to find those that utilize powers similar to the maidens. And add them to a database to be used by code name "godmother."


Rachel: "A maiden....better save this to my drive and delete the file." That's when Rachel heard multiple gunshots as Samuel started to fire at the white fang.

Persephone: "Anytime now!"

Rachel: "It doesn't specifically say where it is, but there is a generator that we can use to blow up the whole facility."

Joseph: "Where?"

Rachel: "Should be....right behind us." Rachel will press some buttons as the doors behind her will open revealing a large generator.

Samuel: "Let's send this thing to sky heaven."

Suddenly the white fang will reappear.

White Fang (Bull): "Get him."

Rachel: "Me and Samuel will buy some time Joseph and Persephone hurry up and place the bombs."

Rachel will use her jump-kit to rush at one of the white fang slamming him against the wall. She will then pick up a white fang gun and fire it at them. Samuel will use the butt of his rifle to hit one of the white fang on the chin and fire a couple of times into him. A White Fang with a mini-gun will then appear firing at Rachel and Samuel as they hide behind a wall protruding from the wall. 

Samuel: "And I thought this was going to be easy."

Rachel: "This is where the fun begins." Rachel will say smiling.

Samuel: "Switch!" Samuel will move jump to the left as Rachel will slide underneath him. So, now they are on opposite sides of the hall.

Rachel: "Get ready."

Samuel will nod and insert a lightning dust and gravity dust into his rifle.

Rachel will use her semblance to appear behind the white fang as he swiftly turns around. He will then be shocked to see the image of Rachel fizzle away. The White Fang will quickly turn back around.


Samuel was able to fire a single shot into one of the barrels of the minigun and due to him combining lightning and gravity dust it created a magnetic effect. The White Fang member will then let go of the gun as it was pulled onto the ceiling. He will then rush at Samuel.

Samuel: "Any day now, Rachel."

Suddenly the White Fang member will be body slammed to the ground and kicked in the gut. 

Rachel: "As you were saying?"

Samuel: "Nothing." 

5 more White Fang Members will then appear with miniguns and aim it towards Rachel and Samuel.

Samuel: "We don't have time for this." Samuel will say as he extends his hand as red aura surrounds him.

Samuel: "We aren't the kid's you are looking for." Samuel will say as the white fang will look at each other confused.

White Fang(All 5): "You aren't the kid's we are looking for."

Samuel: "The real kids are actually on level 3."

White Fang (All 5): "The real kids are actually on level 3." The White Fang will say as they ran out of the room.

Samuel: "That should buy us some time."

Rachel: "You have really gotten better at that."

Samuel: "I have been practicing, how do you think I take your money to spend it on me dates?"

Rachel: "What?"

Samuel: "Nothing...."

Rachel: "We are talking about this when we get back." 

Samuel will gulp.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Persephone and Joseph will both be thrown back as they stood up and looked at their opponent.

Joseph: "Nice to see you again, Neo."

Neo will bow towards Joseph.

Persephone: "Are you planning on turning yourself in?"

Neo will think about it and shake her head smiling.

Persephone will look at Joseph and shrug.

Persephone:"Worth a shot."

Joseph and Persephone will then run at Neo slicing and kicking her. But, every time it seems like Neo is always one step ahead of them. Neo will then step on a tail as Gorgon will wrap itself around Neo but before she was able to do so Neo shattered. 

Joseph and Persephone will quickly look around. A small mirror will sit next to the duo as Neo will emerge from it.


Persephone: "I GOT IT!" Persephone will roundhouse kick Neo as Neo will fall back but then softly land on the ground. 

Neo will then transform "Hush" into a blade and rush at Joseph. Joseph was able to block most of the attacks and punch Neo in the gut. He will then attempt to slice her but Neo manages to slide underneath the attack. She will then attempt to stab Joseph in his back but before she was able to do so. Persephone's open fan will stop the attack and force Neo back.

Neo will then look like she was preparing to try something else until she got a call on her ear phone. From what Joseph can hear it sounded like Roman was ordering her to fall back. Neo will smile and waved goodbye at Joseph before skipping away.

Joseph will suck his teeth and begin placing the bombs with Persephone.

Samuel and Rachel will walk in.

Rachel: "Almost done? we kinda gotta leave."

Persephone: "We're good. Just need to get a safe distance from the area."

Joseph will walk over to an emergency button and press it warning all of the white fang to leave the area. Joseph doesn't like the White Fang, but he will rather have them die from his hands then from an explosion.

Samuel: "I copied the data on that computer onto a drive to present to Ozpin."

Joseph: "Alright, let's leave."

JSPR was able to use the confusion of the alarm to their advantage as many of the white fang started to board bullheads and fly away. JSPR will retreat into the forest and turn around one last time.

Joseph: "Mission-" Joseph will then click the button as the building will blow up.

Joseph: "Complete, good work team." 

Rachel: "Oh no."

Joseph: "Oh no? Are we not looking at the same building?"

Rachel: "Not that, look at these prints." As Rachel points to a large footprint. 

Persephone: "It's fresh." As she touches it.

Rachel: "And large...with the pad and claws an Ursa Major pass through here."

Samuel: "Looks like it's heading East in the direction of....."


Persephone will quickly summon individual nevermores for her team members as they quickly fly into the direction of the Grim. Once they arrived they spot Jaune protecting Cardin against the beast. 

Rachel: "That idiot is going to get himself killed." As Rachel will jump off the Nevermore and was preparing to go fight before being stopped by Samuel.

Samuel: "Let's see how this play's out."

Rachel: "Joseph?"

Joseph will nod.

Persephone: "You got this Jaune."

Jaune will continue fighting the Grim until the Grim was preparing to attack Jaune with his claw.

Joseph: "His shield is too low. He can't make that block."

Jaune's shield will then turn black and was a little bit higher blocking the attack. Then he cut off the Ursa's head.

Rachel: "I'm impressed."

Persephone: "He really does have some skill."

Joseph: "Not bad." As Joseph will say as he turns and begin to head back to Goodwitch as Rachel and Persephone follows.

Samuel will look at Pyrrha as they both exchange glances. Samuel will then nod towards Pyrrha and turn around and head off with his team.

Pyhrra: "I found the right moment."