
RWBY Omniversal Chatroom System

Chris had expected to wake up, haul his ass to his boring job, hop on a bus to get home and repeat this process for the foreseeable future. Through a random act of kindness towards a homeless but talented guitarist on the street and one too many cans of Monster, his routine was derailed.. drastically. [Welcome to the Multiversal Chat System, Neopolitan!] "Ugh.. what? Like the ice cream..?" [No!] "Oh.. Oh yeah.." [Open beginner gift box?] "Yeah just please don't give me anything bad, RNGesus.." [Ding!] [Acquired Rivers of blood katana] Minor Aura enhancement pill] [Body purification elixr] [Advanced swordsmanship] [Charm boost!]

Saeko_Kaburagi · Anime und Comics
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102 Chs

Arrival on Remnant II

Feeling the soft grass underneath her, Chris-now in a different body altogether-slowly rolled onto her back and blinked away the dark spots that she assumed came from her abrupt fall. Sitting up, she gave a brief glance at everything around her to confirm if she really did end up on Remnant in the wilds. To her (not) surprise she was in a forest surrounded by red trees.

After assessing that there was no immediate threat, she groaned.

[Welcome to the Multiversal Chat System, Neopolitan!]

"Ugh.. what? Like the ice cream..?"


"Oh.. Oh yeah.."

[Open beginner gift box?]

"Yeah just please don't give me anything bad, RNGesus.."

[Ding!] [Acquired Rivers of blood katana] Minor Aura enhancement pill] [Body purification elixr] [Advanced swordsmanship] [Charm boost!]

"There's a lot to unpack right there.. Okay.. first off-I can talk! Oh my god.. I sound cute.. But mature too. I got vocal range... I wonder if OG Neo can talk?"

"Next is this.... OP? giftbox. Rivers of Blood? Really? The spammiest broken weapon in Elden Ring? Wonder how people in Remnant would react to its weapon art. Aura pill? Cool. Body purification? Like in those Cultivation novels where there's always a young master that says 'you're courting death!'? I'll try that when I get access to a bath. Swordsmanship is good but I don't know how 'advanced' scales to the ridiculousness that is RWBY fighting. Finally there's 'Charm boost'. Is that a stat? Hey, system? Is charm a stat? Wait, do I HAVE stats?"

[No, the system does not use an arbitrary leveling system that many RPGS use. Such things cannot accurately describe the strength of individuals and would become tedious after a while to keep track of all the numbers and skills]

"Yeah that sounds like a pain in the ass, to be fair"

[What this system does have, is a shop, chatroom function, inventory of 30 items, skills list for chatroom members, quest tab and a reincarnated tracker]

"Great then! My stuff from the gift box is in the inventory I assume?"


"I'll just grab the sword and swordsmanship thingy then"

[Learn Advanced Swordsmanship?]

"Yes, please"

A sudden sharp pain assailed her head as she grasped the jagged and blood-red katana. The feeling of her mind adjusting to the correct stances, swings and finer details of everything considered a sword left after a minute. It also ingrained itself within her muscle memory, like she had practiced the sword for thirty years while everyone else was getting laid.

"Tch... ow. Feels like someone crammed an ice-pick into my brain for a second there. Okay, now I need to figure out where to g-Why am I naked..."

As soon as the pain went away, she stood up and felt a slight breeze all over her body. Just now coming to the realization that she was, in fact, completely ass-naked.

"Could he not have given me some god damned clothes!? I'm so.... distracted right now. I have more curves than a hot wheels track, holy shit.. Okay, focus man. I can ogle all I want in safety. So let's find that.."

She gave herself a good reason to find safety and started to cautiously walk the Forever Fall forest until she heard what sounded like a train. Running over to the sounds of possible civilization but still embarrassed due to her apparent nudity, she hid behind bushes and trees. Seeing a train coming up near her, she decided to jump on secretly, hoping the train was headed to Vale or any settlement so she wouldn't need to trek naked through a Grimm-infested forest.

"Okay.. I should be able to activate my semblance to blend in and make it look like I'm clothed. At least 'till I get some real clothes."

She whispered to herself as she ran and jumped onto the train carts, nimbly climbing inside a completely robot filled cabin as two Faunus completely cut and shoot the robots to bits. They very quickly notice the new addition of a naked girl with long pink and brown hair sommersaulting inside the train car. The one wearing a bow had froze upon seeing her and had gotten a few dozen shades redder at the unexpected intruder's state of dress. The one wearing a mask had noticed a new presence but was too busy destroying the last one of the robots to notice the same thing as his partner.

"I-wh-you.. you're.." The one with the bow who she recognized as Blake had started stuttering as bad as an introverted teenager trying to ask his popular crush out.

~Shiiit!! Hurry up and change appearance semblance! Neo clothes and fuckin' cat ears so Adam doesn't attack me!!~ Chris/Neo manically thought before her semblance kicked in on time. Turning her into a Cat Faunus wearing Neopolitan's trademark clothes.

Just as the one she recognized as Adam turned around to see her, too. He looked confused and slightly wary of her. Though she reckoned it was better than if he saw her as a naked human.

"Ah, a fellow Faunus. I don't remember setting anyone else on this job though.. Who are you? Are you with us?" Adam asked, not putting his deadly-looking katana away.

~Okay, no rambling to myself here.. It's acting time~

Chris/Neo cleared her throat and spoke as softly as she could. Unintentionally sounding incredibly seductive and making Blake's ear's under her bow twitch.

"I'm a White Fang sympathizer and I saw you enter this dangerous train full of Atlas robots and thought to back you up if you needed it. I can see now you clearly don't though! So I'll just leave and not get in your way.. ehehe" She scratched the back of her head sheepishly to look as non-threatening as possible.

Adam slightly nodded and turned to Blake with a slight smirk.

"See? I told you we have the hearts of our peo-Blake? Your nose is.." Adam trailed off as Blake furiously rubbed her face with her sleeve, wiping off her comically large nosebleed with an embarrassed expression.

"Ugh.. L-Let's just take her with us. Just in case. She has a weapon so she probably knows how to use it. We're almost done anyway I think" Blake quickly recomposed herself and walked ahead as Adam just shook his head in confusion.

~I'm guessing Blake is Bi or Gay? Guess the Bumblebee shippers were right. I'll follow her lead since she didn't just rat me out to Adam for being human~ Chris/Neo thought before following the two Faunus.

They soon encountered more robots on top and Neo saw the amazing skills of the two before her as they mowed the combat robots down easily. Calming herself as to not jump in or overestimate herself, she prepared to fight cautiously as she closed in on a robot. It seemed slow to her though, as if it was holding back. To test out her skill and the katana, she swung at its torso diagonally not too hard or too fast as to test her strength.

She instantly and swiftly cut it in half like a 1000° degree knife to wet paper. Its robotic parts flying off and smashing into another robot, which sent it stumbling off the train.


Stunned for a brief second, she then tested out her speed and agility. Again, holding back a bit she quickly arrived at the robot at the back of the train car about seven meters away in a second and quickly cut its head off with an Iai slash to its mechanical neck. Seeing the rest were dealt with, she turned to the two Faunus, who had now begun to look at her in a new light. Adam, with a bit of approval mixed with wariness. Blake was now wary too but there was something else she couldn't really identify at the moment. It looked like hope?

Getting to the next train car, Adam spoke up once again as he looked in a container.

"Perfect.. Move up to the next car, I'll set the charges" Adam looked to Blake and Neo.

"What about the crew members?" Blake had an expression of worry as she asked.

"What ABOUT the crew members?" He disregarded her worry as Blake looked at Neo to gauge her reaction.

Seeing her look, she gave one right back that practically said 'I don't support this lunatic' before she spoke up herself to change subjects.

"I think we have company"

Hearing a loud thud to their left, a large four-legged red spider-like robot with cannons for arms crawled down from the top of the car. Adam, taking out his katana, walked towards it with a confident swagger.

"Adam.." Blake said like a girl watching her boyfriend trying to fight another guy.

Blake turns to Neo, who tapped her shoulder and motioned her head to just leave him there. Blake shook her head sadly and went to back her partner up. Sighing helplessly, Neo went after her to back her up. She knew she'd likely be fine but she's had a soft spot for cats in her last life as a male.

Seeing Blake bounce off the thick metal shell of the robot and Adam's strikes only slightly cutting the machine, Neo took to targeting the robot's leg joints to at least slow its movements. Sliding under its kick that knocks Adam back, she slashes up the legs joint servo and dodges the lightning fast retaliatory stomps that shake the car. Neo stumbling back to the two and regaining her footing.

"We need to get out of here" Blake warned as the machine transformed partially. Its upper body becoming a far larger cannon. Firing and knocking all three of them to the next car.

"Ugh.. thanks aura.. She's right. We really should GTFO" Neo commented as she got back up.

"Buy me some time!" Adam shouted to them as the heavy sound of the machine's stomping was heard as it followed after them.

"Are you sure!?" Blake asked as Adam gritted his teeth.

"Do it!" Adam yelled out and got into his stance as Neo and Blake ran at the machine.

Blake and Neo both dodged the shots, Blake taking to the air and hitting the machine with multiple slashes, flipping over it and shooting it multiple times in its front. Neo now unleashing 4 consecutive bloody looking slashes as she jumped from leg to leg, exposing its mechanical innards and staggering it. Blake and Neo retreat black to Adam as it again transforms in a do-or-die attack that fires a beam of concentrated energy straight at Adam, which he blocks with his sword. Both Neo and Blake running back as he does.

Adam, now supercharged uses his semblance and erases the robot in an incredibly powerful swing that literally disintegrates it. Turning back, he runs over to where Blake and Neo are. But is taken back by the hurt expression Blake is showing. Before he can ask her anything, she speaks up.


And cuts the connection of the train cars, leaving Adam behind as she and Neo's train leaves him in the dust.

"Now.. who ARE you..?" Blake turns to the girl, who switched her semblance off so the cat ears disappear.

"Well that's hard to explain.. You wouldn't believe me. So I guess I'll say.. I'm a friend? I don't wanna harm you. If anything, I wanna help you. I wanna become a huntress and help the people. Faunus too, of course. I think what's being done to them is terrible. So.. acquaintances?" Neo holds out her hand, which Blake takes, despite her suspicions about a random girl bumping into them during a SDC train heist.

"Okay.. That's a good cause.. I guess. But.." Blake makes a funny face.

"Hmm..?" Neo gets in a bit closer to hear.

"WHY WERE YOU NAKED!?" Blake screams in shock and embarrassment.

"Ow.. no need to yell. I was.. just kinda dropped here without anything but my sword. I'm using my semblance to make it LOOK like I'm wearing clothes though.. Until I get some real threads" Neo explained and rubbed her ears.

"We need to get you clothes.. now. Come on, there's some passenger cars ahead. Oh, I'm Blake by the way. Blake Belladonna."

"Nice to meet you, Blake. I'm... You can call me Neo for now I guess. Not that I don't trust you but it's a brand new life for me and my last name.. doesn't suit me anymore" Neo subtly explained.

"I see" Nodding to herself as she understood starting a new life. It's essentially what she's doing now. Now that she left the White Fang.

The rest of their train ride was spent looking for clothes for a well developed girl under five feet.