

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the cliche someguy gets transmigrated and have to be the hero of their own stories right? Welp one young boy was hand picked from Gaia to be sent into another world against his will with no consent to being tranfered away. Unaware that Gaia was Remnant itself that sent Jack into the world of RWBY with the powers of a fragmented ability of [THE GAMER]. How will Jack the Gamer deal against Remnant troubles as its Destroyer, Servant, or Guardian.

Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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256 Chs

Chapter 14: Vale (6)

Chapter 14: Vale (6)

~Jack POV~


"I didn't come to fight I just came to warn you from an assassination attempt…!"

Hearing my words Tukson stopped a bit as I had my arms raised to show I'm not a threat they stop if only briefly but only look ready to jump me but glanced at each other.

He glared at me as he began to bark at me for orders of what I know, "Who are you? White Fang enforcer?!"

Holding back at scoffing at that remark I began to reply to him about the information I provided while having a disgusted tone of being a enforcer, "Hell no! Last I checked I'm human and I highly doubt the Vale Captain Adam Taurus will leave me much alive if I did or bother keeping me alive if I did work for him since I count as a traitor in that psycho eyes. So, no I'm not an enforcer."

Then he stopped began thinking a bit before reluctantly agreeing to my words as he continues speaking to me in a quiet voice, "Then speak and you better choose your next choice of words carefully."

Nodding my head, I continued to explain to him the info I wanted to share keeping a level eye glance at him, "I just happen to come into possession of info regarding you when I heard of his bookstore. Just recently the White Fang has been joined with an unknown party but are iffy about the White Fang so…"

"So they wanted to prove themselves by taking me out right."

Nodding my head I confirmed their information as he still keeps his eyes on me with suspicion.

Next, came the guy as he doubted my words clearly as he clearly spoke out about it, "Wait how did you gain this information? How can I trust if it's the truth?"

Thinking quickly at that I began to respond how I got the info making sure he believes my words that seems believable, "My semblance. Thanks to my semblance it allowed me to get info that is rather impossible by normal means. I happen to want to help the guy giving him the heads up."

Pausing for a bit thinking of my words he eases up seeing that I was harmless to him.

He sighs out loud at this before he began to talk to me again with some thankful words, "Sigh… I knew one day they would come for me. Thanks for the heads up."

Nodding my head I began to talk to Tukson giving him some luck on his side if he lives, "Yeah man. I hope you get out of this alive."


Laughing a bit as I paused he began to talk to me a bit longer as he replied with his reasoning for the laugh, "Heh. To think a human would care for a Faunus. Shame there aren't more humans like you."

Turning around I began to leave the room but not before feeling tempted to give him my opinion of my views, "Does it really matter? Faunus? Humans? All of those mean absolutely nothing at the end of the day. We all bleed red so aren't we all the same in that regard?"

Going towards the door I began to leave the area as I left Tukson my words.


Leaving outside the store I began to see the blue screen pop up as I began to smirk a bit seeing that everything was done.

[Quest Completed]

[100 Exp]

[500 Lien]



Feeling small light particles surround me showing a level-up screen above my head I began to go check the newest upgrades I got from all of this.



Name: Jack Nights

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: None

Level: 5 Exp: 0/100%

HP: 400/500

AP: 900/1000

STR: 24+1= 25

AGI: 14+1= 15

VIT: 14+1= 15

INT: 16+1= 17

WIS: 14+1= 15


Stat Points: 33-> 38



Leveling up always leaves me with a warm and fuzzy feeling for me to have.

Just the hard work was worth it to me.

Moving along now since I got what I needed for the night I began to check my inventory to see all the items I got.


Now I just need time to adjust and rest my body so the grinding could begin.

Just need to make sure I find a place to stay for the night and create a couple of skills or polish them.

Anyway, what about the skill from earlier though?

Skill list.

<Detect Bloodlust>.


<Detect Bloodlust> (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp.: 40%

AP Cost: To be aware of the range of the effects.

Description: A skill that detects any bloodlust directed at the user. It is an instinctive skill. It also alerts the user of its origin if they are close enough.


Ok, now that's going to be really handy in the future.


Where is that hotel located?

The sooner I train my soul the sooner I can get some great powerful skills in the process.

No magic but I can use all I have to gain as many skills as I can.


I think it's about time I unlock my Semblance soon enough.

I'm close to the level needed so why not?

Time to pull an allnighter.

Time to return to the grind.


~Blake POV~

"Does it really matter? Faunus? Humans? All of those mean absolutely nothing at the end of the day. We all bleed red so aren't we all the same in that regard?"


Seeing the stranger left I began to overhear everything from the beginning to the end of his words.

I was about to jump out to corner him if he had any funny ideas but seems like it was unnecessary to intervene as Tukson seems to have taken care of it.

From the viewing of his emotions and sensing it through my aura, I can feel all he said was the truth at least his emotions say about it.

Popping out from behind the door and entering the store I see Tukson thinks to himself as he talked to me, "Say Blake was everything he said was true thus far?"

Scrunching up my face at that question I shook my head but gave my friend my opinion, "So far I'm not certain… but there is truth to his emotions. But I don't trust him."

Tukson on the other hand seems to have thought differently as he responds to me, "Sure perhaps… but you haven't seen the kid's expression though. He seemed genuine about the whole thing. You can't fake that."

I listen more to what my friend said as he began to speak out with a defeated sigh of his breath, "Blake he spoke the truth, we both know how things are getting with the White Fang if you defected and bringing up… Adam Taurus name…"

But then I instantly try to deflect that but…

My words choked up when he said he used his semblance to figure it out so I couldn't exactly discredit what he said but –

Tukson stopped me as he spoke to me further of his own concern as he explained, "Besides with things going on with the White Fang I think it might be best to leave for a month's vacation at best. Just to be on the safe side. I have someone to support me back in Vacuo."

Trying to speak up I couldn't find the words as he helped sheltered me before I had to respect his choice as I spoke, "Of… of course Tukson. At the very least though I would like to help you pack up for sheltering me at the very least."

Tukson smiled at me in thanks.

At the very least I'll help him out.

Still, though I wonder who was the guy that helped out Tukson?

From what I heard I never heard of a human helping Faunus to the lengths for a random stranger.

No there were others but not like this.

Oh well…

Not like it matters since I won't meet him but if I do I will say some thanks to the guy for helping look out for the little guys.

Now then time to help out Tukson move out.