
Three Wishes PT.2

*Drip* "huh" as I open my eyes I'm amazed by what is see, it appears I'm standing on a lake in pitch black the only source of light is the stary sky. "kinda reminds me of a scene from pirates of the Caribbean. well might as well see what this place has to offer, I chose that way. and so I start walking in a random direction.

-time cut 3 hours later-

"What the absolute fu#k am I doing! I've done nothing but walk and nothings happened this is so bulls- "hum, oh my a mortal has wondered the abyss. curious indeed. "Hey who the hells up there talking like I not right here! "Well mortal allow me to interduce myself *poof*. "What the hell Morgen Freeman!? "ah yes must people call me that but I am actually God, or at least one of the many gods that exist. "Wait your saying there's more than one god and you one of them? "Why yes. And lucky for you I'm a generous man, so here's what I'll do, I'll give you three wishes as well as let you chose the world you reincarnate into. "Well what's the catch? " Humph, most would just agree how rude! But your right there is a catch I want you to save the world you go to.

"And how do you know ill go to a world that needs to be saved? "hum, lets call it a gods intuition. anyway make your wishes, after all no mortal is suppose to be here if you take too long you make vanish from reality. "Holy shit really? um, ok lets see wish one is, um oh I got it how about a perfect brain as in I have a eidetic and photographic memory. "hum ok, next. "for wish two I want to remember everything from this life going into the next. "hum, not possible because you were already going to remember, so pick another. "damn, ok how about all scientific knowledge from earth? "that's acceptable, now final wish. "hum, what's something that would insure my survival anywhere. Something that complements my first two wishes. oh, got it i want rick c-137 memory's and iq! "hum, interesting choice. you do realize that this will put you in more danger, right? "What how so? "Well because of the multiverse! You see when a person or entity has the knowledge, time, and resources to travel the multiverse such as rick c-137, that person or entity has a very high likelihood to meet alternat versions of themselves.

unfortunately for you, due to the multiverse law all, you have to do is think of that wish in order for infinite versions of you to have wished for that. in other words there are now infinite versions of you that can and will travel the multiverse, lucky for you about ninety percent will stay within the prime universe that you chose. "prime universe? "oh, well you see within the multiverse we have what is known as prime universes, these are universe that stem from universe prime or the original universe. An example would be prime marvel or the universe in which all other marvel universes stem. "oh, get it. "well good, now chose a prime universe fast as you are almost out of time.

oh, um how about the rwbyverse? "ah, a fine choice. And don't forget our deal. now goodbye. and, HIPPITY HOPPITY GET THE FU#K OFF MY PROPERTY! *zoosh* {sound of space distorting don't criticize me}

AH. he couldn't have been more gentile whare am I? I woke up in what appears to be a city. "also why the shit am i like 15-16 years old? Whatever got to find out where I am.

-time cut 30 minutes-

well after asking around it would appear I'm in vale, the bad news this place is way different from what I remember and I'm broke. I guess vale's different because the show had a low budget when the showed anything that happened in the city, or because I'm in the prime universe... or both. anyway I got a brilliant idea on how to get money and information. I'm gunna work at a little known book store also it appears I'm the same age as most of the cast, except ruby who's two years younger, and all the adult's. anyway time to find a book store. {those who know, know}

-time cut 2 months later-

Well thangs have been coming along I've made a lot of money and got more knowledge of this world, and just wow I mean the entire world of remnant uses dust for everything, i mean i knew that but i thought there would be so basic form of electricity that the show was to lazy to mention but no, and that also means that the world is lacky in scientific knowledge I mean most books that cover the periodic table list valuable minerals like gold as useless. Add to the fact there is now new minerals that are good at conducting dust and you voila you got a technologically advanced civilization, more advanced than earth that has also not even been to the moon. I mean how the fu#k do you have hover ships that use gravity dust the float, but not have any form of jet propulsion.

On another note after getting in touch with junior I paid him to get me a store in some back ally of vale though I had to show so mechanical skill. So now not only do I work at a book store i fix shit and sell other shit. I mean that's not bad except you take in the fact I need most of that shit to experiment. So far I've made a junk version of ricks laser pistol and a shitty force field that is literally worse than someone with newly awakened aura. There's also a backroom to the store that serves as my temporary sleeping spot as well as my rag tag lab setup. I was working on some old lady's watch she paid me to fix when some one came in I wasn't expecting.

"Um h-hello, my names j-jaune arc, *gulp* I was wondering if you had any armor for sell? (Armor for sell, why does he need armor what happened to his? don't tell me he got his armor from some random shop in vale, well shit I don't have hit iconic starting armor. If I give him something else it could cause the butterfly effect. Hmm, this gives me a idea.)


And there we have it a cliff hanger, and can anyone guess what jack's plan for jaune is? {and yes i know I just named my oc after two chapters so what, its my story piss off} also so some of you know jaune stammering this much compered to normal is supposed to happen because when I said the store was in a back ally I meant it, think of it like a budged black market wannabe.