
RWBY:Avatar of Black

Guided by fate Mercury Black adapted to the circumstances life thrust him into, following the two beauties Cinder and Emerald who needed his talent for their own agenda, However a third party healed his injured soul, changing the trajectory of his story. From sidelined grunt into grand scale player "I love the type of woman that can actually just kill me" This is Wish Fulfillment

Monochromedome · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs


Mistral - Treeshroud Forest

I moved swiftly and silently through the dense forest. My night vision piercing through the darkness, while my heightened hearing and sense of smell detected the slightest movements and scents of the animals lurking in the shadows. I weaved my way through the trees, taking advantage of their natural cover and masking my movements.

A few grimm wouldn't scare me, and some wandering bandits could hardly pose a threat. And as I moved deeper into the forest, I felt a sense of enthusiasm putting my survival skills to the test.

Just thinking about survivability I am grateful for one of the most valuable abilities I possess - my immunity to toxins and poisons. Being able to eat plants and berries that would be deadly to most people, giving me a wider range of food sources to choose from. I haven't had to worry about food once during my stay.

I can handle venomous snakes and spiders without fear of being poisoned, and I can eat the meat of animals that have been killed by poisonous predators. Yet despite my immunity, It's been drilled into me you should always remain cautious and aware of your surroundings. Danger lurks around every corner, and I have to be efficient when using my skills and abilities to survive in the wilderness and thrive in my new life.

Thankfully my Avatar System comes with an HUD which allows me to see my current condition and the amount of aura I have left. Any injuries are projected along with an estimate for when I will fully heal.

As I walk, I notice a subtle change in the environment around me. The air grows cooler, and the ground beneath my feet becomes damp. I hear the sound of rushing water in the distance, and I know that I'm getting closer to a water source. The trees around me begin to thin out, and I can see a glimmer of light ahead creeping through the openings in the leaves and branches.

I hear the sound of rushing water growing louder and I emerge from the trees, I'm greeted by the breathtaking sight of a waterfall cascading down toward a body of rocks, creating a mist that shimmers in the light of the full moon. The water flows into a crystal-clear lake, reflecting the moon's light like a mirror. The cool mist on my face is refreshing and the sound of the waterfall is soothing. I know that this place is special, but I'm just a traveler passing through in need of a good campsite.

I make my way around the lake, searching for a spot that is safe and secure. The moon's light guiding me, illuminating the area and making it easier as if it's almost telling me where to go. Finally, I find a spot that is elevated and has good visibility. Taking one last look at the waterfall and the lake before moving on to my scouted location. I set up camp and settle in for the night having all the supplies I need in my [storage space].

As I settle in for the night, I feel a strange sensation wash over me. Suddenly, my consciousness is transported to the [Sanctuary]. I travel through swirling colors and patterns until the surroundings settle and I gently land in front of [The Great Map of Remnant]. Most of the map is dyed in a darkened hue, except for the places I've been so far being lit up.

The auroras that fill the ceiling and seem miles away are apparently the form of my [Soul Realm] a body of concentrated spiritual energy that emits all colors of the rainbow as well as a black and white essence. Somewhat like a planet sized disco ball with four wings. Leaning over the map placing both hands to either side of me I chart my next move.

Currently I am in the Treeshroud forest in Mistral, my first location after having left my fathers house. I aim to contact an associate of my old man's in Higanbana and start networking from there. There should be a main road a little ways further through the forest headed straight to the village.

There shouldn't be any major complications en route, so now seems as good a time as ever to try out one of the features of my [Avatar System] the [Autopilot]. I select the village of Higanbana on the [Great Map of Remnant] before a virtual prompt appears in front of my eyes.

[Activate Autopilot mode?]

[YES] [NO]

I send an affirming mental command and feel a 'click' sensation crawl down my spine, A projection comes to life from my soul realm and displays my first person perspective even though I remain conscious without leaving the Sanctuary. My body had begun to gather the items from my campsite before covering the traces of my presence and heading straight to Higanbana. It's still dark out as I watch my body cross back through where I passed the water earlier.

My body picks up on some activity in the lake and pauses while taking cover in the forest. Because of the moonlight even without night vision I catch the silhouettes of two slender bodies that seem to be enjoying the combination of clear cool water and crisp fresh air under the cover of the waterfall. I see my nose sniff around as the view zooms in on both of the women's bare outlines. I notice in heightened detail the tight muscles on their abdomens and the lithe builds that give away their combat training. I was checking for any concealed weapons they may have been carrying alright?

After assessing both of the women as unarmed combatants my body responds by JUMPING STRAIGHT INTO THE WATER?!?!

"What the hell is he doing"? I ask to no one in particular seeing my bodies off behavior, he starts to wade through the water before I feel a surge of energy go through my body and a thought crosses my mind. 'He's about it to attack these women!!!'

Before either party could register i'm no longer in the place I once stood as my fist strikes the taller paler skinned woman in the abdomen sending her skidding back under the water fall. 'He just activated my semblance! [Quicksilver] I hadn't confirmed if It had returned to me after my fathers passing, but it seems I've got my answer. My semblance allows me to bend the laws of mechanics, meaning that all of my bodies motion becomes limited only to my creativity!' As I finish that thought her red eyes seem to bore into me through the projection as her shorter haired accomplice sends a left high kick towards my head.

My body evades with a backwards lean leaving the slimmest margin to miss and exposing my virgin eyes briefly to the glistening promised land of my opponent before her leg returns to her fighting stance. Not leaving any time for either of us to process my body grabs her roughly by the thigh before twisting and launching her towards the first woman.

My curiosity sated I transition back into full control of my body, leaving the sanctuary.

"I apologize for the sudden assault ladies, this has all been one big misunderstanding." I know it's passed the point to exchange words but I could at least hope they consider my words for a second before I just nope outta here.

The pale one with red eyes and long black hair springs forth fiercely, bursting from the waterfall and catches her darker skinned comrade as they both regard me with silence. They whisper to one another unaware that I can overhear them over the crashing water with my heightened hearing.

"This man is too dangerous to let go, and the possibility that he is our target isn't slim either this close to "his" estate. No more holding back."

"Is it time to Unleash the [Maidens Power]?"

"So it would seem, that speed of his can't be surpassed by regular means."

'Damn' I could just run away from the confrontation but a part of me wants to test my new strength, not to mention this [Maiden Power] seems interesting. Hopefully after defeating them I can make amends and clarify my pure intentions, NOT because fighting hot strong naked women in a lake is kinda awesome.