
Ruthless Goddess

[WARNING: Matured content] The story of a ruthless woman who got her heart stolen by a womanizer. He wants to make her kneel for him. She does, but not before he lays his life down for her... Dahlia Quinn is a strong cold hearted woman hated but feared by many. People avoided her as much as they wanted her but she preferred to keep them away. She preferred to live in loneliness and darkness. To the world she was a heartless cold woman but only she knew the depth of the darkness of her background and story. She always thought no one was fit enough to share her burden and darkness. That was until she met that womanizer.... Eder Galann is a strong handsome man. A womanizer player and direct competitor of the Quinn empire. He loves living freely with no attach whatsoever. His carefree demeanor never allowed anyone to see the brokenness in his soul. While he always thought that the scar in his soul would never heal, the goddess appeared... Both of them are the greatest rival but funny thing is they never met until that bidding night where a coin decided to seal their futur. Eder becomes obsessed while Dahlia futily try to resist... So, in the middle of the chasing games, secrets about their dark backgrounds, they each would have preferred to stay in the dark, start surfacing until they are forced by death to live two worlds apart.... Can love transcend the barrier of realms ? *** "listen Mr Galann, I don't want you close to my sister. Stop seeing her, don't contact her. I don't want you hundred meters around her. That's all I had to say." she said and started to walk away. "else what?" Eder asked leisurely looking outside the window. Dahlia looked back at him. "keep your distance from my life, or will destroy you!" she said those words with great threat and warning etched in her voice. However, Eder only got more amused. He approached her slowly and stood close to her with a soft smile. "I am looking forward to it" he whispered softly with a small smirk that shook Dahlia's countenance. **** follow me on Instagram: aallegra.d

Allegra_D · Fantasie
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217 Chs


Freya walked out of her class in thoughts she was unable to focus in class. Well, she did not mind her sister would make sure she pass. She was thinking about Eder. He is so handsome but then she thought about her sister. Her sister was right. She had to make herself respected and they all knew the reputation that man had. If she did not want to loose her sister and her dare she would have to play it smartly.

"hey Frey. Whatsup? You seem out of space" it was Yelia her best friend a pretty brunette with blue eyes. Freya couldn't help but be reminded of the woman with Eder last night and she narrowed her eyes at her friend, remembering the event yesterday. "wooo. I am not your prey. If you are hungry go for a hunt" Yelia said holding her hands out and taking two steps back. Freya shook her head.

"I am sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts" she apologized. Opposite to her sister, Freya was quite a softhearted person. Well, not to be triggered but still softhearted.

"phew!" Yelia let out a sigh and approached her friend again. "so how was last night? I heard of some rumors but tell me more" They sat under a tree in the school's garden and Freya started to recount last nights events.

"oh my,you mean it really stood straight. I thought it was just an exaggeration because your sister was involved"

"well, it was not. Now I guess they would be partners in this company"

"wow! What a luck!" Yelia exclaimed and Freya gave her a look. "she will be close to him and you will be close to him through her" Freya's eyes lit up like she found the best idea ever.

"oh I have a bright idea"

"mind telling me?"

"I will hold it for the suspense"

"oh no please don't do this to me" Yelia pleaded.

"okay come let me explain" she said ans Yelia pulled closer to listen.


Dahlia reached the head quarters of her new company. She walked in between all the employees who gave her a look. Some who were a bit courageous greeted her but she never replied. She walked with Siara walking a step behind her.

They reached the office and in front of the door of the office that was the CEO's stood a woman. She was a pretty blonde woman with blue eyes. She seemed to be a secretary. When she saw Dahlia and Siara coming she smiled.

"good morning miss Quinn. I am Patricia, your secretary here" she greeted while opening the door for her. Dahlia walked in and the secretaries followed inside. She went to seat on the chair behind the large desk on which was seated two piles of large folders. She looked at it thoughtfully before looking up to the women. Before she could utter a word, the door opened and a tall, handsome, brown-skinned – beard man walked in with a smirk.

"I can see you are already getting accustomed to our new office"

"you will have to accommodate another office for you Mr Galann. We can't share" Dahlia said coldly.

"why? What if I want this office?" he asked seating in the plush chair across her.

"like I said you can't have it" she replied coldly again "don't tell me you aren't gallant enough and you would fight me over this office?" she asked with her eyes narrowed as she leaned forward on the desk. Eder smirked, she used this method to stop him from arguing further. He had to admit that it was a nice tactic. Eder did not reply but she knew he would not so she leaned back before returning her gaze to the paper work. She looked up to Patricia.

"is this all?" she asked

"yes, Ms Quinn . the company have been in a very bad state for a while now and the work is much. But since you are two the work was divided" Patricia replied in a very formal tone.

"which means one of this is my work to do" Eder said with a lazy tone while seating back in his chair.

"yes, Mr Galann" Patricia replied. He sighed and looked around.

"dear partner, I think you should make some changes in this office. It looks so old fashioned" he spoke like a fashion critic.

"Siara by what time is the next meeting?" Dahlia asked ignoring his remark but that only made him smirk.

"in 45 min, boss" Siara replied. Dahlia stood up and walked out talking to Patricia.

"for anything call Siara. Report to her as from now when needed. She will know what to do"she told her and Patricia nodded then Dahlia walked away.

In front of the building, Dahlia climbed her car with Siara on the driving seat. The car sped away and two minutes later another white car stopped in front of the building. Freya walked out of it and walked in to the building. As Dahlia's sister and representative, Freya was told everything that happened. So she came to see the new office with her sister. However, she did not tell Dahlia that she was coming. She went straight to the CEO's level. When she came she found no one in the corridors so she went to what she assumed to be the CEO's office. She pushed the door opened and their she found Eder seating on a chair and a blonde haired woman was standing next to him. With the way she was dressed, Freya assumed that she was the secretary. Freya narrowed her eyes and cleared her throat. The woman jolted back to reality but Eder did not move. He just sat their still in the same position. Freya knew, he already knew she was there.

"hum… good morning miss. Excuse me. Who are you?" the woman asked with a formal tone

"I am Freya Quinn" Freya said and the woman immediately straightened up and adjusted herself.

"ms Quinn, I am Patricia,The secretary" she introduced herself.

"yes, I can see that" she muttered and Eder chuckled from his seat.

"where is my sister?" Freya asked finally.

"she left few minutes ago. You missed her." it was Eder who replied while standing from his seat.

"damn. I am late" she muttered and started to walk out.

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