
Ruthless Gangster's Revenge With CBI Girl

Prologue Lisa is an ordinary girl who has a lot of faith in God, no matter how much God has tempted her, her faith in God has never diminished. As soon as the college was over, she got a job as the CBI Agent, which was her dream job.She wanted to do something that would make her happy and she is happy to get justice to others. Lisa has a father in the family who is a bus driver but still never let anything go short of Lisa. She has a younger brother who is ten years younger than her. Lisa's mother passed away while giving birth to her brother. She was busy with her work. She never made a boyfriend because his mother always used to convince her to never trust boys. They are not capable of trust. Lisa's group of CBI agents included more people. All of whom were quite experienced in their work. Lisa was the head of this group. Ella, who is very playful in nature, likes to spend a lot of time with the boys. Ella has had many boyfriends, she changes them as people change clothes. Lisa has nothing to do with ella other than work. Ella knows very well how to deal with lisa.Lisa's behavior is a bit harsh as she is not interested in anything other than her job. Second one is Bhrat, He is a very calm boy who does not talk much to anyone unless he is asked to do. It is very difficult to know what is going on in the mind of Bhrat. Then comes Max and Roman who are both brothers. We have solved a lot of cases together and our work is praised everywhere. Life was going very well till his entry was made in my life. He changed my life as soon as he arrived. I did not even know that there is something like this in me. Message of Writer - hello guys this is my dream life which I live everyday and believe me it is very exciting from reality, just need your support guys. Thank you Anya

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8 Chs

chapter 1 Not Less Than A DEVIL

Lisa's POV

I am an ordinary twenty-one-year-old girl who is 5"4 inches and my skin color is fair. I have been proposed by many boys in school, but I never paid much attention to anyone and this was probably my biggest mistake from past.

My team knows my nature which is very harsh from outside but soft from inside. We are not only professional workers but also help each other personally.

I don't know what my heart wants I never listen to it, I just know that I have to stay away from boys as much as possible and, but I do not Know why? I think just because my mother teaches me.

So we were sitting in our cabin just like every day, talking about a case, bhrat was explaining to us what we had come to know about a particular case, only then peon came and told that our head, whose name is Mr. Poll have called us all to the meeting room in ten minutes for an urgent discussion.We were all a bit surprised because we never saw him in this much hurry. he is always a peace-loving person.

As soon as we all reached there we saw that the entire room is full of our officers. It was quite surprising for all of us because we had never seen such a thing in 3 years of time. When we sat in our chair, I had a feeling that something very big was going to happen.

Then we all stood in response in of Mr Poll,'s entry in room and then he said "sit down". As soon as we sat down, we saw a picture of a man on the wall screen, to tell the truth, he was quite handsome.

Ella opened her mouth as soon as she saw the picture. Everyone starts gossiping that he is a very big gangster who has recently come to our R city, which is not possible without any big motive and the biggest thing is that no one has been able to catch him till date and also he attends parties like a innocent man but no one can say anything because till date nobody founds any evidence against him.

Head told us all his personal and professional information

"He is 'Devin patterson', only ,24 years old and a biggest gangster of the world. Drug smuggling, killing people ,sex trafficking, All the evil things in the world have his control". head said.

We were listening very carefully to all this.

"Guys we have to catch him with all the evidence.without any motive he do nothing there is definitely something big," said head.

And then Head told one thing that was very strange for me.

"Lisa it turns out that he used to study in your school, so if you know anything about him, then tell us" Head said.

I am constantly looking at the photo on the wall screen but I do not remember anything, it was surprising to me that the boy who was in my school, I never saw him.

"Sir, I have never seen him and even if I have seen him, I do not remember anything right now" I said.

"Well, if you miss anything, let me know immediately" Head said.

"Ok sir" I said!

We came out of the meeting room and start discussing with each other about this matter.

"Lisa why did not you remember anything about this guy after all he was in your school and how much handsome he is how could you forget him?" Ella said.

"Really guys, I don't remember anything about it." I said.

Then we went to the canteen for our lunch and sat down. Like always bhrat kept sitting silently and read the case file, both Max and Roman started telling me some information from the file of "Devin Patterson".

As soon as the food arrived, we ate our food and went to our cabin. We thought that what could be done that we could get proof.

It is already 5PM it's time to go home and all the staff are leaving.

"You're not going home Lisa?" Max said.

I am little bit frustrated right now because of this case.

"I'll go later, you can go." I said.

Max went away and I started reading the case file again, after all, why don't I remember this face if I was in my school, I would have missed something, but I could not remember anything. Annoying my head angrily, I threw the file on the desk and picked up my purse and left for home.

I sat in my car and left for home. On the way, I felt something strange, a car was chasing me for a very long time, thinking that this might be my fault, I turned to my home.

"I came home." I said.

My father, who was changing the TV channels, was happy to see me and my brother Joy hugged me after seeing me.

"How long I have been waiting for you today. I have to make a painting on global warming. Let's help me." Jae said.

I hugged him and kissed.

"I missed you alot boy. Let's make a painting in your room," I said.

I am very tired today, so quickly helped Joy in his work, I went to my room and took a warm bath and wear night suit and lay down on the bed.

That same face was spinning in my mind. There is definitely something that is connected with me and I do not even know. I slept while thinking.

I waked up early in the morning, I went out for jogging like usual.when morning breeze touchs my body feels amazing, listening to the sweet chirping of birds makes my day very good. But today I again saw the same car which was chasing me on my way home yesterday. It was a black vehicle whose glass was also black, nothing inside the vehicle was visible. I stopped for a while and the car overtook after seeing me stalled. I noted the number of the car and called the office and asked to find the car.

Arriving at the office, it was known that tonight's Mr. JD, who is a politician going to , is going to go to Devin Patterson's party, this is a big opportunity for us to collect information against him, so Mr.Poll called me in his office.

"Sir, your called me? I said."

"Come in Lisa, sit down.let's get to the point directly. You must have known that Devin is going to come on Mr JD's party tonight." Poll said.

"Yes, I just found about it. What can I help sir?" I said.

"I want you to go to that party tonight at 7' o clock, I 'll arrange Invitation Card for you and you have to find out how is Devin's nature and how he deals with the people and whats his weaknesses are.I want you to Impress him or do whatever you need to do on the spot ." Mr Poll said. He is frustrated I know.

I am feeling littile nervous now.I really don't want to understand what is his means.I feels very unlucky today.

"Now go home and think how you can attract him." Mr Poll said.

I took a deep breath.

"Okay sir I'll do my best" I said.

Out of the office, I called Ella because her dressing sense is very good, which can help me to look different and attractive for tonight. Actually, I never wear short or revealing clothes. My dresses were always very simple. So I need Ella today. At the mall, I took a black knee lenth one piece dress which had a long cut in front of it. I didn't like anything specia in it but I have to wear this dress for tonight. Then I drop Ella to the office and I left for my home.

It's 6 o'clock of noon and I am all ready to go for the party.

I did a light makeup because my skin is fair, so I did not have to do much. I know that this is my job, yet I am feeling very nervous today. This dress is a little short. I have never worn such a short dress and if there is strong wind, then the cut made in my dress will start flying and both of my thighs will easily be visible to everyone. And my cleavage and half boobs are clearly visible. It will be very embarressing. I wore golden high hills. I don't want anyone to see me like this But for my job, I have to do this today.

I got out from my house sat in my car and reached Mr JD's apartment in half an hour.As soon as I entered there, I saw all the big politicians and actors were there.everyone is watching me with sluty eyes. Ignoring everyone I reached the main hall. I saw a school friend of mine Bella who had married a politician at the end of school, she was coming towards me.

"Lisa, Is it you? My god you look very beautiful." Said Bella.

"Thankyou Bella how are you? Haven't seen you for a long time. I said.

We talked a lot about our school old days then Mr.Devin Patterson's suddenly enters with ten bodyguards.I never thought i would ever see someone so handsome, in his thick eyes, big eyelashes and full black suit, he did not look less than a devil. After he lefts from front of me, I noted that my mouth was open. Oh God, how emmbarasing it was.

I felt a bit bad that he didn't even noticed me. Oh God Lisa, what are you thinking, I should do the work for which I have came here.

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