
Liam bankrupt the Wade's company....!!

"Katherine! We're is that small witch of a being?" Joylen shouted

"Madam, he is with boss in his office" she said, just after she finished speaking a sound was heard from the elevator 'ding, dong!'

A young boy of seven years old walked out, when Joylen saw how this kid was dressed she thought that, Colin knew him 

She rushed forward and grabbed the kid, Liam who was caught off guard was a little bit surprised

"What the hell?" He shouted

"You little brat, where is your mother? And go and tell her that Colin is my husband alone or tell her to come and pick the amount of money she....." Before she could finish speaking, Liam who has never met a true definition of foolish person burst into a loud laughter that cought people's attention

"Miss, may I know your name?" He asked with a smile

"You little kid go and tell your bitch of a mother I will not give her a chance to come and take my husband

Didn't you know that she stole my husband's semen to get you?

How shameless"

"Miss am asking what is your name"

"Kid am Joylen Wade"

"Okay thank you, have never met an ignorant person ever since I was born, 

You called my beautiful goddess a bitch right? 

You think am here because of that Colin right" he was pointing upstairs with his cute little fingers 

"Miss Joylen look at me do you think that this clothes can be bought by him? And do you think that am here because I call him a father? I don't know him so why attack me you are a fool now let me show you something" Liam stopped talking and from his bag he removed his laptop and dialed a series of numbers

Immediately the Wade's were declared bankrupt

"Thank you Miss Joylen Wade, next time you should know people

For disrespecting my mother, I gifted you a small gift 

Byee enjoy yourself" he didn't wait any longer, or for Joylen to react

All the employees that were around could not help but open there mouth and close again what did that boy mean?

At the same time Finn sent a message to the Wade's " blame your foolish daughter for any misfortune that happened"

Finn was happy beyond happiness for the first time they protected their mother,

"Brother come out very first am in the car" Finn said

"Open the door and let's go,"

"I can't imagine that that lady called my momma a bitch because she is yet to marry our father and that man, he need to be taught a lesson,

He left mommy and now, they dare insult her, I can't believe this" Finn was pissed off

"Mmh, just wait, next is the Fellers" Liam said

Back at the Fernandez Enterprise***

"Boss, we can't find a single trace of that boy in our CCTV footage" Jackson said

"What? How is that possible what about the street cameras?"

"Sir the street cameras only showed us when he was getting into a red Ferrari and they were two of them after that not even a single trace" Jackson explained

"What the hell is this so my son's can be this powerful?" Colin smiled

"Boss Miss Joylen Wade was spotted shouting at him, but immediately after that argument the Wade's went bankrupt, and most of the employees who saw that said that the young boy did it as a gift to her for insulting his mother" Jackson was a little bit surprised by this boy is like he is controlling the economy

"Ooh, that is my son I love the feeling" Colin said

"Boss! What did you say"

"I said I love being with this cute boys"Colin said

"But wait, how can a woman who is not greedy expose such young boys into the world of business, they should be in school reading not threatening people" Colin said

"Boss Miss Joylen is coming in,," 

"Okay let her in"

"Colin, so you knew that they existed right, do you know that that foolish kid, talked back at me?"Joylen wanted Colin to talk or at least say something

"You provoked him,"

"Miss Joylen, that young man had some issues so we are sorry"

"Who are you to talk to me, Look, Colin find the mother pay her the amount of money that she wants so that she can leave us alone"," Joylen said just then her phone number was called

"You ungrateful child, how did we raise you, where are you come home very first" Mr. Wade was very angry

"Dad..." The call was ended from the other side

"Colin I have to go, I will see you later" she didn't wait for his answer, after witnessing the soft side of Joylen when she received the phone he Wondered who that person was.

Within a short period of time, the news of the Wade's offending a bigshot had spread all over , but the question is who is this bigshot

"Colin, did you see the news your wife to be , her family company was declared bankrupt some few minutes ago" George could not help but think and rethink who this people offended

"Yes I know" Colin

"Bro, that is the only answer you can give 'you know' or was it you?" 

"Stop being stupid, the person behind the Wade's downfall was the same person that made my company sales Dr by 10% a few minutes ago

And that same person is coming after you George" Colin said

"But why what did I do to offend another person"

"The designs that our designer are producing in the last 5 months were stolen from this person's brother, 

And Joylen insulted this person's mother and this person is one of the twins my children" Colin said

"What! So those kids are really ruthlesss, what kid if woman did you gave birth with Colin?" He was tensed a little

"I even don't know this woman, so why ask and that kid came and left the office without any CCTV camera capturing him" he said

"Hahaaa, Colin I must say I admire this mysterious family of yours you know,,"

"Mmh, am forgetting something why can't we pay some visit to Ethan and hear from him why he walked out on us that day"

"Sounds good call Jeffrey"


"Jackson am off I need to clear my brain postpone my meetings to the next two days"

Oka sir"

"Should we call him, or pay him a surprise visit?" George asked

"Surprise visit it is tell someone or order drinks 4 cups of power coffee" Jeffrey said 

"Then let's go" this three gentlemen were real definition of handsome put together, any normal female being will admire them, as they were walking down no stairs to the receptionist area, all female employees were swallowing saliva,

Some few males admired them and wished to be them but some felt a pang of jealousy

Cause there girlfriend's could not concentrate on them,,,

"Wow,, look at our boss and those cool friends even though I have been working here for 3 years I can't help but admire them" a female employee said

"Just admire them, but if our crazy soon to be miss boss gat you my friend you will kiss your job goodbye"

"Mmh, I wonder what boss likes in that crazy lady"

"Haven't you heard that, that model is the one forcing our boss to marry her" 

"Mmmh, mmh" Katherine cleared her voice that run chill in there bodies

"We are sorry Miss Katherine," 

"So this is how you talk behind your boss?" She pretend to be mad

"Aaah, Katherine don't pretend that you don't like our boss already otherwise with your qualifications why are you working at the reception?" One lady said

"You, stop talking nonsense" she said

"Katherine you say that I talk nonsense? Do you want me to talk your secret out? I guess you don't want that to happen" Katherine thought that this lady was just joking

""What secret I don't have one" she replied

"Okay then ladies please watch this," it was a video of Katherine masterbation in the washroom calling Colin's name, 

"What? You were did you get that from that is not me I tell you stop slander okay" 

"You are still denying it okay girls continue watching"

It shows that Katherine came out of the same bathroom and said "my babe Colin I wish to have you in my arms" 

"What so you like our boss this much and yet you pretend to be Miss bosses friend?" 

"Yes I like him so what? And also now that you know you are not allowed to like him or else..."

"What will you do Katherine," little did they know that this lady Katherine was another psychopath, that they are messing with.

"Just wait if I spot you around him you will not like it" she worn then"girls I don't think this lady is okay, she is not normal to me to an extent of masterbation while calling boss name?"