
Ruthless Billionaire's Love

“I CAN'T LET YOU BURN ME,YET I CAN'T RESIST YOU" Alexander Yang, the CEO of the Xander Corporation, known to be the god of the business world. He was nicknamed devil as he was arrogant, domineering,ruthless most importantly cold and aloof. He was a man who was known to get what he wants. He had no specific interest in women. “President Yang would rather become celibate than get married" One of his employees said. Earning an agreement from others. But what will happen when he becomes attracted to a girl who came into his life by coincidence.And soon enough they found themself married for their various gains. His goal was to get a wife hers was to avenge her mother's death. Would they re-consider a love marriage? Would president Yang rather be celibate than get intimate with his wife? Would they be able to fight against all odds for their love to triumph?

Dessiegal · Teenager
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22 Chs

An Uncalled for visit (11)

She look at his face as he was driving, she felt happy within, to have gotten married to an attractive man.

At young age, she fantasized on getting married to a Prince-Charming.

Now it seemed the great President Yang was her Prince-Charming.

Noticing her looking at him, he turned his face to meet hers.For a brief minute, their eyes collided and Mia quickly retracted her eyes from him.

"It seems I look more handsome than usual "Alexander cracked a smile.Looking at him smile at her she felt a sense of security.

"He really look drop dead gorgeous when he smiles"She thought.

"Now you are noticing him, where was your eyes when you denied marrying him?" her subconscious snapped.

"Ahem..." She cleared her throat trying to hide her awkwardness.

The great President Yang always never stops praising himself if the situation demands it.

"How could you be certain that I was admiring you?"She said less interested in his cheeky words.

"Uhmm" He was being sarcastic, since she wouldn't agree to it,it was up to him to play dumb.

They soon got to Mia's apartment

"We're here" Alex informed.

"Thanks" She said as she got down from the car, with the marriage certificate in her hands.

Alex drove off to his office.

***Mia's apartment

On getting to her apartment, she found the lights on, that could only mean one thing!

Her best friend was at home.She seem to get a right timing for her arrival.

"Babe?"Mia called out

"Hey, You're back?So quick"

"I didn't go to the office, I'm to resume tomorrow "

"Oh"Laura said looking suspiciously at Mia.

"I'll pack my things" Mia said.

"?"She raised her eyebrows in question, indicating she was confused.

"I...." Before Mia could complete her statement, Laura grabbed the marriage certificate.

"What!!!!!!You got married! When?" Laura freaked out

"Not so long"Mia said as she bit her lower lip giving Laura an apologizing look.

"Don't give me that look!You actually married President Yang...Pinch me" She made a Yelp as Mia pinched her.

"Aren't you angry, I mean I didn't inform you"

"Wait....You and President Yang slept in the same lodge the last time right?"She asked suspiciously connecting all the dots together.

"Yeah"She agreed,of course, if she lied, her best friend could act as a FBI and go ask Alexander.

"Oh...I see"She gave her a teasing look

"You'll be living in his home now?"She asked as her eyes was indicating something beyond imagination.

"Yes... He'll be here soon"

"Ahem..."She let out a cough, while Mia played dumb.

"We should be expecting Little President Yang and Little Mia soon"

"Dream on"She said as she passed her over thinking friend a glare.

"I'll help you with packing"

"Sure"she beamed.

She left her to pack her things while she made their dinner.

**Xander corporation

"Sir,This files need your signature "

"Sure,I'll go through it"

"Eh...m..Sir, Mr Greyson request an appointment with you"

"Cancel it..." President Yang said less interested.

"Sir, he said he knows all about your rival"

"Just do as I say"He said irritatedly as he gestured to his assistant that he needed his privacy.

Greyson,A typical queer fish

He took out his cellphone as he made a call to Carlos.

He had to inform Carlos,of his marriage as Carlos had the right to know

"It seems a bachelor is feeling bored"Carlos excited voice was heard.

"I got a retirement"President Yang informed.

"What!!!The Great President Yang retired from his responsibility?"Carlos giggled.

"A bachelor retirement "

"What!! Don't tell me you got married" He over reacted

"I won't tell you"He said uninterested at his friend's reaction.

"So how's our wife?"Carlos teased, deliberately yanking his legs.

Our wife? Was he high?

"Get yours shipped"President Yang replied before ending the call.

He went through the files on his table before he put his signature on the ones he deemed fit.

It was now 7pm

He was now through with all, he entered his car as he drove to Mia's apartment after letting her know he was on his way.

He got to Mia's apartment to see her outside her apartment with a lady who he knew to be her friend, he got out of the car as he walked in large stripes to carry her luggage as a normal gentleman, making Mia and Laura in awe.

Even the over-excited Laura couldn't say a word but she soon regained her words.

"President Yang"She called out earning a pinch from Mia.

"I'll leave my friend with you, Don't hurt her" She said bravely as a matter-of-fact.

"Mhm" he nodded.

The Great President Yang gave her a reply.Laura felt on cloud nine.

"Babe, give me a call if there's anything "Laura told Mia before enveloping her into a hug.

"You could always visit her"Alexander said all of a sudden, he didn't want to be the hindrance in two best friends relationship.

"Sure"Laura beamed.

"Bye Mia"Laura waved at her friend, before winking at her, which Alexander caught.

"Wifey, get in the car" Alexander said, in which Mia obeyed.

After dropping her luggage in the car's back seat, he sat in the driver's seat.

"We both know this marriage isn't a love marriage" Mia said as a matter-of-fact heading Alexander call her with endearments.

"Of course,but that doesn't stop you from being my wife, we are legally wedded "He reminded as he start off the car.

She heaved a sigh.Arguing with Alexander was not going to help,He was right they were legally married, They were

newly Weds.

"Do we have to do what newlyweds do?"Alex asked obviously teasing her, he derived joy seeing her cheeks go beet red at his words.

She looked cute when she blushed.Right now he wasn't the down to hell President Yang.

She gave him a glare.

The car returned back to being silent, As Mia wondered where their married life would lead to.

They soon reached the typical President Yang mansion.

They both got inside, he showed her around his home.

There was only two rooms, a private study, a library,a kitchen and three empty rooms.

He really maintained a simple lifestyle, She loved the fact he was moderate in all.

After dropping her luggage into the guest room she came to the living room as she accompanied Alex who was in the living room

They weren't expected to sleep in the same room or were they? She thought.

Thinking of the possibility of sleeping in the same room as her thoughts began to run wild, her cheeks went beet red, which Alex didn't fail to notice.

It seems her thoughts was going overboard Alex muttered under his breath, he felt an urge to tease her but he decided against it.

The sound of the bell, indicating someone was at the door brought back Alex and Mia back to reality.

Who was that? He wasn't expecting anyone.

He opened the door just to see her.

He never expected her visit.

Her visit was uncalled for.

Not when he just had a shot-gun marriage.

Want to know who he saw? Add this book to your Library.

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