
Chapter 3

"Hurry up there!"

Nicia's words were muffled by the noise of water coming from the shower. She just preceded me on taking a bath then now she's hurrying me. Oh, fuck her.

Now that where living under the same roof, it makes me more happy. We fought often but not so wild. It's just an emotional brawl most of the time.

I closed my eyes and spoiled myself with the coldness of water as it ran through my skin.

"Ouch," I complaint.

My head never stops throbbing from yesterday. We had a fun last night. Just a sort of girl night out....with some party guys.

"Look at your boyfriend, Bri!" Moriah shouted.

I sniffed and looked at the dance floor she was pointing at. There my great boyfriend is. He said in the text earlier that he will not be with our celebration because he feels bad!

Why didn't he tell me that his downthere was just itchy?! Fuck him!

Ate Nissan covered her face, "Oh my, God,"

"That idiot! He's messing in here," Nicia shook her head.

I watched how they stopped dancing until he slid his hand down the woman's waist. I observed myself, no reaction.

I am not hurt. Oh, well. We're just on our first week of relationship. I don't even know why we became that.

Maybe, I was just looking for some thrill.

"I'll drag that animal's ass outta here!" Nicia shouted.

My friends were irritated but I just asked them to calm their tits down. I was a lil 'bit tipsy but I can still tolerate my action.

"Let him go. He couldn't taste me so he looked for a snack,"

Moriah straightened the Jack Daniel's she was holding. "That jerk! Look, I've told you before that it's not good for you to answer that!"

Ate Nissan butted in, "Let her do what's right for her. She's the girlfriend," she smiled at me. She is also drunk. "Go, Bri! Slip in the middle of the two of them,"

I just laughed at them and let my lonely boyfriend get to the other couch and make-out.

So cheap.

My devotion to liquor intensifies and pushed me to drink more. I entered taken here, I will exit single. Poor, Bri.


I darted my eyes to the foreigner beside me. He's holding a whiskey and rum on the other.

I smiled sweetly. "Buy me some,"

His lips formed an 'O'. He bit his lower lip and winked, "You don't like these two, tell me what you like,"

"I'd like to kill my ex,"

He paused for a minute. He released a foreign laugh. His abelian eyes are brightened by disco lights.

I find him attractive or is it just the hit of alcohol in my system?

I licked my lower lip and kissed him on cheeks. True enough, he seemed to be immediately attracted to me. "I need to freshen up. Thanks for the offer," I lovingly tapped him on the cheek and went to the rest room.

I tried to vomit but no matter what sting I did to my throat I just cried. Shit! I need to cut back. This will not reduce my dizziness. I repeated but did not really want to puke.

"Ahh!" I shouted in frustration.

I knelt in front of the toilet and slapped my forehead on it. "C'mon, puke some, Bridgett," I convinced myself.

I could almost hear my sobs while doing the ritual. I was just upset when I heard those suspicious growl and moans in the other cubicle.

Another, ew.

I did not force myself anymore. I just powdered and combed my hair lightly with my finger. I stared at my reflection and stormed out the room. Before I finally left, I heard a conversation with the men's...

"Im fine, Darcy," a man's voice.


Darcy Navarro?

Was that my schoolmate in high school?

I pouted my lips ang continue my sway while walking. Damn! My world's spinning in my vision. How the fuck can I search for my friends?

"I'm with Uno...Sure, don't worry. I'll be busy this summer...I'm sorry, I can't promise you,"

Maybe he was talking on the phone because he was the only one I could hear here. I didn't really understand the conversation so I went out and mingled with the people again. I'm not yet done looking for them when someone suddenly grabbed my arms and dragged me out of the club.

"Let's go home!" she jarred me.

It's Nicia.

I nodded like a puppy and rode in his white Tesla. She woke the engine and found our way back to our condo. The stereo plays so I banged my head while humming to one side.

"Break up with that man, Bridgett Aloha," it was a commissive remark.

I glared at the air, "You don't have to tell me. I'll surely will,"

"You don't have to tell me," she mocked my words. "I told you to turn him down! But you didn't," she chuckled.

She let out a long, loud horn that made me deaf. In my irritation I hit her with my purse.

"The hell with you, Nicia Aleja Romero!"

She later giggled. She's drunk too, but not almost like me.

"It's a good thing that you don't look deeply in love with Lester. Because if you happen to love him so much.... oh! It will hit him and will make sure that all the hospitals here in Taguig will welcome him warmly,"

I grinned like an idiot and faced the window. City lights makes me cool down. It illuminated on my eyes and it soothes all my negative vibes inside.

My breathing was calm but my head was still throbbing with pain. I'm sure we'll just have to wait a little longer and we'll get to the condominum. I was so excited to see Forbeswood Heights.

I reached for my towel and stood up. I dried the tub and wrapped myself before going out.

"Finally, meses!" she exaggerated.

She claps as I walk towards the walk in closet.

I turned to her, "I'm next. Go to the carpark first!"

"Wow, bitch! Look, I waited for you and can still wait for you. You really have no shame in your body as you can pushed me this easy as crap!"

I laughed. "My head hurts! You can just go to the mall alone," I insisted, just in case she would change her mind.

"Stop me, Bridgett! Make-up is not the only issue here. We will also buy furniture! Look at this unit of ours. It is the most common of all the plains,"

She's right, tho. But I'm not really on the mood.

"I'll blow-dry first,"

She turned to me, "Sure, as long as it's not a blow-job. I'm cool there,"

"Fuck you!" I shouted when she came out of my room.

But since it was not locked, she seemed to hear it. "Ugh, ugh," she muttered in the living room.

I closed my eyes while shaking my head. She's so aloud. Her laughs filled the unit. I focused on doing my hair, then I applied powder and cheek tint. My make-up fridge is also empty. I open my new nude stick and patiently drip it on my lips.


I put on my nude scarf and tied my hair on a high ponytail. I put my wallet and cellphone in my handbag and then came out. I caught her in the living area eating donuts.

"Let's go,"

I headed to the main door and she stalked me behind. Inside the elevator she was busy on the phone and only occasionally lifting her head unattentive.

"I already told it to Mom,"

I turned to her. "Agree?"

She nodded and then winked. "I just need a little tender words and that's it! She really is going to allow me with that," she proudly said.

I'm kinda envious of her. I thought Mama seemed to be forced to accept the fact that I've accepted the job offer. I get her point that she's worried about me. But, for me, we can't hide ourselves forever. We shouldn't think too much to those people that been once our enemy. All the scares and doubts won't tame the scar.

I'll push this. Nothing bad will happen and I should never think like that way again. The fire will not burn if it is not ignited.

"Are we going in the furnitures first?" I asked.

"Yup, then to mall after? Or we can see your car first," she suggested.

I shook my head, "No, not today. Maybe next week,"

She looked at me inquiringly. "Tomorrow is already our first day," she said matter of factly, pertaining to our summer job.

We'll start tomorrow in Ace. We already sent to their g-mail account our size for the uniform. Since, I'm into mechanical engineering, I did not accept the offer to Accounting. They said I could learn that in a week, still, I don't wanna be a burden to the hotel. So, I said I can do the assitance. It's the least that I can do and enough for me that I entered as a housekeeper in the presidential suites.

Just thinking of only the presidential and exclusive suites that I will clean is comforting.

"You'll see your baby tomorrow," she teased.

My face lit up but I hid it from her. "Don't make any noise about that. If you slip into exposing that thing there and he hears it, I'll really tweak you!"

Her gaze was mocking.

"Gosh, you're getting an age again in August, Bri. Just a few months and you're not getting any younger. You should find yourself a husband today,"

"Why don't you search for yours instead?"

"My cart is full-packed. I can't pick who's the best to shade me,"

"I feel sorry for him," I teased.

She even argued with me until we arrived at a furniture shop. There are only two cars of costumers in the parking lot so I'm sure we can make it easy here.

I checked my phone and saw some messages from friends, and two messages from my ex-boyfriend.

Lester :

Good morning, Bri. No more fever for me, haha.

Fever your ass, you jackass!

Lester :

I miss you. Can I see you later? Please give me a respond. I love you.

Love your bullshit face, asshole!

She opened the double doors for us. "Lester," I announced, waving the cellphone.

"Texted you?"

"Yup," I replied and laughed.

I roamed the inside. The exterior design looked quiet for me. But, looking to its interior now. Wow. I was fascinated with paintings and I didn't expect to see many of them in here! I ran my fingers through the painting of a lady's shadow and behind it was the amazing sunset. It was simple yet catchy.

"Sorry, Madame. But it isn't for sale,"

I was saddened by what the man said, he who looked like a salesman here in the shop.

"I'm sorry, I was just struckted,"

I left there and stood next to Nicia who's focused on shopping for our bed.

"Did you reply?" she asked about Lester's, still focused on picking.

I stopped confused. I thought at first and just then found out that she was referring to Lester.

"Not yet," I alerted. "I want to us meet to say we're done. I just don't have time,"

She nodded. "Fuck his guts! He really is thick,"

"I will reply later and explain that there is really nothing left for us. That we're really over,"

My gaze flew on a nude sofa-set. It will fit on the only couch in the living room and even on our beige carpet.

"Look, oh! It's nice,"

"It's because it was your favorite color!" she pointed me and gave me a thumbs down. "Has the nude ever been ugly in your eyes?" she ignored me and pointed out to the guy assisting us what he liked.

I shrugged. "If you doesn't like so, then don't."

"Are you fine with any other color?"

"Don't ever come with me to the unit,"

She kicked me. "Bitch! You should atleast hank me. If I wasn't there, Tita wouldn't let you,"

She flipped her hair while rolling her eyes at me 360° degrees.

"One more thing, it's so light and dirt attractive. So don't,"

I rolled my eyes back. "Nicia, we're not kids anymore. We can be very careful. This won't be a big deal. Swear,"

"Fine! It's on you. And if this messed up, you'll be my living sofa,"

"Sir, we'll take this." I pointed to the preferred set. I turned to the chairs and tables on the other side. She followed me.

"Thank you, Nicia. Thank you, because I know you only chase men here in Taguig and not actually for me. New flavor right?" I said full of sarcasm.

Our shopping became chaotic. Often the opposite is what we want but just tolerating the latter. Sometimes she, sometimes I. Before we ended up in this kind of set up, we both agreed to meet halfway for every expenses. Though, she wants to spend more than me, I stand against it. Even if she can still pay for everything I will not let that happen. In fact, she is here with me because she just wants to. She will also work with me because she just wants to.

Not like me, which is a bit in need.

I want to be independent. Especially now that Dad is no longer there to support me and I will no longer rely on our Transpo which has been closed by his eldest brother.

It's just me and my Mom. As an adult, I would love to earn my keep 'cause I know I need that in the future.