
Rune Possessor

Growing up with a loving family, Yasuo was enjoying a normal life. However, one day the world changed. The thing that was portrayed in numerous manga series became reality. Interdimensional portals started appearing on earth and monsters came out of them, taking the lives of many people. The lives of Yasuo's parents were also taken on that day. Luckily there was still hope for humanity as a phenomenon happened, known as [God’s Gift], which gave powers to humanity and [awakened] them to fight back the monsters. Having also gained the [Gift] in this phenomenon, Yasuo swears to take revenge for his parents, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Even though he has the [Gift], he just can’t [awaken]. Desperately trying to gain power, his determination is rewarded and he even got more than he could have wished for. Follow Yasuo on his journey to take revenge for his parents and make an enemy out of every single monster that tries to harm humanity. *** Other novel - Senseless life

unfadable · Fantasie
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37 Chs

Free day

Waking up early in the morning, seeing that he is still in the same place he fell asleep, a spacious and luxurious bedroom of the awakeners academy, reality had really sunk in for Yasuo.

With a big yawn Yasuo stretched out his whole body ang got out of bed. Walking towards the curtains, he opens them to see the sun peeking above the mountain range. The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky, lighting up the academy grounds with soft golden rays.

Seeing this sight made Yasuo really take in the fact that a new chapter in his life had started. One entire year he was going to spend at the academy.

Yasuo's one and only goal at the academy was to make use of every opportunity and resource at the academy to become stronger, putting his whole focus on that.

'Maybe just for today I can take it easy.' Yasuo thought as today was a free day before the academy would officially start, so Yasuo wanted just one day to explore the campus and have a relaxing day.

*Grumble* The sound of Yasuo's stomach could be heard. 'I guess the cafeteria will be the first place I will visit.'

Quickly washing up and putting on his uniform, Yasuo headed out towards the cafeteria. For the first time walking on the academy grounds in the morning, with nothing on his mind, Yasuo truly noticed how beautiful of a place it was.

Modern buildings all around with enough vegetation to give a softness to it, parks, flower beds, rows of trees and well-maintained fields of grass. Even the smell in the air was fresh, nothing like Yasuo had ever smelled in the city he lived in.

Following the well-coordinated directional signs, Yasuo didn't have any difficulties finding his way to the cafeteria and with only a few minutes of walking, Yasuo had arrived at the cafeteria. Once again it was a neat modern looking building, following the general white, grey and black colour scheme.

Entering the building he was hit with the aroma of delicious food, making Yasuo salivate at the thought of eating breakfast. Not being able to wait, Yasuo walks up to the canteen where some staff was serving the food.

"What would you like to eat?" Asked a staff member with a smile on their face.

As Yasuo hadn't thought so far, he quickly looked at the menu, which was separated in different levels. With Yasuo being of the highest level, he just picked the number one dish, being put on the spot.

When Yasuo picked this dish, the staff member first looked at Yasuo before giving him a smile. "Okay, coming up in a few minutes. Please take a seat wherever you would like."

Yasuo guessed that the staff member looked at the badge he had pinned to his collared shirt to confirm if he was allowed to order that dish. Yasuo didn't really know how to feel about this, but frankly, he didn't really care and just sat down at a window seat, which looked over the academy.

After only a few minutes someone brought Yasuo's meal to him. "Here you go, please enjoy the meal." Said the staff member in a polite tone.

"Yes, tank you." Yasuo replied, having his eyes on the breakfast.

The sight of the breakfast really made Yasuo salivate 'Wow, I have only ever seen this on television.' Yasuo thought as there was a full English breakfast in front if him. A full plate consisting of fried eggs, sausages, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, fried bread and a slice of white pudding, all looking more deliciously prepared than anything Yasuo had ever been served before.

Having admired his food for a little too long, Yasuo had begun feeling the stares of other people in the cafeteria, who all looked like they were tired and hadn't slept much, and they all had a meal much less appetising than Yasuo's.

'Are the people with a lower ranking really treated so poorly?'

Yasuo thought about this for a second, but he couldn't wait to start his breakfast. Beginning to eat, Yasuo couldn't slow down until his last bite, with the food tasting as good as it looked.

Before he knew it, Yasuo had finished his meal. 'That was delicious. To think that I get to eat this every day. I never knew that a meal could give me such joy.'

Having looked out of the window while enjoying his meal, Yasuo had set out his next destination. The thing that caught Yasuo's eyes was a massive building complex, which made Yasuo think about why there would be such a big complex for only one thousand students.

Walking there was as pleasant as his walk to the cafeteria, and he quickly made his way into the building. And it immediately became apparent what building it was. The massive building complex was the 'college building' where all the lectures would be held.

Walking around the building, Yasuo became amazed at the sight of all the different lecture halls there were. There weren't only normal lecture halls you could find in any other school, but there was a lecture hall specifically made for all kinds of purposes.

There were some normal looking lecture rooms for general classes, science rooms, artistic rooms, blacksmithing rooms, some rooms even looking like full-blown arenas and so many more types of rooms.

Seeing this made Yasuo excited to learn, but knowing that there were no classes today, Yasuo decided to go to another place. Somewhere he really wanted to go ever since he heard of it from Hana Lee, the library.

Quickly finding the sign pointing to the library, Yasuo excitedly followed it, which took him to the complete opposite side of the campus. Unlike the modern look of the other side of the campus, the building in front of him looked old and historical, but well maintained. It was a beautiful feat of roman architecture, a building made out of stone, timber and marble.

Yasuo could appreciate the look of the building and could look at it for hours, but as he knew there was a library inside, he couldn't wait anymore and entered the building.

Entering the library, Yasuo was greeted by a librarian. "Good morning, name and raking please." She said with a smile on her face in a polite tone.

"Oh yes. Yasuo Mun, ranking number ten." Yasuo said, startled by the aura the librarian was exuding. 'She is an awakened, and a strong one at that.'

After quickly looking up something on the computer, the librarian gave him an access card for the library. "With this access card you can enter every level of the library, enjoy your read."

Yasuo quickly thanked the librarian before excitedly starting to explore the library. After having spend only a few minutes on the first floor of the library, Yasuo notices that the books there weren't any different from books you could find at a normal library.

Being disappointed in this, Yasuo quickly went up to the second level. Picking up a random book and flipping through it, Yasuo immediately noticed a difference. 'Yes! This is what I came here for.' Yasuo thought full of joy.

Yasuo had planned to just enjoy his free day and relax, but upon seeing these books he couldn't withhold his curiosity and planning nature. There were books containing achievements that Yasuo had never seen before, and books with more in depth information about all types of classes.

As he was prepared for a rest day, Yasuo hadn't brought a pen and paper. Now wasting any time, Yasuo wanted to get a notebook from his bungalow, so he quickly walked towards the exit of the library.

"Leaving so soon?" The librarian asked with a disappointed look on her face.

"I am going to get a notebook real quick, I will be back soon."

Hearing Yasuo say this made the expression of the librarian lighten up. "If it is a notebook you need, I can give you one." The librarian said, grabbing a luxurious notebook from behind the counter.

Yasuo looked pleased as he had never seen such a good looking notebook and knowing that he didn't gave to go back to his room. "Thank you. Is this also a privilege?" Yasuo asked as he didn't remember seeing this on the list.

"For you it is." She said, with a pleased look on her face.

Yasuo warmly smiled back at the librarian, before quickly returning to the second level of the library with a notebook in hand. Sitting down at a table, Yasuo went around the whole library picking up all books that would possibly have useful achievements in them, including general achievements, dagger achievements and rune drawing achievement.

He soon had a big pile of books stacked on the table and excitedly started flipping through them, writing down all the achievements in his notebook that he could find. As Yasuo was deeply engrossed in the books, he didn't keep track of time, but his body did for him.

As his stomach began to grumble once again, Yasuo looked at the clock to find out that it was already one o'clock, meaning that four hours had passed.

Yasuo still wasn't done with all the books, he decided that it would be best to quickly go and eat something in the cafeteria and go back to the library as soon as possible. Hastily standing up and running down the stairs, Yasuo screams "I will be right back." As he had a feeling that the librarian was going to ask where he was going.

And he was right as the librarian chuckled and said to herself: "He knows me pretty well already."

Having arrived at the cafeteria Yasuo looked at the menu. This time he wasn't looking for the most delicious meal, but the meal that he could eat the fastest. As he saw a lot of already prepared meals on the counter, it didn't look appetizing, but it did look pretty nutritious. So he grabbed the meal tray and sat down at the closest seat, shovelling the food in his mouth as quickly as possible.

Having finished the meal, Yasuo quickly ran back to the library. Not even ten minutes had passed and he had already returned to the library, which came to a surprise to the librarian, which made her chuckle before she welcomed Yasuo back.

As Yasuo nodded at the librarian with a mouth still full of food, he quickly went upstairs to finish the books he was reading. And just like before, the time passed quickly as he was writing down all the achievements he could find. After another four hours, Yasuo had finally managed to finish all the books he had picked up.

As he stretched out his whole body, Yasuo remembered that there was a higher level of the library he could go to. As he couldn't wait to go there, Yasuo quickly put all the books back in the right place before going up the stairs to level three.

At the top of the stairs was a thick mana barrier, which disappeared when Yasuo came close to it. 'Wow, does this library card interact with the barrier?'

As Yasuo walked through the barrier, the whole appearance of the library changed, which made Yasuo speechless at the sight of it. Full of awe, the only thing that came to his mind was: 'Can this even be called a library?'