
Rusty Nails

9:00 pm


Desk lamp flickering

10:00 pm


Car alarm goes off

11:00 pm


A cold breeze

12:00 am

I'm just sitting here. I can't move. It's like I don't want to move. My hands are in front of me on my desk. My homework still isn't done. Why am I just sitting here. Nothing will move. I can't breathe. How am I still alive? Am I dreaming? It has been at least ten minutes since the clock hit 12 why hasn't it moved. All I have telling me I am alive is this cold breeze, and these nails? How long have these rusty nails been on my desk? Hammer.

All of a sudden I'm looking at my right hand. A hammer? How long has this been in my hand? Where did I get it? With all these strange things It feels like it's just a dream. If its a dream and I am aware of it then I can put this hammer down. Just put it down. But I can't move. I can't even feel the wood of the handle I'm holding. Cold.

When did the cold air go away. I feel nothing now. As if I'm floating. Yet still, I'm sitting and holding this thing that I can't look away from. Am I dead? Without any sensations or control of my body, what proof is there that I'm still alive. Why am I not scared? What is keeping me so calm? Nail.

Just as I had been staring at my right hand I am now staring at my left. One of the nails is positioned above the center of my hand. I don't remember moving. I feel as though I have stayed in this spot and the image before me was the only thing that shifted. Though I see nothing I don't care how the nail is floating. Just why. What is the purpose of this nail? Hammer.

What is going on before me at this desk. A hammer and a rusty nail. Why do they exist. There's only one thing I can think to do. I want it. My body can't stop itself. But why does it want this? Relief.

I have control of my right hand. Why? I can feel the splintery wood of the hammers handle. With this freedom my body can only do one thing. A hammer is mean to do one thing to a nail. BANG!

12:01 am