

Alaric had gone through the past couple of nights by handing out small amounts of coins to those in need. However, his actions had gotten the attention of the guards not too much later. Soon, guards were walking around the streets at night, standing by beggars and the homeless to try and catch this man.

The city lord didn't take too kindly to someone giving out coins to the poor of their city. It made it feel like someone was trying to usurp their power. So the guards had been given orders to capture anyone giving coins of any value to the poor.

The guards had even taken a few regular citizens who had dropped a copper coin or two into the begging hands of the homeless on the street.

Alaric had been resting most of the day since he spent a lot of the night giving to the poor. So Ethan walked into the room with a gentle knock on the door.

"Alaric, I have some bad news."

Alaric was groaning awake, his hair was a mess, "what is it, Ethan?"