
Rule: Assassin's of the system

Human wants to use people, Not knowing they are already used by other people.

ZeroPERCENTremains · Fantasie
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29 Chs


I was shocked and I said

Were mates , (Due to fear)

The knifes are at my belt that time .

And when he saw that I didn't bring a weapon .

He hand me his magnum.

You'll die if you dont have weapon here take this

he said while handling me the gun.

Ahh thanks but how about you ? As i see its the only weapon you have.

Its ok I can handle my own,

We will go to the rest of our mates,

you have to cover me

Yes ill do that

On my mark





I shoot the opposite team to make the guy pass

and as He arrive in the group of people not to far from me . One of them summon a Gun I think its from the system!

I was confused at that time . Why is there other kids using system? Did Thomas And the other from the group said that i was the only one that has proper control over this system ( and others can't control it or killed by them ( like Annie))

Are they lying at me?

Then a sudden BOOM the opposite team was executed by the other system user.

So I think I might get Information through them . So I think its not bad to stay in this group for a while.

They come to the place where I was hiding

Mate! can you stand up?

yeah I can , I replied

nice ! come with us now come on.

So I ended up following them. As for what i see this group has four people five if they count me in.

But when the guy points his gun on me its like his talking about big group . I really wonder why

after looting the building we six seek for shelter

so we wondered around the area

it seems clear for now. We will rest her, the guy said

I ask the guy about the Gun they use

Oh you didn't know that? its the system the one recruiter gave to us. So we can compete in this event.

( So Im not the only one) . How can he make that with only level one? I asked again

Then they laugh

Ha ha ha ha ! Who said we are level one?

What!! your not level one?

Yeah they are level four , while the one that summon the gun is level six . And as for me Im level Three

Im the weakest in this squad.

My recruiter Said one cant enter the Event if the individual is higher than level one.

Wait what did you said? Your recruiter?

( Wait I have bad feeling about this) . Why all of you starting at me?

Our recruiter never said that so it means your not one of us!

Mate he's a spy kill him!

And in just a second the four guy sorounded me.

The roulette was used and the knifes are gone.

The situation is quite dire they are ready to kill me any time.

And then i ended up think of something that might save me!