

At the doorway was the manager. "Princess, the painter has arrived." With a smile, he said.

Mr. Roy made a small smile.

"Please knock before entering the room, Mr. Rajiv." Princess Namrita said. She was visibly irritated, as evidenced by her eyes.

"Would you both like to come?"Mr. Rajiv was adamant in his speech and appeared not to have paid attention to Princess Namrita.

"Yes, we'd be thrilled to witness history being made."Mr. Roy said with a smile.

They were silently moving through the third-floor corridor. The door built at the end of that corridor allowed them access to the room, which was so exquisitely lovely that not even the adjective 'excellent' could do it justice.The huge bed in the room's centre was surrounded by exquisitely crafted white drapes; a sizable chandelier with candles in place of lamps; a large red-coloured carpet with blue rose patterns was stretched out on the floor; and several lovely chairs with plush cushions were embellished next to the wall. The big, unusual chair that seemed like a throne, near the bed, was the most gorgeous thing in the whole room. On it was Prince Meghraj, who additionally wore a waistcoat and tie over a white shirt and a long, black suit. His formal black pants, which matched the suit's colour and fabric beautifully, were likewise on him. He covered his ankles with socks and wore black, polished shoes on his feet. Right in front of him was a sizable wooden stand with a professional cotton medium grain canvas fix, and a young man with blond hair was examining the canvas while donning a black fine waistcoat, boots, and a basic thin white shirt over corduroy pants.A tiny white tray and many colour tubes, as well as brushes of various sizes, were stored on a table that was kept next to the wooden stand.Then Prince Meghraj's focus turned to them. "Namrita... and Mr. Roy, thank you for coming."Prince Meghraj said with a smile.

"You look great, brother." Princess Namrita said.

"Thanks" Taking his hands away from his hair, Prince Meghraj murmured.Princess Namrita started heading for the chairs beside the walls. She was soon followed by Mr. Roy and Jaydev as well. A person was already sitting in one of those chairs.The gentleman sitting there, only plucking at the sleeves of his red kurta, was the same one who had praised Mr. Roy's eyes the night before.

"Ayaan, when did you start to be interested in paintings?"As she sat in the chair next to the man, Princess Namrita questioned.

"Never; I merely came here to observe how my friend would react to the task." Looking at Prince Meghraj, Mr. Ayaan stated and, "You, Mr. Roy, are unique."He continued.

While seated next to Princess Namrita, who was seated next to Mr. Ayaan, Mr. Roy cast a sceptical glance in his direction.

"I came into contact with the first wealthy individual who was trying to conceal his wealth."Mr. Ayaan said.

"I wasn't concealing it; I just don't enjoy boasting about it the way some do."Mr. Roy said.

"Nice" Mr. Ayaan said. His facial expression suggested that he did not particularly enjoy this response.

"Mr. Gorman, I know you like to show off your work, but let me inform you that everyone who was meant to be here has already shown up, so start it now."Prince Meghraj spoke in an obnoxious manner.

"I apologise, Rajkumar Meghraj; I was simply inspecting the canvas."The painter said, "I don't want people to forget how you look at your finest." He continued.

"I have faith in your blood since your father's final artwork still captures our close one in the finest possible light, just as she is still with us today." Prince Meghraj said with a thin smile.

"He is referring to the artwork of Rani Arhwini Devi, my mother."Princess Namrita said quietly. The words' sorrow was audible to Mr. Roy.

"I am sorry, princess; my eyes could not find that beautiful painting among the paintings of your ancestors." Mr. Roy said.

"That painting isn't there; rather, it's hung in my father's room, where it serves as a reminder of past beauty and memories."Princess Namrita said.

"I would absolutely like to see the painting of that gorgeous personality." Mr. Roy said softly.

"Ohh...Prince Meghraj, why haven't you picked up a sword like your ancestors did? This is an excellent element of your painting." The painter said to Prince Meghraj.

"I don't believe I need a sword for my painting. Ayaan, what do you think?"Prince Meghraj asked to Mr. Ayaan.

"Swords are now numbered in an outdated manner, which also demonstrates violence.And the same is stated in our sacred texts: '𝘈𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘰 𝘥𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢' (Non-violence is the highest moral virtue), You don't, in my opinion."Mr. Ayaan said.

"Mr. Ayaan, you didn't recite the entire verse."Mr. Roy said.

"What do you mean, Mr. Roy?"Mr. Ayaan asked him.

" '𝘋𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢 𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘢 𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘷𝘢 𝘤𝘩𝘢' (So too is violence in the service of Dharma), The full text suggests that while nonviolence is preferable, violence may be used to protect dharma when necessary. And the weapon does not show our violence but our strength and security.Therefore, it would be wise for you to first educate yourself about your religion and culture before making a statement.Lack of knowledge is the same as incomplete knowledge."Mr. Roy said with a smile. There was nothing anyone could say to that. After a quiet, "Mr. Rajiv, bring that sword that was prepared for my painting."Prince Meghraj said quietly.When he heard this, Mr. Rajiv—who was standing close to the bed—left the space.

"You didn't share any information with me about him, Prince Meghraj?"Looking at Mr. Roy, the painter remarked.

"He is..."But Princess Namrita cut off Prince Meghraj's speech before he could finish it and, " He's Mr. Rudra Roy, a successful businessman, a talented writer, and a paranormal expert."She said.

"Wow, a paranormal expert. I had previously met another Indian who also claimed to be a paranormal expert." The painter said.

This sentence intrigued and perplexed both Jaydev and Mr. Roy.At that moment, Mr. Rajiv returned to the room carrying a sword with a stunning red covering.

"When?" Prince Meghraj spoke while carefully gripping the sword.

"Three years ago, when Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip visited Udaipur, I was invited to create a superb painting there. That's where I met him.He was the head of the Indian Paranormal Society. His name was....Rag...Rah...Raghav Mehra. Yes, that was his name, for sure.He was a very proud and mysterious person."The artist reminisced, making odd facial gestures as he spoke.

"Do you know him, Mr. Roy?" Prince Meghraj asked to Mr. Roy.

"No, but I would definitely like to meet him."Mr. Roy said.

"I'll start with the rigger brush, I guess."After saying this, the painter began painting with the thinnest brush.

After some while, Mr. Roy's eyes became weary of observing Prince Meghraj remain motionless while Mr. Gorman drew a painting of him.He turned to gaze at Jaydev, who was idly watching the painting take place.

"Are you also bored with it?"Princess Namrita asked softly to Mr. Roy.

"Yes, quite a bit."Mr. Roy said.

"Would you like to take a stroll?"She asked him.

"Aaa...sure." No one prevented them from slowly getting up from their chairs and leaving the room.They both moved along the hallway and arrived at the stairs.They made it to the first floor after climbing the stairs and began to proceed. Princess Namrita was being silently trailed by Mr. Roy.They reached the corridor leading to the back side of the palace.

"Do you have a query, Mr. Roy?"Princess Namrita said as she turned to face Mr. Roy.

"These hallways are unfamiliar to me."Mr. Roy said.

"There is a short route that leads directly to the village from the back of the palace, which is reached by following these hallways.Mr. Roy, you ought to see how lovely the village is."Princess Namrita said. Mr. Roy simply grinned in answer, and they both began to walk.As soon as they emerged, they were met by a blazing sun that temporarily rendered them blind.However, Princess Namrita appeared to be relieved to be leaving the palace as she grinned.

"Can I ask you something, Princess Namrita?"


"Do your family members give you grief?"

"Is it necessary to answer"This question had snatched that beautiful smile from that face.

"It's okay if you don't want to."

"However, my inner voice tells me to tell you this.Following the death of my mother, I turned the resentment I couldn't express toward my father onto his palace. I hated the thick gray slabs of the walls—more suited to a fortress than a king's residence—that surrounded our quarters, their tops bristling with sentries. I hated the narrow windows, the mean, dimly lit corridors, the uneven floors that were always damp, the massive, severe furniture from generations ago that was sized more for giants than men. I hated most of all that the grounds had neither trees nor flowers. Like my mother, my sister has worked hard to maintain the palace's beauty, and you can see the results of her efforts.But since I returned from New York, things between my sister and me have gotten worse...."A tear that symbolised her suffering slowly came out as she paused in mid-sentence.

"I will not say that I can understand your pain; no one can understand anyone's pain, but I can definitely say that every pain or sorrow ends someday."

"Thank you; perhaps what you said will influence how I act tomorrow.We must now proceed."Saying this, she started walking ahead.There was less greenery in the rear of the palace than in the front.A weird stench appeared as they began to move forward. "What kind of stench is this, maybe some animal has died there." Princess Namrita said, pointing to the attached bushes from the wall, where there were many flies.

"No, it's something else."He said while going near the bushes.Keeping her hand over her nose, Princess Namrita followed him as well.They discovered that there had been a lot of rotten food dumped in the bushes.

"Who has thrown this?"With suspicion in his voice, Mr. Roy said.

"Don't know, but it needs to be cleaned."Saying this, Princess Namrita went away from there.Like Princess Namrita, Mr. Roy departed from there as well.Mr. Roy's steps ceased when they headed in the direction of a tree.This was the same location where Mr. Roy had noticed something odd the night before.

"What happened, Mr. Roy?" Upon noticing his abrupt stop, Princess Namrita questioned.

"Nothing" After saying this, Mr. Roy turned to face the palace.At that moment, he noticed a window with flower pots on the sill that were adorned with roses.A young woman who was so stunning that even the sun's rays could not contain their magnificence stood close to those blooms.She was holding a rose in her hands and playing with its petals.It was Princess Nabnita. How is it that one person can spread such beauty.Mr. Roy had an intense desire to record this moment in his eyes.That's when, "Mr. Roy!" Princess Namrita said loudly.

"Aaa...yes"Mr. Roy said while blinking his eyelashes.

"Maybe you fell in love with the palace walls too much." Princess Namrita said with a smile. Mr. Roy didn't say anything on this.They both began to move ahead. A short while later, they came across an ancient, open iron gate that was covered in rust, and there was a straight-running stone walkway in front of it.As they went along the stony path, they reached a market-like area where people had set up their small shops beneath some crumbling old buildings. "Jemy had enjoyed the local markets a lot, and I wish she could have joined us here if she had been in good health." Princess Namrita said loudly.

"Jemy?" Mr. Roy asked.

"Jemy, my German friend, you haven't met her.She came here with me for the last time when we visited the old fort. Since we were travelling back from the old fort, she has been ill.We have been hearing those voices ever since we left the old fort, which is why I wrote you a letter and pleaded with you to visit as soon as possible.Those voices are eerie and quiet, Mr. Roy, like they are carrying a deathly message."Princess Namrita said, Her eyes revealed a strong sense of fear.

"We ought to return to the palace since I now know what to do."Mr. Roy said. That's when, they suddenly heard the lyrics of a sweet tune.Mr. Roy temporarily lost track of his thoughts due to the exquisite tune, which appeared to be a local song.They both began looking in the direction of the song's origin.They heard the exquisite tune being sung by two old guys, one of them was clutching a wooden tambura. Both of them were clad in white and had bright yellow Rajasthani turbans.The song's lyrics went something like this:

' 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘮 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘺𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘪....𝘱𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘳𝘢 𝘷𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘢 𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘢𝘯 ' (I am filled with a divine downpour of love), Standing there, they both sensed a lovely truth in these remarks.

"Do you believe in love, Mr. Roy?"Princess Namrita asked softly.

"Love itself is a belief."Mr. Roy said softly. Their gazes converged. "We should return" He said while shifting his gaze to the other side.