
The Perilous Aftermath

Main Character's POV:

"Hmm…?" My eyes slid open slowly as a waking feline. Before I could properly grasp my surrounding, a surge of pain stimulated great hurt within me. My bones were chafed, not to mention my torn muscle fibres.

"Shit---" Although I was in pain, a part of me was glad that I was still among the living as well as confused as to why this was.

"Weren't those Smokepires on top of me?" I wondered. "What the hell happened?"

To garner more knowledge of the situation, I tried lifting my head to look around. I was lying on a pile of rubble in what remained of the mansion while the full brunt of the sun hit me directly through the large orifice in the roof.

"So bright." I immediately cover my eyes to prevent excessive rays from damaging my ocular nerves. At the same time, I heard Razi calling me while coming over with a bucket in her hand. Her feeble arms were struggling to lift the damn thing.