
Rubber Human in MHA

An orphan saves the lives of some children but gets killed in the process, as an act of pity towards him, one of the gods of the universe decides to have him reincarnate with two wishes. "I want to have the powers of the Gomu Gomu no mi!!" "We have a few problems with that wish but I can make it work" Follow the adventures of Tomomi Mizushima as she lives as she pleases in the world of MHA that surprisingly, has a lot more than what she bargained for. "Is it bad that I died before Wano ended?" Author's Note : This Fanfic is written how I think a reincarnation of this type would work, extremely slow and with a lot of slice-of-life elements before the events of the manga. Coupled with my interest in the exploration of the MHA world and my own obsession with the powers of rubber, it will take a long time before canon (I guess around chapter 40-ish). Also, this is technically my second time writing something and sticking with it for more than 20 chapters, so bear with the early chapters being small or badly written, I'll try to improve. Lastly, I am more of a One piece fan than an MHA fan but I'll try to make it as faithfully as possible to the source material (The MC hasn't read One piece past the middle of the third act of Wano, and 4th season of MHA) ---Warnings--- [Crossposting between Scribblehub and Webnovel] [I'm not very good at English so bear with me] [I don't own My Hero Academia or One piece, those works belong to Kohei Horikoshi and Eichiro Oda respectively] [No Harem]

BioedwinMX · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Quirk Manifestation

The New chapter is actually the last one, I kid of f*cked the order but whatever, enjoy!


I'm currently in the second half of my second year of preschool, this last year has not been, in any shape or form, of any use to me since everything in this place is something that I already knew. This is obvious, but the thought of this repeating for the next 8-9 years is making me groan at the amount of future boredom that I'm going to have to endure.

The only good thing about this whole thing is that the amount of free time that I still have is very large, so I can actually focus on learning some good stuff like music theory and art with my extra brain plasticity courtesy of being still 3 years old.

[That's a very unexpected perk or reincarnation, but a welcomed one]

As to the reason why I'm focusing on these things, I kinda just wanted to. Those are hobbies that I still had in my previous life that I want to polish and conserve in this one since I could use them to actually gain money for the future to not rely on my parents. We do have a decent amount of money since my dad saved it but I rather waste my own money.

How I'm going to do this? is pretty simple, by copying ideas from my world and teaching the people of this sad dimension the greatness of having some entertainment that is not heavily reliant on heroes. Nothing too crazy, just a few of those, and I should be set for a while.

[So stealing... just like a true interdimensional pirate! But that's for later]

I'm still grumbling about having to enter preschool like a normal kid instead of skipping it, apparently, my parents believed that making some friends would benefit me in the long run which is understandable. But it seems that I made absolutely no friends, this happened because of how I carry myself and therefore everyone simply respected me as a 'grown-up kid'.

[I don't know if I should be honored or insulted]

The reason I got into the school was already null from here on out, not like these kids would even remember their preschool years anyways. but can I like get a break from all the kids trying to associate with me.


"Tomomi you still feel ill?" My mom asks me while checking my temperature and making my cute uniform less crinkly.

"I'm okay-ish mom, I'll go to school" I say while trying to focus,

"Alright, but if you feel worse then make sure to tell the teacher okay~?"


Lately, I haven't felt all that great, I have said this to my parents and they have acknowledged that I have indeed been less energetic. My symptom are nothing too bad, I feel a bit heavy and sleepy and I have trouble focusing on stuff as if my mind was a bit cloudy.

These symptoms are not uncommon to me since in my previous life I did have a lot of problems concerning migraines, so this feeling in particular of having a cloudy mind is not unusual. Even then still I'm taking the necessary precautions since I don't want to die of a dumbass sickness in a world that's literally set in the future.

"Ugh..." I groan at my attempts at trying to concentrate on the stupid math problem that should be done in mere seconds if not for my sickness making me dumber.

"Are you okay?" one of my classmates asks me, I deadpan at him.

[I'm literally dying out here kid]

"Yes... I'm fine" I finally say after deciding that it was not worth it to make him worry about me.

"Okay! will you go to have your lunch? you promised it yesterday" he said while looking up at me, it takes me a second to realize what was wrong with his question.


"Yeah... the bell rang 5 minutes ago"


[I'm absolutely blasted]

"I will go and have that lunch" I say after a few seconds, his expression immediately lit up.

[He's a bit too happy, almost makes me bad about punching him last year]

I simply jumped off my seat while he impatiently leads me while holding my tiny arm, after a few steps I suddenly stop and turn to my schoolbag.

"Wait! today I brought a bento, let me get it"

I simply walk to my school bag and search for my bento with my free arms since the kid is still tugging on my arm, after struggling for a few seconds of only working with my one free arm I give up.

"Hey stop being impatient! stop tugging my arm"

"Okay, but don't take too... long? " the amount of uncertainty erased the last of my patients so I glared at him.

"Then stop tugging my... arm?"

And right there and then, my arm was stretched from my seat to the door of the classroom in front of a couple of kids and the teacher. I could do nothing but stared with my gaping mouth at my arm now being 8 times its size.


"I-I I didn't mean to!" The kid said as he let go of my arm.



I punched myself and got absolutely sent flying, crashing into my seat and some others before stopping. The class was absolutely silent for a moment before the teacher snapped out of her daze.


She immediately crouched and checked my condition to see if I was hurt, apart from the imprint of red on my face that came with my impromptu punch, there was nothing else of note.

[It really didn't hurt all that much]

"Are you okay?"

[Well what do you think?]

"Yes, I'm fine... but I want to call my parents" I said while getting up and dusting my clothes.

"O-okay but tell me if something is happening to you okay?"

"Will do teacher!"

It was a relief that my quirk manifested, it was something that was still up in the air since I didn't know if the god was lying, of course, I did not doubt if she could, she did put me on this planet so making my body be made of rubber should not be that much of a jump in power or logic.

[It is still quite surprising to be made of rubber]

I look at my body while stretching my fingers, one by one, I checked them to see just how much they stretch, the process does not hurt at all making my morbid mind immediately make a knot out of my fingers.

Seeing my fingers in positions simply not humanly possible made me grin a bit, there was absolutely no discomfort apart from the friction that my skin made against itself.


I hear the choir of kids who have by now surrounded me, their childish gaze trying to analyze wherever my quirk is good or not, of course, they do not have any capacity to make any real judgment about the value of quirks but they still do. The teacher called me and let me to the teacher's office.

"Well then Tomomi, here you go, you can make your call but no longer than 5 minutes," She says as she hands me a cellphone.

"Un!" I nod.




"Hello, ~, who's calling?" I hear the sing-song of my mom with a slight distortion since it comes from a cellphone.

"Hello, mom! it's me... I mean Tomomi!" I answered.

"Ah hello dear! did something happen? are you sick? do you want to go back home? we ca-"

"Don't worry mom! I don't feel sick anymore!"

"Mmmm... then what is it about dear?"

"I got my quirk today!"


For a few seconds, the cellphone was silent, I actually was starting to sweat about whatever she was thinking before an ear-piercing squeal resounded in my ears making me stagger back a little.

[Geez is not that surprising]

Happy Pride Month!!!

BioedwinMXcreators' thoughts