
Caught Again

4 BBY, Dromia 7

Bothka awoke to buckets of water thrown at him as if a tsunami happened. He opened his eyes to examine what death hole he got dragged into. Only to find him and every single passenger kneeling. Kneeling to the people who they had worked so hard to stay away from. It was heartbreaking at this point that they would even try because the enemy was at his climax.

"I told you, he called the Imps here!" Enodo claimed as he kneeled at the same position as he was in Lothal. "Now because of that stupid Stormtrooper we landed ourselves in enemy lines."

"But it couldn't be!" Bothka whispered without agitation. "The force called unto him! It chose him!"

"Well, the force was wrong! For the second time now!" he growled in a shush. "Either this or the force thing doesn't exist, or you've gon mad!"

"You shut your mouth! Offend me again and I'll tear out your throat." Bothka scowled.

"You cant old man, these days a blaster works fine." Enodo mocked as he gazed away to check who would shush him. Alas, two stormtroopers gazed at him like a mad man.

The planet Dromia 7 was an icy, rocky world full of glaciers, mountains and lakes of carbon dioxide. The planet's pressure was a bit high making it harder to hear others but was livable. Ships rarely made it while touching down at the planet, so doing so was a risky task.

Not for Padraw!

His jewel of a ship sat down on the ground as if any other ship would. As the door released, down it went and gas emitted from its release chambers. Out walked the robed figure in black linen. Abound belt that hugged his muscle-figure waist. Even exposing his lightsabre. As he stepped on to the ground he examined the scene of all the people who rebelled him. Jasu'lane walked up to him in an orderly fashion and bowed to him.

"Master welcome back!" she began as Padraw grabbed her by the hand and she escorted him through the enslaved Lothalians. "We've caught them all and now our plans will come to fruition."

"Yes. OUR Plans!" Padraw smirked as he walked to examine those who sat before him. "Where's the Jedi?"

"He's right there!" she pointed towards the disgraced man doused in water. As Padraw stared at the old man he grinned to his amusement that the man still lived this far. He walked furthermore to get close to where Bothka sat and looked him in the eyes. Almost mocking him without saying a word.

"Old Jedi!" he sighed reminiscing of the past. "You are all a myth, yet you exist. As an old man that got spared from the purge. You're lucky!" he smirked. Bothka then spat at the floor with streaks of blood apart of the patch that would mix around with the ice. "Take him inside, we'll interrogate him until he gives in!"

Two troopers walked up to Bothka and dragged him to one of the ships and strapped him for interrogation. Jasu'lane then stood guard to watch over the hostages with the help of hundreds of troopers. Enodo would often cause trouble with the trooper captain.

"Hey, what if I paid you?!" he asked.

"The only way I'm getting money involving you is when I have you skinned. You'll be a great carpet!" the captain growled at the spy. Enodo would gurgle in the inside fearing for his skin.

"You know what? You're crazy, you need medical attention, that is inhumane!" he told as he glanced at her. The captain then proceeded to take off his mask to reveal his alien head, a Turmuti head. One of the ugliest aliens ever possible. "Precisely," the alien spoke.

"I might even push a knife straight from the top of your head, down to your throat!" he snarled as he looked him right in the eye! The captain ran towards him, fast as if he tried to devour him. But stopped in his tracks because the troopers near him held him back.



Jon and Beethree ran out to the opposite hangar as hundreds of troopers followed them in pursuit. Beethree placed detonators in nooks that would later blow the ship into bits. As they ran they would often stop to hide in place. After a few minutes in hiding, they ran into the hangar and looked for ships.

"Alright Beethree which one?"

"One moment, sir!" Beethree interrupted as she got busy rewiring droids and reprogramming them. They woke up ready to serve Beethree and a handful of them stood guard of the hangar entrances. The others followed her into the ship of Jon's choice.

Jon glanced over to a ship that looked sleek and elegant. The ship looked very expensive, almost like a political cruiser. The ship would look something like a shaving razor but with a captain's deck on the top. The grey ship had streaks of black that ran across the sides and through the large doors on the side.

The lower deck included a crew cabin with large windows at the front and a lounge cabin in the middle. Almost to the end was an elevator that headed to the captain's deck. Towards the end of the lower deck were the storage unit and a large rectangular engine. Atop the ship was the captain's deck which included the cockpit, side turrets, captain's and storage cabin. All which condensed into a vertical stabilizer with an engine.

The robots crammed into the lounge deck and waited to be launched, meanwhile, Beethree sat on the cockpit. Jon sat at the windowed cabin. As troopers begin to cram into the hangar, the grand cruise ship launched and left the ship waiting to explode.

Beethree began lightspeed sequence as Jon sat in relief, resting for what would come next. Troopers scrambled to get into a fighter jet and blow the grand ship into bits but would be unlucky.

BOOM! Padraw's starship exploded in mere seconds after Beethree began the sequence. ZOOM! They left in a hurry!


"You know why we're here?" Padraw began.

"No I don't" the old man replied.

"We're here because you have something that we are looking for!" he inquired. " They look boxy, can be very colourful and very expensive depending on who wants it!"

"You want me to sell it?" Bothka scoffed.

"No, I want you to tell me where are the Holocrons?" he asked.

"Holocrons?" he laughed. "Of what?!"

"Don't play with me old fool, you've seen them. You know what's in them!"

"I know what's in them but I don't know where they are!" he argued. The ground then began to rumble and the two men looked to each other in confusion. Bothka then experiences a rush in the force and saw Jon emerging from a ship.

Jon dragged out an E-web then began shooting at the surrounding troopers. Beethree then directed her band of reprogrammed security droids and began shooting at the stormtroopers. Meanwhile, went through a second entrance and escorted hostages while the troopers were distracted. Then Jasu'lane walked up to Jon ready to slice his head off but before she could, he began force-choking her. She glanced at him in fury gasping for air but he wouldn't spare her in any way.

Enodo then looked at the trooper captain who looked overwhelmed by the situation. Dragged out a dagger and did what he would to him. As the war was going on, Enodo helped escort as he met up with Jon in an awkward conversation.

"Hey crybaby, the traitor has come to save you!" he smirked at the ashamed spy. Who then began shooting at the troopers. "Stay here! Keep the line steady, and I'll bring back Bothka!"

Climax approaching! Master v. Apprentice

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