
Royalty In Disguise

Inspired by real events "Mama, I don't want to drink water. It's already so late if I drink water then I'll have to get up again to pee." "Okay then at least keep this glass by your bedside I don't want to go all the way back to the kitchen to put the glass away," Mama said, a little too angrily. Asia was taken aback by the harsh tone. Also, weirdly. Her mother looked very strange. She looked unfamiliar in an eerie manner. Asia couldn't exactly put a finger on what was wrong but there was something, for sure. She, hesitantly, took the glass of water and gulped it down. As she was drinking something, that felt like a snake, the glass caught her tongue and started pulling her tongue down. She dropped the glass to the floor and started screaming and tugging at her tongue. A blood-curdling scream left her mouth. The pain she that was feeling was none like any other she had ever felt. Her mind started to get numb. She wailed and cried but Mama stood there, smiling a bit, not even moving an inch to help her. All of a sudden, she felt footsteps approaching maybe it was her brother that has came to help her, she looked towards the left to see that her brother and her mother were running towards her, she looked towards her right, stunned and scared to find that where her mother was previously standing, there was no one. She stopped feeling the snake tugging at her tongue. She looked at her hands, felt her face and looked down at the floor where she had thrown the glass but there were no shards of glasses which should've been there. That wasn't the first time. Asia Chohan had been seeing strange things ever since she took a hold of this new "money". Not only her, but her entire family had been experiencing surreal events that could only happen in their heads... except that it's not. Or are they? Add to your library to find out. Asia had become a money-hungry, self-serving, ruthless girl after suffering from a troubled childhood. The new money that her family acquired her and her family. But with new money, come new problems. She and her family are seeing, imagining and actively participating in things that are apparently not real. Slowly but surely, the selfish family loses its mind. One after the other bad things, annoying situations start breeding and prospering. ho is the mastermind behind the destruction of the Chohan family? And is there a bone of kindness that might help them to save themselves or are they just made dark filthy evil hood?

Shiza_Mumtaz · Fantasy
Zu wenig Bewertungen
75 Chs

A Tease

Asia woke up with a hole of sorrow burning inside her heart. She was totally unaware of the reason. Sure, her physical situation was alarmingly bleak. Her cracked ribs and needled arms were fully sufficient to destroy her mental equilibrium, yet the sadness that riddled her mind was heavier than the unbearable pain of cracked ribs and uneasy breaths. 

Her bruises didn't matter to her. More like, she had totally forgotten about those. Even her scared breathing couldn't remind her of her own physical pain because the mental anguish that she was in far more coarse. 

She looked around the hospital room which was dripping in sadness and darkness. She probably woke up in the middle of the night. She squeezed her eyes to make sense of her surrounding. She had now realised that her throat was dry as the Sahara.

"Water. Somebody, please get me water."

The pitch dark room screamed with silence. She could feel her heartbeat in her ears. The darkness from the room had now made its way to her soul. An intangible fear of the unknown was making her mind abuzz. 

"Please somebody get me water," tears spilt out of her eyes as fear started to fill up her insides, "Please." 

She frantically turned her head from left to right and right to left may times. She couldn't make sense of anything around her in the pitch-black room. She sat up and tried to feel around with her hands. This unfortunate search lead to the fall of her IV-drip stand, resultantly pulling the cannula off her hand spilling blood all over. 

The sound, fortunately, woke up Mama who was sleeping like a dead log on the guest bed. 

"W-what? Who's that?" screamed Mama as she woke with a startle 

"Mama it's me, Asia. Please turn on the light. I'm scared. I think I am bleeding." Asia stroked the wetness that she felt around her wrist. 

"I kept my phone by this goddamn pillow but now I can't find it," said Mama in an agitated tone. 

"Ah, found it was the at the side table," she said as she turned on the phone screen to bring a little light in the room to be able to make her way towards the switchboard.

The now lit room showed the puddle of blood around Asia's wrist. Asia had now started to lose consciousness but it was not sure whether the blood loss caused it or the sight of so much blood. 

Mama ran outside to call the nurse. 

"Please my daughter is bleeding and she has fainted," she screamed desperately at the receptionist. 

He dialled the intercom and called the nurses and doctors.

The doctors and nurses appeared within a matter of seconds as their duty room were right next to the receptionist.

"What happened?" asked Nurse Iffat. As she walked along with Mama towards Asia's room. 

"I woke to the sound of something breaking and when I turned on the light I saw Asia losing consciousness. She was bleeding."

The nurses and doctors had now entered Asia's room where she was bleeding to death because the cannula was directly opened up in the vein. 

"Code blue," said Dr Mahwish. "Prepare for blood transfusion. The patient's blood group is B-ve. Meanwhile

 get 2 litres of isotonic sodium chloride ready for administration." she said as she put the cap back on the cannula.

"Will she be alright?" asked Mama, crying.

"Please go wait outside. We will be trying our best. The patient has lost a lot of blood. Resuscitation will certainly improve the situation."

Mama looked at Asia's pale complexion and purple lips.

Mama phoned Ali. 

"Ali, Asia has lost a lot of blood her iv drip fell on the floor and accidentally pulled out of the cannula. I am so scared. Please come to the hospital."

"Mama I will try to wake up Neil and tell him then I will come straight to the hospital. Don't worry she will be alright.