
Royalty Chp. 6

The sky was tinted with pale yellow as the sun was rising on the Hayabusa kingdom. A black haired man was standing in one of the towers and was looking out the window when he saw the small outline of a small black bird on the horizon.

The man watched as the bird neared the castle its wings dark as the midnight sky spread wide as it soared over the grounds of the castle. Heading straight for the window the man was standing at.

The black haired man whom was named Sal, held out his arm as the large crow landed on his arm.

Sal slowly removed the letter that was tied to the birds leg, as he was doing that a short male with white hair, tan skin, and bright blue eyes ran up to him.

The small boy practically yelled "Watcha got there Sal? is it a letter, who is it from, who is it from?" Sal sighed he was way too tired to deal with the energetic boy in front of him. He sighed and spoke in a slow deep voice "I don't know who the letter is from but I think its for the queen"

The smaller boy who was named Kaishi spoke in his usual energetic voice "Then let's go bring it to her!" Sal sighed and spoke slowly "I suppose."

He released the crow back into the sky watched it disappear before turning and slowly making his way to the throne room.

As he came to the entrance a guard with blue hair that faded to purple stopped him. He spoke with a slight laugh "We may be friends Sal but I still need to know why your here." Sal spoke slowly "I have a letter for the queen Machi"

"Alright" He said as he stepped back and opened the huge wooden door with intricate gold designs.

Inside the throne room was huge. with a high domed ceiling that was designed with pictures of peregrine falcons and on the wall behind the thrones there was huge windows facing out over a huge cliff that looked down onto the town, and on the walls there were huge paintings of Falcons flying forward and holding flags that represented the warlike kingdom of Hayabusa.

He bowed down to the thrones where the king and queen sat their capes draped over the side of the throne. The queen spoke "What do you want Sal" she sounded snobby and annoyed. "I have a letter" Sal said in his usual deep and monotone voice.

The queen sighed "Give it here." she held out her hand. Sal stood up and placed the letter in her hand. She opened and looked at the bottom. She gave a scream of rage before taking a deep breathe and yelling "LEOOOOOOOO!"

A short male with chocolate skin and dark brown eyes rushed into the room "what" he asked out of breathe. "We declare war on Karasuno get the troops ready.... NOW!" The queen spoke her voice dripping with rage. "M'lady is that a good idea Karasuno is a strong kingdom with strong allies" The general said with confusion as to why his queen was declaring war. "JUST DO IT" the queen yelled.

As Leo and Sal left the throne room they looked at each other..... this was bad. Leo turned to Machi who was still standing by the door. "Machi did you hear that?" Machi nodded "i wonder what it said in the letter?" "Something to get her mad enough to declare war" Leo sighed.

Back to Karasuno

After Suga had sent the letter he had rushed back down the tower and to the dining room where he found Daichi sitting at the head of the table.

Suga moved quickly and sat at the other end of the table. Daichi quickly asked "Did you send the letter?" Suga nodded "Yes I did"

The food was quickly brought in on silver platters that were placed in front of each of them. The servants quickly left the room allowing the two to enjoy their breakfast.

As they were eating a servant rushed into the room with a panicked look on his face. "Th-theres a messenger from Hayabusa by the gates that wants to talk with you" he addressed Daichi.

Daichi quickly looked at Suga and said "I'll be right back." Suga nodded in response as Daichi left to go talk to the messenger.

As Daichi stepped outside he spotted the messenger easily, for he was wearing a golden cloak that made his dark orange hair stand out. He had a fox-like face with dark brown eyes and he was very thin. He was riding a buck who's antlers we adorned with flowers and moss and it had a strangely dark fur coat.

Daichi greeted the stranger and asked him what he wanted. The messenger responded with "Naozumi and i bring a message from the queen of Hayabusa" he then pulled out a scroll and read "Since you formally refused my offer for peace by returning my son. We, the Queen and King of Hayabusa declare war upon you, the Kingdom of Karasuno." And with that the Naozumi, the man on the buck, rode off without another word.

Daichi turned and headed back to the castle the second he entered he called for a guard to tell Suga he was going to be busy today. After the guard ran off to inform Suga, Daichi turned to another guard and told him to go get his general along with his advisor.

After a bit a tall man with long brown hair that hung down around his face appeared. He had a nervous but kind expression on his face. "Hello Asahi," Daichi greeted his old friend and advisor. Asahi bowed and responded with "Hello Daichi." Daichi laughed "You don't have to bow old friend." he said. After he said that a short boy with dark brown hair with a small tuft of blonde hair at the front appeared. "YOUR GENERAL IS HERE!!!" Asahi nearly screamed as the short boy jumped in front of Daichi. Daichi laughed at Asahi's expression before greeting the little general.

But Daichi soon became serious, "We have a huge problem on our hands my friends. Hayabusa has declared war on us because we refused to give them Suga" Noya nodded "So I assume you want me to prepare the army and start making plans with Asahi for the battles. Daichi nodded "But first we negotiate terms of war and what each side will gain over winning with Hayabusa, we also need to ask our allies who will participate in the war" Asahi nodded "I will send out messenger birds immediately"

As the day progressed Daichi continued to work while Suga did all he could to keep himself entertained. Finally when Daichi returned to the room Suga practically attacked him. "What were you doing all day, all i got was a guard telling me you were busy and what happened with messenger and also why didn't you eat lunch. You need to eat to stay healthy"

Daichi picked him up "Calm down sweetheart I'm all yours now" He said with a slight laugh. Suga made a pouting face then he grinned "well in that case"

alright das the end if you want the rest of the story sorry im not going to continue this

AndyetImstilldumbcreators' thoughts