

"Congratulations Your majesty! It's a beautiful baby boy!" cheers and claps were heard inside the hospital room.

Queen Isabella give birth to a beautiful baby boy. Even though tired of just giving birth, she ask the nurse to see her baby.

"My baby, I want to see my baby." said the queen while trying to seat up. The nurse willingly have her his son.

"Your Highness you can't enter the room yet!" was heard outside the room. The door flew open and their was King Arthur along with the four prince's.

The first Prince's were twins along the other two. The eldest is Kyuoya then Tuuya then Ichiro and Zero. The four of them resembles their father to much that you can't tell which one is which but luckily the second pair of twins have their mothers brown hair while the elder twins have their mothers blue eyes.

"Darling you're here." the queen smiled weakly at them and they returned it. "Come and look, his your youngest brother."

"Thank you for giving birth to such a beautiful son." King Arthur said and kiss the top of Queen Isabella's head.

"Mother are you alright?" questioned Kyouya.

"Are you hurt anywhere mother?" the youngest twins asked clearly worried for their mothers safety. Queen Isabella couldnt help but smile at them.

"I'm fine, now look at your brother, isn't he beautiful?"

Them being curious pushed their father back and looked at their brother.

"Indeed he's beautiful." Tuuya said. Their brother have theirs father's silver hair and a tint of brown on the tip. with one look you can tell that he resembles the queen more than the king.

"Is he our new brother, mother?" Zero asked completely fascinated by his new baby brother. the queen pinches his nose and nodded her head.

"yes he is and as his older brothers you have to protect him from danger, understood?"

"yes mother."

"What shall we name him, darling?"

"Hmm...how about Hikarin!" the king suggested.

"I love it! Welcome to our family Hikarin de Vientamentel."the queen smiled and kiss his head. this action causes the young prince to open his eyes. You can see the most beautiful crystal blue eyes. this shocked the king and queen. their son inherited their great grandmother's eyes. Once again the royal family has gained another treasure in their life.