
royal bloodline

Li_Wise · Fantasie
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1 Chs


The night sky is clear and the full moon is at it's peak in the kingdom of Elvaton as the beautiful moon light reflects around the castle revealing it's beauty and radiance. The night is silence only to be disturbed by the panting of a strange man who is walking down a dark alley his foot steps are rather too clumsy for a young man of his age he suddenly stops at the ending of the alley where the moon light can finally shine on him, he wears a blue shirt which have been badly stained by blood,his white hair flowing due to the nature of the wind,he was bear footed and his nails were badly shaped seeming that he had never taken his time to address them to proper care,his body looked like it hadn't seen the shadow of water in it's life, and his face could scare even the toughest of men around ,his eyes were red as blood and also looked hungry after having his fill in the kingdom,his long fangs were already dripping with blood, he finally looked around and walked out of the kingdom as quietly as he came.

The sun is finally risen smiling happily at the kingdom of Elva ton unaware of the bloody massacre that took place while it was replaced by the moon,the kingdom is quite a busy one from the look of it as a lot of people go on their various activities, the mail boy Higgins as he is called delivers the mail everyday on his bicycle he wears a clean white shirt on shorts and a black shoe to match, there is also lady sweet tooth as people call her but her real name is Mrs Elly she was known as lady tooth for her delicious delicacies,she owns a restaurant at the center of the market and Elva ton have been known for having the biggest market in the whole land so a lot of people rush in daily to taste madam Elly food, "lady sweet tooth your food have no match I can sit here from dawn till dusk" a drunk customer once said, lady sweet tooth only smiled and went to attend to others she was a really fat woman ,average in height and light in complexion. The kingdom is really big with prosperous farms, well equipped training centers for soldiers as they are known to have the strongest of defences, schools for different kind of creative arts and business skills and lots more.

Meanwhile in the castle laid a beautiful princess sleeping peacefully as the beautiful morning ray shines on her through the window, it reveals her elegant features,her beautiful blond hair which graced down to her waist, it was like the morning sun itself, her red lips that were like that of a rose flower,her skin as white as snow she was really an imagine to behold, just then her pretty sleep was disturbed by a knock on the door she didn't know how long or when the knock started but it disturbed her really bad, with a long and graceful yawn she got up from her sleep and as she opened her eyes it revealed its sea blue colour that had been hidden by her eye lid while she was asleep with her long lashes twitching twice every minute to recover from her sleep, "come in" she said a maid immediately walked in wearing a blue long gown that reached her knee she was light skin but not as the princess, her hair was silver in colour making her stand out among all the maid, amongst that she was the chief maid so she was the only one that had access to enter the princess room "Good morning your majesty" the maid greeted "Good morning Jane how was your night"? "all well your majesty" Jane replied almost immediately without looking up for a second, this was what irritated the princess the most from when she was born she was always treated like she could die any moment, she wasn't free to do anything she wanted because she was a princess she couldn't even make friends with people around only those of her class could talk to her and they were indeed boring to be with as they always acted too royal for her liking, she wanted to be free to play and talk loud as she could ,she wanted to run around the full castle bare footed, she wanted to dress herself, cook her own meals but she couldn't do all those things cause she was a princess,thinking of all those things she rolled her eyes and got up"is my bathing water ready?" "yes your majesty" "and my breakfast?" "at the dinning table your majesty" the princess immediately started her way towards her bathroom after the little chat with her maid, just then the maid added "your majesty his highness request for your presence after your breakfast" the princess nodded and headed towards the bathroom.

Few hours later his highness king Henry and his son prince Simon sits at the throne room discussing matters of the kingdom "the harvest is really ripe this year my son we are really at full bloom" the king said with his deep voice and his hands stroking his golden blonde beards as he rests on his large throne,he wears a green royal robe that is designed with the finest of gold befitting for a king, his sea green eyes that makes his robe even more fitting and his golden short locks that fell to his back, he was indeed an attractive man and a great warrior of his time,a long time ago he led his soldiers to victory against the vampire,he was really a great and strong leader "so what do you think about your sister's betrothal to prince Alvin of evergreen?" the king continued looking at his son "well father I think its a good idea" added the prince "but don't you think we should inform her first?" immediately the mighty door to the room was opened as the princess walks in as gracefully as she could ever be she had worn a purple gown with butterflies pattern on it, her hair was neatly tied to a pretty bun which really made her glow exceptional "my beautiful sister princess Ellis" prince simon said standing up to meet his sister he wasn't really as attractive as his father but he still had his charm, his dark short hair wavy as the leaves of the field dancing to the flow of the wind, eyes also dark that one could wonder if he was really the son of the king, his lips were slightly plump and coloured orange like the sight of the sky during the early sunrise , he wore a blue royal wear fit for a prince as it was designed with the finest of silk made by the best fashion pioneer "my mischievous little brother" princess Ellis commented "good morning father" she added "good morning my sunshine how was your night?" "it was good father" she answered she then noticed her father and her brother giving each other signs "what's going on father?" "well..." king Henry stretched his words, "father you never speak like that unless your up to something so open up to me what is it?" Ellis urged her father "OK you see your 23 years old now if am not mistaking right? and your not getting any younger so I have met with king Jefferson and after much discussion we concluded that you and his son will be getting married"king Henry finally said, princess Ellis was in no doubt shocked at such revelation " how could you do this father getting a man for me without my approval? so how do you know his the best for me?she said with a shaky voice", "and you " she continued pointing at her brother why couldn't you defend your only big sister this once? "enough!!" shouted the king "you are a princess of this great kingdom the first born and the only princess you have no right to refuse this offer its for the good of the kingdom, the more you accept it the better for everyone" "then I wish I was never a princess" she retorted back, "Ellis how could you speak to father in such way" prince Simon replied shocked and surprised at his sister's behavior, "why won't I, answer me why won't i" she added "all my life as a princess I was never allowed to do what I wanted or even to express my self in anyway, Ellis a princess must do this, Ellis a princess must do that, Ellis don't touch that, Ellis you will get dirty, I just want to be free to do what I want when I want to for once in my life so please father am begging you don't give me away like that" she said with tears in her eyes , the king was about to speak a guard immediately opened the doors without knocking "what bravery to come in without knocking" the king said "am so sorry your majesty but there is big trouble and your presence is needed outside the palace immediately" "send one of my representatives am sure its nothing to worry about" king Henry added "am afraid my king I wish that was the case but... b..." " speak immediately before I seize your tongue forever" the annoyed king thundered "it's them again your highness" the guard answered with fear in his eyes, there was a great silence in the room, princess Elis looked at her father and was surprised to see him shocked and driven with fear she had never seen her father in such state before which made her worried, who are they? why are they so afraid this is the mighty Elvaton that was known for its powerful forces so what could have moved her father?