
Chapter 7:vol 1

As I woke up I saw a great beauty with massive boobis infront of my face as well.

I quickly got up and jumped away from her, who are you guys? You don't remember us? No I don't who are you and why are you here? We are the ogres you named, and after naming us you fell asleep, said the pink haired one.

I'm benimaru, the red haired ogre said, I'm shuna, said the pink haired one, I'm kurobe, said the dark haired one, I'm hakurou, he was the old ogre before but now he looks more youthful and better even though he still has a long goatee, and looks like a well defined man with sharp facial features, I'm souei, he was the blue haired ogre and now he looks extremely handsome and beautiful with a sharp facial structure with markings on his face like benimaru and shuna.

And lastly their was shion the purple haired ogre, she looked very beautiful now, especially with her massive boobs, not to mention shuna who looked more cuter than shion but not more beautiful but she had an aura of greater maturity making her looked like a supreme beauty. And kurobe looked like an average good fitted man with dark hair and eyes, but looked good and seemed easy to talk to as well.

And lastly benimaru, he had beautiful red hair and a defined face and looked extremely hot, he made my heart pound, this is a feeling I've expierneced with several of my subordinates including zailio, but that only applies to males.

They were all fitted in different clothes, but after a while I'll get them some better clothes that they'll like in a bit.

It seems they all evolved, but instead of becoming a kijin which is what they should've became normally after evolution even under special circumstances and occasions, they became very powerful majin, and even obtained some of my traits, it seems that they also gained more of my essence than my other subordinates, but I don't plan on making them my subordinates as I didn't ask them if they wanted to stay with me yet.

So me and the majins began preparing for a battle with the orc army and the orc lord, from what I've heard from souei's scouting and intel of the situation.

In a barren land you could see a group of orcs walking, and their leader who seemingly didn't know what to do, kept walking in hopes of something that can quench their grueling hunger.

I walked and walked and still found no food, my people are dying and I don't think I can push on, the only person snd force driving me is hope and my son.

As the orc walked, in his view he could see a somewhat short man with a golden and pink eyed bird mask walking towards him.

W-who are you? Oh me, I'm just a traveler, and it seems that you and your people need help. If you want I'll help you but in exchange for something, I'll do anything to save my people and my son, alright then, I'll bestow upon you a name in exchange for a favor and I expect great things from you. Your name will be Geld, the orc disaster.

After sending souei to go investigate the orc army a few days after naming him a group of lizardmen came to my villiage requesting help to fight off the orcs.

Hello! I am gabiru son of the chief of the lizardmen and i request some men to help defeat the orc lord. Bring me your leader please as this matter is urgent.

I walked up to the lizardmen with ranga shion shuna benimaru and gobta.

Are you the leader of this villiage, it seems Gabiru the lizardmen was talking to ranga, no I am not, so who is the leader? As gabiru was trying to find out who's the leader he suddenly saw shion, big booba! He shouted out, everyone went silent, and shion seemed to release deadly intent without saying anything, and since she was carrying me infront of her, she began holding me tightly and it began to hurt, ouch, s-shion can you tone the hugging down a bit? Oh, I'm sorry my lord, it's just that, the lizard is very disrespectful, and needs a serious beating, immediately, woah, shion was really mad, and even though she's smiling, under that anybody could tell, she was extremely mad right now.

Alright then gabiru, how about a battle if you your gonna leave us alone, if we lose you can make us your followers.

Alright then! Hey gobta come up here, yes great rowin? I want you to fight the lizardmen there, well I don't really want to but ok, it seems gobta needs more motivation, if you win I'll get kurobe to make a special weapon for you, oh nice! And if you lose you'll eat shion's cooking. I will destroy him, gobta said with motivation, if you guys didn't know a while back shion wanted us to taste her cooking, and when she made it, it looked straight out of a apocalyptic world, it even looked liked it had eyes and a mouth and was screaming for help. So when I put the spoon up to my mouth I quickly force fed it to gobta. And to say, he was pretty messed up after that experience, he didn't eat for days on end until I finally convinced him to eat. When he ate it he started convulsing and having a seizure and he turned purple, it was pretty messed up which is why I'm glad to this day I didn't eat shion's cooking. Though one the plus side of eating her cooking gobta quickly gained poison resistance and even complete poison immunity from her cooking due to how bad it was, and because of that we severely avoid letting shion cook or eat her cooking and will continue to do so.

As we prepared for battle, I see him taking a stance, it seems this is the monster villiage leader, our movement sealed the start of the battle.

When the lizardmen dashed towards me I quickly retreated back into my shadow and I came out of his shadow, and I round house kicked the back of his head, and he fell to the ground seemingly passed out. Is that good lord Rowin? Yeah gobta, I'll get kurobe to make the weapon for you.

Lord gabiru! As his fan group called out they quickly retrieved gabiru's body and he seemed to be in a dazed state, we will be back for lord gabiru! His fan group said as they retreated back to where they came from.

After that occurrence we started a meeting to discuss the orc army, my villiage grew into a large town with everybody having houses and there's a large meeting house in the upper middle part of the large town, my town is styled in a style from my old world, which is Japanese and high class medieval kingdom like combined.

And the meeting house is very big but it's still in developments, it's expected to be completed after 2 years though.

Alright guys so we do we have on the orc army? So far we know they number 200,000 strong and there are strong generals in their army. Also lord Rowin there is somebody I think you should meet that's very important, and who is it? As soon as I say that a bright green light appeared in the corner of the room. Hello sir Rowin, my name is Treyni and I am one of the caretakers of the great jura forest, I am a great forest spirit and a complete spiritual being, I spawned from the forest as a dryad majin and take care of the forest in veldoras absence and when people tries to cause chaos inside of the forest.

And the orc army is caused by an unknown entity and their leader is called the orc lord, he poses an great danger to the entirety of the forest of jura including your town, do you know how to stop it treyni? No I don't as of now sir Rowin, I came here to ask for your help to defeat the orc lord before he becomes the orc disaster, wait who is the orc disaster? An orc disaster is when an orc lord of immense power transforms into a more powerful form, and he obtains an awakening seed, and he now has the potential to become an awakened lord making him unimaginably strong and would be out of your reach to contend with him, hmmmm, great sage what do you say about this. You should defeat the orc lord now as from a tactical standpoint he would be at his weakest and you would have greater success of defeating him, if you let him awaken, there would be a high chance of him defeating you and letting him rampage around would most like end in the destruction of your town and the death of your people. I see, and there's a very high chance the culprit of the attack on the pure villiage was done by the same person who is trying to get the orc lord to become an orc disaster. So its all connected then, as I began contemplating everybody in the meeting, waited for my opinion shuna,shion,benimaru,souei,hakurou, rigurd,treyni,kurobe,gobta,rigur. Were all the people waiting for my approval.

Alright then, I will defeat the orc lord and his army to save the forest of jura, and it seems to me that the person who orchestrated this is also behind the ogre village attack and we cannot let that go. Rigurd gobta hakurou began preparations for an attack on the orc army, and souei begin more scout missions on the orc army and their leaders, the rest of you stay with me until further orders are given. Right, they all changed in unison, and everybody in the room began to get excited and pumped up to test their new abilities especially shion and benimaru as they want to avenge their people.

Let's see if this orc lord will prove a challenge for me, and in the room Rowin put on a malevolent smile, marking something within him he has yet to discover.

Alright, that back there was a fluke, said gabiru, next time I promise you I will win! Yeah gabiru!,gabiru,gabiru, said the fan club cheering, as gabiru and his fan club cheerily walked back to the lizardmen tribal home, there suddenly appeared a semi short man in the distance from where gabiru was walking, as he appeared closer gabiru realized it was his master and named, gelmud.

M-master gelmud! It's nice to see you after such a long time, yes yes gabiru, I came here to tell you about the orc army, oh right! Me and my tribe are preparing to defeat them and we just went out to recruit some more soilders, yeah yeah, about that, it seems your father, the tribe leader, won't try to fight the orc army, but he will instead run away! R-really, how do you know this lord gelmud, when I was wondering around I heard some chattering and I just came to overhear your father talking about running away with his soilders and not even try to defend his own territory. T-that can't be, my father is prideful and would never do that! Spouted gabiru in shock, well that's just what I heard, I'm pretty sure that won't be a good look for your tribe, so what should I do lord gelmud, I can't possibly go against my father, hmmm, I think you should take charge and lead a group of soilders to defend your tribes honor, do you think that would work? Yes I'm positive, not only that I'm sure it would prove your strength to others and show the orcs not to mess with you. Your right lord gelmud, thanks for this information, and gabiru quickly took off faster than what he was walking at previously.

Heheheh,Hahahahah! Gelmud laughed out, that lizard is seriously stupid! Gelmud unleashed another laugh and went into action to put his plan into motion. And start the orc disaster, for his only lord, Clayman.