
Rotating Poles

an apocalyptic world setting place in Indonesia.

Em_Doen · sci-fi
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1 Chs

Frigid Ashes


So cold

I am freezing but the cold rather comfy, I want to continue sleeping.

Nobody will care anyway if I am not around.

Noone needs me

They should just leave me alone

I just...

I ju.....

I ...

Who was I... ?

I open my heavy eyelids to force my sleepiness away as I try to remember anything. As I open my eyes I scan my surrounding and found something.

Everything around me is white. Is this snow?

Now I can understand why I am cold.

I am leaning on a tree buried in pile of snow.

"Uhk... I have get up,or else never be able to"

I lift my freezing body through the snow and check my clothes if there anything to help me identify who am I

"A pistol with two mags and ... a piece of photo huh. Better than nothing, I must be in a dangerous situation to have a weapon but I don't recognize the picture who are these people?"

"Asking myself won't answer anything .I should be moving to find out where am I first"

I scan my surrounding to find a path unfortunately didn't find any.

I decided to walk straight ahead in hope to find some kind of human presence or even civilization.

It has been 15 minutes after I decided to tread the snow inside a forest. I haven't found anything ,not even a foot print. But, after walking another 5 minutes I saw a dark smoke not far from my spot.

I decided to check the source of that smoke. Maybe I'll find another human or worst an incident occu- better not thinking about that.

After a while , I found an ansphalt road and some houses. But it seems nobody inside any of 'em.

The road filled with things that indicates chaos has occured. Many cars toppled over and the houses that looks intact are low in number.

Traversing through the houses I found the source of the smoke. The smoke came from a half- collapse house.

I try to get close

Maybe finally I can ask where is this

Suddenly I feel a presence on one of the rubbles

I stopped moving and lift both of my arms to say that I am harmless

"I am sorry to disturbing, but I have no intention to harm. I just want to talk"

Waiting for a reply I stand still for a while

Finally I can see a silhouette but not something I expected .

It's a girl.

"Hey kid!! Uhh... can I have a few moments talking with you Pa or Ma?"

"I swear I just want to talk!!"

The girl slowly approaching me

When she close enough she nods as means she agree to let me meets her parents

"Thank you kid. So where are they?"

She pulls my sleeve inside the building

It seems this house was kind of a small apartment

After passing some doors we finally stopped

We go inside one of the room. Then she point one of the door.

"Thank you so much kid. Now, let me see your parents"

I try to ask her to open the door for me so I won't be mistaken as intruder but to my avail she didn't move.

Instead she gone outside and sit outside the room

I don't know what is she doing nor the reason why she did not open the door. I will ask her parents later.

I knock the door

Knock!! Knock!!

"Excuse me . I have some questions to ask, can I meet whoever inside this room ?"




"I have no ill intentions. Your child led me to this room. I swear after asking I will leave immediately"






There is no reply

I look again at the girl. She still sitting there trembling. Why is she trembling? Is something wrong?

What is happening here?!

I forcefully open the door to see the inside of the room

Inside the room I met her parents

The "corpses" of her parents

To be continued