
The Secret

Kiken's POV

I awoke to an empty bed and feeling no presence in the temporary apartment. I sat up and looked around yelling out "Blake? Are you here?" After a moment of silence, I sighed and stood up from the bed and flinched at the pain in my leg "What the hell happened?" I asked myself. Then my dark side decided to say something "Let's just say I took over and taught Darren a lesson, but I still feel as if we'll see him again." I sighed knowing Darren doesn't give up that easy.

Back when I was in the laboratory Darren would do things to me when no one was around and I always hated it. Just the thought of what he did to me made shivers run up my spine. When I had finally escaped he tried to take me down. After a few years, I had lost him, but now he had found me and I hate it.

I came out of my thoughts when my stomach grumbled. I chuckled and walked into the kitchen and looked into the fridge and deciding to make myself a sandwich. Once I made and had eaten the sandwich I sat back on the bed and thought to myself. I wonder where Blake is anyway. Snapping out of my thoughts I looked to his drawer.

Both of us have a drawer since there's one on each side of the bed I had the right he had the left. I smiled and decided to do a little snooping, so I knelt down in front of his drawer and grabbed a bobby pin from my hair to try and pick the lock. I smiled under my mask when I managed to do so and opened the drawer only to find a picture, "Huh that looks like a younger Blake with women I wonder who she is"

I pondered all of the possibilities of who the women might be, "Could be his sister, but they look nothing alike. The only thing that comes to mind is maybe a friend or a girlfriend." I gasp, "No I can't be crushing on a taken guy ugh I don't wanna cause him confusion like that." I sighed again thinking as I sat on the bed, picture in hand. Looking at it more closely she sees the girl holding a baby, "Oh no I definitely cannot be crushing on a guy that has a family ugh" I fell back onto the bed sighing when I heard the door open. I turned to it seeing a bloody Blake and raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, first question why are you all bloody?" I asked him with real confusion. He just shook his head and sighed, "Let's just say a group of vampires wanting to ki-" he stopped when he saw the picture in my hand and I tried to hide it behind my back, but he used his speed to get changed and get behind me, lifting me up, and grabbing the picture. "What the hell are you doing with this?" He asked me with anger in his voice. I could tell by looking into his now blood-red eye that he was angry and I just sighed, "Well I got a little nosy and picked the lock on your drawer and found that picture inside it"

Blake's POV

I catch her just before she falls after passing out. I look down at her face tempted to move her bangs to see her other eye, or even pull down her mask to see her plump lips, but I shake it out of my head and stand up carrying her bridal style to the bed and laying her down.

The second I laid her down my cell phone goes off in the inner pocket of my cloak. I groan knowing the ringtone and who it was. "Gosh damn it, it's work. Why the hell are they bugging me? I thought all the vampires were under wraps, not killing humans anymore." I just sighed and answered the phone. I nodded as I talked to them and ended the call a few moments later and looking over to the still passed out Kiken. "I'm sorry to catch you and leave, but duty calls. I'll try to be back as soon as possible." I then did a facepalm "She's passed out she can't hear me" I sigh and puts on my cloak taking out the picture from the inner chest pocket. "Sorry, guys you can't come with" I place the picture in my drawer and jumps out of the window jumping from roof to roof.

After a few hours, I walk into the door covered in blood splatters when I look up I see Kiken laying down on the bed. She had asked me "Okay first question why are you all bloody?" I just shook my head and sighed. "Let's just say a group of vampires tried to ki-" I stopped when I saw the picture and she darted it behind her back, so obviously trying to hide it. I mentally sigh and uses my speed to change into some pajamas, lift up Kiken, and get the photo.

"What the hell are you doing with this?" I asked with obvious anger in my voice. She looked at me and into my visible eye, which I figured was now blood red, and she sighed "Well I got a little nosy, and picked the lock on your drawer, and found that picture inside it." I took a deep breath and calmed down, and looked at her. "Kiken, I didn't go snooping in your drawer when you were out cold, so what gives you the right to go into mine?" I see her flinch slightly when I raised my voice at the end of my question.

"As I said, Blake, I was being nosy, and my curiosity got the better of me. The outcome was me picking the lock to your drawer and finding that picture of you, a woman, and the woman holding what looks to be a baby boy." She looks up at me, my eye still blood red, as I look back down at her. I sigh again calming down a little. "Okay, I'm done yelling." I sit down on the bed. "But I'm guessing your wondering who they are" She just nodded and I nodded as well. "Thought so well if you want to know that bad, the woman is my ex-fiance, and the baby is my son. They are the reason I am hunting vampires today. See what had happened was vampires came to the house when I wasn't there and well they were both killed. The thing is I found her body easily but my son's body I never found, so I'm guessing they took him with them since he was at a rather young age. If I remember right he was about 6 months when this happened."

I look at her seeing she was almost in tears, and I become instantly concerned. "Kiken? Are you alright?" She just nodded "I'm just fine Blake don't worry about me" I wipe her tears and look directly into her eye. "Are you sure?" She just nodded again not breaking the eye contact we had. I slowly lean closer to her and at an inch away I snap, both of our masks vanishing, and I close the gap between our lips.

Our lips slowly slide over each other. My eye is closed as well as hers. At first, the kiss was slow and sensual, but it started to get heated. I push her slowly onto the bed, without breaking the kiss, and my hand slips up her shirt. Just as I was about to take off her shirt there's a knock at the door and I growl, breaking the kiss, and looking up at the door. "I swear to God if that's Darren again, I will kill him personally" I get up, snapping my fingers so we both have our masks on again, and walk over to the door, opening it up to see a boy looking about the age of 16 and I raise my visible eyebrow looking down to the kid. "Can I help you?" I say with a small bit of anger in my voice. "Um, are you Blake Nightshade?" I nodded still looking down at the kid. "Well um, sir, you should know that I am Alex you know? Y-your son?"