
Chapter II: Devereaux.

Under the dripping rain confetti sprinkled down on a delicate pale slim face. A pair of closed set hazel eyes crinkled at a slim figure joyously clapping in front of her. She pressed her lips into a thin line, and sighed, squeezing the handle of her bag.

"Happy birthday, Ayo!" A sweet voice yelled before the slender owner of the voice released another bundle of confetti onto unsuspecting Ayo.

Ayo's nose crinkled. "I honestly should've seen another round of confetti coming," she muttered grumpily. "Thank you, Sam."

Samantha Brown, a blonde haired slender blue eyed girl. She had subtle freckles on her fair and thin face, curves that suited her slender figure, and a sweet voice. Samantha was a part of the cheer squad in school as the Vice captain, she had also been long time friends with Ayo Moonchild for years.

Her blue eyes looked more excited at hearing Ayo's thank you. "You're welcome. I personally chopped the colored nylon myself." She replied, jutting her chest in a prideful way.

Ayo feigned a look of more excitement. "Really? How sweet, Sam, of course you could've just gone…. To the… you know…. Store and buy it."

A shoulder hrashly bumped into Ayo and a voice boomed. "Wow, what an ungrateful hag," a boy with shaggy brown hair, and sharp hazel eyes came into Ayo's eyeshot.

Ayo rolled her eyes. "Ew, why are you standing so close to me Josh. Now I have loser breath all over me." She waved her hand close to her nose and faked a look of disgust.

Joshua Moonchild, wearing a raincoat over his uniform and his shaggy brown hair left unkempt and messy, gave a sarcastic laugh. "Look who's talking, frea-"

"Wow. You guys sound so much like twins." The sweet voice of Samantha cut off the quarreling of the siblings.

Both hazel eyes shot towards her, widening in the same manner and both mouths of the Moonchild siblings burst into a sarcastic laugh. "We are not twins," they said at the same time.

Both of them shot each other a scornful glare. "I would never share a womb with the bottom of the barrel." The Moonchild sibling said at the same time.

"Stop talking, argh!" Once again they spoke in unison.

Joshua Moonchild bumped shoulders with Ayo once more. "We are not twins, you majestic woman," he shot a sultry look towards Samantha who wrinkled her nose in disgust.

She raised a palm at the Moonchild brother. "Don't even today, Joshua."

He shrugged his shoulders and smirked. "Had to shoot my shot. Can't blame a guy for trying." He winked at Samantha and gave his sister another hateful glare before he began walking away.

"Don't bother shooting any shots and brush your hair, weirdo!" Ayo yelled at her the lanky brown haired figure walking away who responded to her with a middle finger.

She harrumphs. "How can he be my brother?" She muttered under her breath before feeling someone poking her chest.

"It's already 8:30, raise you to Mr. Crawly class." Samantha dashed away.

Ayo, who tried to stop her, didn't bother running. She really loved her friend but she was somewhat…. Childish at times. At least Samantha was rich, and her Elder brother who had a football scholarship to college was crazy famous so there was a slim chance of her being bullied. And as a matter of fact people flocked over her like flies, trying to leech off of her.

Ayo sighed before attempting to begin walking before she looked up. The rain had suddenly stopped dropping and the temperature had dropped rather drastically.

Ayo once again sighed, noticing a very familiar feeling of warm fire coursing through her blood and then circulating around her stomach, making her insides knot. Her hands wrapped around her stomach and she looked up and saw a red umbrella with golden strips above her. Her hazel eyes followed the big hand holding the umbrella down to the figure himself.

She looked at the huge figure who was staring intently at the announcement paper pasted on the School billboard. The boy was big, with taut well built muscles, wearing the School's sweater. A black hoodie with the silver logo on the chest, and the uniform pants under. He had sharp features with the blackest of onyx eyes, hard and cold, staring at the announcement paper. Auburn curly hair reaching down on the nape of his neck was hidden underneath his hood.

When he finally turned away from the announcement paper and towards the short girl next to him Ayo's expression quickly twisted to a hard one to conceal the starstruck look on her face and she bit down on her quivering lips.

Why I'm I shuddering? Is it the cold? Endless questions filled her mind. She clenched her thighs together when she began to feel a hot and delicious sensation on her sex. She couldn't stop her body's sudden reaction no matter how hard she tried and it didn't help when he tilted his neck.

Her teeth quickly left her bottom lip as she saw the small tattoo of a twisting line from his right cheekbone to the tip of his lower eyelid at the corner of his eyes.

"Hi." She squeaked out.

Here she goes again. This boy was the stone cold delinquent….. Devereaux Rosalind and this hypocrite was Ayo Moonchild who truly despised Devereaux because……

He blinked his sooty black eyelashes and she wheezed, nearly choking on air as her throat suddenly tightened.

She broke out into an awkward laugh as she began choking on her own air, slamming her fist down her chest to stop it from paining her so much as it usually did when Devereaux Rosalind was around.

"This…. I'm…." She kept choking, and it only worsened when his lips twitched, a crack in that stone cold expression of his.

She coughed her lung out, her face becoming beet red from the embarrassment. She was now on her knees still trying to figure out how to breathe while Devereaux squinted his hard black onyx eyes and his eyebrows pinched.

She waved her hands at him, and looked at him. "This…. Isn't….." More cough.

Devereaux parted his lips ever so slightly as if he wanted to say something but….. "Devereaux, you promised," another big boy leaning against a black car yelled.

Before she could blink the umbrella was pulled away from her and suddenly Devereaux was strolling towards the boy, he turned over his shoulder and gave her one glance. Obviously from the dip on his forehead he was still confused at what he was looking at.

As soon as Devereaux left the proximity she finally felt her lungs working properly. She rubbed her abused chest and drew in a breath, subtly rubbing her thighs together and feeling a warm pool of liquid on her sex. She squeezed her thighs harder, and cleared her throat. This was so wrong.

This was so wrong.


".....awake….?" A deep and hoarse voice trailed into the depths of her subconscious. Her sleep-drawing brain began to awaken under the abuse of a relentless call for attention.

Ayo, who had dozed off soundly on the desk, broke from her drowsy reverie when a callous palm grazed her skin. Quickly, her eyes snapped open to see a shadow. She drew in a sharp intake of air when the shadow of a large furry beast overwhelmed her vision if only for a split second.

She instantly became alert, all her sensitive organs coming to live and all signs of sleepiness completely broken. Then she saw him. Not some growling beast but a boy with sharp features, a zig-zag tattoo at the corner of his eyes and a vertical scar on his left cheekbone.

"Miss Moonchild, good job sleeping throughout the entire class." The loud voice of Mr Crawly, the creative arts teacher cornered all other thoughts.

She glanced at Mr. Crawly. The thin and tall man with paperwhite skin, and chocolate brown eyes stared at her with an eyebrow jolted up.

She hastily straightened her back. "Uh, Mr. Crawly, I'm so sorry. I just… um…."

"Save it, Miss Moonchild. I've got better things to do than deal with this. I've spoken to Mr. Rosalind about both of your project and he has promised to invest better now." Mr. Crawly said, while gathering his things, and happily walking out of the class.

Ayo craned her neck back to the figure in front of her. Devereaux still had his hood on with his hands buried in his pockets as he asked. "Your house at 4 today?" It sounded like he was asking a question but Ayo got the feeling that it was an order.

She shook her head. "I… no can do today…. I have a birthday party planned out today."

Devereaux arched one thick eyebrow. "Birthday?" He muttered and before she could speak he continued. "Then give me your phone."

Ayo felt dumbstruck for a moment. "My-My phone?"

His cold demeanor was unshakeable when he responded. "Your phone, your number, whichever."

She blinked comically before understanding what he was trying to say. Ayo had only ever spoken to Devereaux a few times and those times were years ago, it was no secret that Devereaux didn't speak and when he did he spoke little.

She hurriedly gave her number to Devereaux who stored it in his phone. Ayo stared at him awkwardly as he stored her number before unwittingly blurting out, "do you want to come to my birthday party?"

She then smacked her hand over her mouth unaware as to why she had asked that question. Devereaux on the other hand had a shift in his expression when he jolted both of his eyebrows in shock and then stretched the neckline of his hoodie a bit allowing Ayo to see the grotesque angry bruise underneath his collarbone.

Her eyes twitched. It was not the first time Devereaux was coming to school with a bruise or a scar. He was not dubbed a delinquent for nothing. He skipped school most of the time and when he came back with scars rumors of how he had gotten them arised. Ayo on the under hand would never get used to seeing them.

He was about to say something in response when his phone rang. He looked down at the screen before furrowing his eyebrows a bit, whispering something that sounded like a weird language. Ayo presumed it was Russian. Rumors had it that Devereaux was part Russian.

The phone stopped ringing after he swiped deny and jugged it back into his pocket. He breathed through his nose as if he was trying to suppress some kind of anger that didn't even show.

"No," he replied in a quiet voice in his usual deep and hoarse tone. "I really don't." He added, before sundering away from her and out of the class.

Ayo blinked. It was honestly expected of the ever elusive Devereaux though she still felt a little pinch in her chest.

"Baby, I missed you," she heard a familiar voice before feeling a pair of hands wrapping around her.

She glanced back at her blonde haired boyfriend; Roland. "Hey Ro, I missed you too." She leaned back against him.

"I saw you talking to Rosalind, was he being a dick?" Roland asked, kissing her temple in a kind fashion.

Roland had developed a habit of calling Devereaux by his last name after the two of them got into an all out fist fight in middle school. She wasn't there when it happened, she had never known who won, she didn't even know what the fight was about but she did remember a month after Roland disappeared after the fight he came back with a full on black eye and a cast on his arm to go.

Roland may be an average wolf but he was still a wolf. For a human, Devereaux was freakishly strong.

She shook her head. "No, not really. I mean not what you wouldn't expect from Devereaux Rosalind."

She wasn't wrong. Devereaux's attitude towards her was the kindest she had seen him be. The boy was a cold hearted bastard who had never shown care for anything.

"He is after all a stone cold delinquent." She added, unable to help the feeling of being dejected.