
New Job

after breakfast, she walked towards the kitchen to take care of the dishes. and when she was done she walked towards the stairs that leads to the bedroom. When she was in the bedroom ,she was about to take a shower when her phone rang. ' who is calling me today '? she said as she walked towards the bedside table to take her phone. she frowned at the sight of an unknown number that was displayed. After contemplating for a while, she picked up the call. "hello?" her sweet melodious voice came from the other end. " hello, miss Miriam Lopez. How are you doing today." A male unknown voice came from the other end. " This is the manager of the dream world organization. We received a mail from this number few days ago. We have processed every single information that you sent and now we have approved your application" he paused for a second before he continued," we will want you to come tomorrow morning to the organization to sign up the contract that will be given to you. We have also scanned and we are satisfied with your qualifications, young miss Miriam we will want you to report to the organization or company first thing tomorrow morning. And in case you will. need it tell them that you are looking for mister Gideon, the marketing department manager. We will be expecting you tomorrow. Thanks".

And with that he ended the call. Miriam was left speechless as she tried to process everything which had been told to her just now. Wait does that mean that she has finally gotten a new job!?. Her eyes brimmed with excitement as she jumped up in happiness. She jumped and jumped to the extent that she forgot about the towel on her chest.

The towel slides downward making her appear naked. "Ahhh!" she shouted as she took up the towel to close her body again, that was when she realised that she was alone." aah what I'm I doing"? she asked no one in particular. She was so shy that she can't even show her nakedness to her best friend. Her best friend that she have been living with from her collage till date. Well it wasn't her fault, it was the up bringing she got since her childhood. Her heart was filled with happiness, finally she got to work in her dream Land. This was the company she was trying to work in for so many years now. And now her prayers have been answered. She couldn't wait to spread the good news to her friends and family. She remembered her family and remembered how hard they have been trying for her. She was not a poor girl, but her family was more important than anything else. She rushed towards the bathroom to take a quick shower, after that she walked towards the closet to take new clothes. Once she was done dressing up, she tied her well brushed hair in a ponytail. Then she headed towards their neighbors door, she knocked on the door few times , and then a lady in her early thirties came out to see who it was. When she saw that it was Miriam. her eyes lit up and she smiled at her." good morning Mrs Lovett" she greeted while smiling widely too. " good morning Miriam, how are you doing this morning" she asked as she opened the door wide enough for Miriam to come in. " well I have never been better" she said with a chuckle "guess what, I am going to be working in Dream world organization from tomorrow". she said while shaking Mrs Lovett's hand. The lady gasped in awe, cause according to what she had heard, it was very difficult to get a job there. She was a nurse with two kids, twins in particular. She went for an interview in the company but was rejected for some reasons known to them. The company has so many department, so many branches and so many other companies that are under and owned by them.

There was the hospital which she had tried but it was not futile, there was a fast food that was owned by them, there was a hotel that was owned by them too. There were also so fashion enterprises that was owned by them and also the main business firm. Her eyes were wide open. she was so happy for the girl.