
Rosabella and the Beast

Ella (Rosabella) is being treated like a slave in her father's house, but when Emperor Carl comes to her father's house for a visit, her stepmother poisons his current Queen because she wants one of her daughters to be with him. But Ella (Rosabella) has no idea that she is going to find out who she really is and who her birth parents are, as well as be with Emperor Carl instead of her stepsisters. Ella (Rosabella) also found out that her stepmother had never divorced from her first husband. Therefore, she is no longer her stepmother and her stepsisters are no longer her stepsisters. Her stepmother comes up with different plans but Emperor Carl, Luke (Ella (Rosabella)'s adopted father), Ian and his sons. Paige, Ella (Rosabella)'s stepmother's first husband and sons. They come up with a plan which allows Emperor Carl to finish his stay at Luke's house and make love with Ella (Rosabella). Ella (Rosabella) goes to the Royal Palace thrice, once to save Emperor Carl's first wife, second to break the spell that was placed over Emperor Carl, and third time to be with Emperor Carl for the rest of her life. Her stepmother and stepsisters get banished to another kingdom. They ended up in a Royal family and never set foot back in their home kingdom. Ella (Rosabella)'s adopted father ends up with the woman he had loved before his second ex-wife forced him to marry her instead. Ella (Rosabella) goes from a servant to a princess to a Empress and proves her fake ex-stepmother and stepsisters wrong.

Claire_Roulston_2480 · Fantasie
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51 Chs

You Liar, Murder and Bully

Meanwhile, Rosabella woke up at her fake house and knew that her fake stepmother had brought her back and taken the dress that she was wearing. Rosabella felt unsettled rage as the door opened, and her fake stepmother entered. Rosabella stared at her fake stepmother and shouted at the top of her lungs. 

"YOU LIAR, MURDER AND BULLY! You told me that your first husband was having an affair behind your back when he was not, and you are not going to harm nor hurt anyone else ever again. You never were and never have been my mother or stepmother. I am a princess because my birth parents are King Ivan and Queen Victoria of the Kingdom of Rose-Snow-Gold."

"Everyone knows that you positioned the late Queen and will be punished. Now Get Out of My Sight before I throw Something at you, and You Are My FAKE STEPMOTHER." Paige stood there with her mouth wide open, and Rosabella stomped over to her.

Rosabella gave Paige one hard smack around her face and pushed her fake stepmother out of her old bedroom. Rosabella slammed the door shut, and Paige stood there stunned. Paige thought Rosabella was out of her mind and strolled away from the bedroom.

However, she did not realize that her sons were telling the servants not to serve her and her daughters. Rosabella flung herself on the bed and cried her heart out. Back at the Royal Palace, Emperor Carl produced a plan as he spoke to Luke and Ian. "I never finished my stay at your house, and here is what I am thinking of. Ian, does one of your sons have a birthday coming up? I got a feeling that he wants his mother there."

"(Ian nodded and allowed Emperor Carl to continue speaking.) So, why do you ask your son to invite Paige, Sarah, and Anne to your house for two weeks? You must tell your other sons to bring the rest of their (Paige, Sarah, and Anne) clothes to your house and get all three of your sons to write letters to their mother and sisters while Paige, Sarah, and Anne are at your house for two weeks."

"I go to Luke's house with Luke and the woman he was meant to be with before Paige forced him to marry her. I will try to get Rosabella in the bedroom that I was using. I will bring some of her clothes with me so she can get the heck out of the dirty rages that her fake stepmother had given her and will bring her back here. But I must do it while Paige, Sarah, and Anne are not there."

Ian and Luke nodded in agreement. Paige devised a plan to get one of her daughters to be with Emperor Carl, but she did not know that her sons were overhearing her. One of Paige and Ian's sons is called James. James quickly left Rosabella's fake house and aimed for the Royal Palace. 

He was allowed in and rushed to Emperor Carl's bedchamber. Ian opened the door, and James strolled into the room. James bowed and stood up. Emperor Carl could tell that he had just rushed to his room, and James spoke.

"I overheard my mother planning to get either Sarah or Anne to be with you, Your Majesty. My brothers and I had informed the servants not to serve their fake hostesses as they did not deserve to be in that house. Sarah and Anne have taken everything that Princess Rosabella was wearing off."

"Princess Rosabella is in the dress she was in before arriving here and has shut herself in her old bedroom. Princess Rosabella told my mother off big time, and my mother thought that she had lost her mind when she had not." Emperor Carl stared at James and questioned. "First of all, thank you for letting us know. Is it you or your brothers that have a birthday coming up?"

James knew that Emperor Carl had a fair point and replied. "My older brother Logan has a birthday coming up, and he 1000% wants our mother to be there for his birthday. Why do you ask, Your Majesty?" Ian, Luke, and Emperor Carl stared at each other as James gave them the perfect opportunity. Ian looked back at James and replied.

"His Majesty has just produced a plan, and we want Logan's birthday to get your mother and sisters to stay at our house instead of their fake house. But forever, instead of a day, we can get things ready without me being there."

"Because your mother still thinks that I am having an affair with my sister when I am not, and on the day. I can show myself to your mother and sisters. Here is the plan: tell Logan, Andrew, and the servants, both at Luke's house and our house." Ian told James the plan, and James could not help himself but jump up and down joyfully.

James knew Emperor Carl, Luke, and his father did not want to waste the opportunity. James managed to calm down and spoke: "Do not worry, Father. I will tell Logan, Ander, and the servants of both houses. But I must be careful as Anne and Sarah figure out why the servants are not serving them and our mother." 

Ian knew that James was telling the truth and replied. "Go back to our house and see if Logan and Andrew are there. If they are, tell them and the servants of our house the plan. Then, go tomorrow, speak to the servants at Luke's house, and help them by getting things ready for Emperor Carl's arrival. But do keep an eyes and ears out just in case."

"If your mother finds out that Emperor Carl is coming to her fake house first and decides not to come to Logan's birthday, tell me, and we will try to figure out the second plan." James nodded and bowed. He stood up and left to return to his father's house.