
Ropes of Hell

First came the nightmares then the ropes which promised a one-way trip to hell

Emily_Fliss · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Whispered Name

The door behind me burst open.

"Mai! Get down!" came an urgent voice.

Without turning to see who it was I obeyed and good thing, since in the next instant, a bolt of light shot across the room and straight through the spirit into the mirror behind her.

Lin extended his hand and helped me back to my feet…his eyes looked troubled and seemed to be searching mine for an answer to an unspoken question.

I turned to Naru who appeared troubled as well, though he looked more annoyed than much else.

"Mai," he said, "Tell me… Who was that?"

After much arguing of how dumb I was and how awful he was we were sitting within the safety of SPR.

The rest of the group was there as well, quite tired looking might I add.

Naru took a sip of the tea that I had had to get him, even thought I was the one who had been nearly attacked.

I glared at him, but he didn't seem to notice or care.

He set the cup down.

"How long have you been having these dreams," it was Lin who made the inquiry.

I felt guilty for not telling him sooner.

I glanced at each of them, feeling quite angry with myself.

"About a couple of months now," I said softly.

I knew what was coming.

But apparently so did Naru, for when everyone started to talk at once he raised his hand to silence them.

They obeyed and settled back into their seats.

He turned back to me, and for once there was no hint of annoyance in his eyes, only concern.

This I did not…could not comprehend.

So I looked away before he could see me blush.

"Now, Mai," he started, his voice uncharacteristically kind, "What can you remember?"

I was momentarily thrown off by the kind tone in his voice and had to force myself to look back into his eyes.

I told them about the manor and how all its inhabitants were massacred on the night of some ritual.

I told them about the little girl who was asking for my help and about how all the spirits were trapped inside the huge manor.

Naru narrowed his eyes seeming to have some kind of understanding that the others-that I-didn't have.

Monk and the others talked amongst themselves…

…while Naru continued to stare directly at me, "Any names?"

"Well," I started, but I came up blank.

And just when I was beginning to think I wouldn't remember any, something or someone whispered the name, "Himuro" in my head.

Naru sighed and looked away, apparently deciding that I was now wasting his time.

Not wanting him to lose interest, I said quickly, "Himuro!"

Lin stopped typing and everyone went quiet.

Naru turned back to me, the concerned look back in his eyes, but I decided to ignore it as I continued.

"The head of the manor, his family name was Himuro."

"Naru," Said Lin softly.

Naru sighed, "I know."