


Luciis · Fantasie
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38 Chs

First Assignment [2]

"Welcome to the bounty guild! How may I be of service for you two?"

As we were entering the building Charles and I came across a young woman at the front desk.

"Ah yes, could we somehow get this young man a bounty license?"

Replying to her was Charles.

"Well of course we can! Please state your legal name, age, and place of residency."

Tapping on her desk a holographic screen appeared in front of her.

"Keir Licht, 16, Aethra Academy."

Inputting the information into her holo-screen she paused as soon as I said Aethra.


Her eyebrows were raised and she made a confused expression.

"Yes, I'm a student enrolled at Aethra."

"Ah- well in that case you can start bounty hunting right away! Aethra has sponsored our guild and their students have been given free memberships for life."

My eyes widened and my mouth opened slightly. I didn't know Aethra had ties to the bounty guild, but this would definitely come in handy in the future.

"Now that membership is solved, what would you like to have as your mercenary name? This is to ensure all of your clients don't know your true identity for your protection."

Mercenary name huh? This was a necessary step in the process of becoming an official guild member. I remember seeing on the news that one of their members was hunted down for life and killed by some unknown corporation after failing a task given to him, and ever since then, they forced their members to work in anonymity.

What would fit me though?

'995?' No.

'Epic Dragon Killer?' Definitely not.

'Goblin Slayer?' Taken.

I needed something that fit me, something that would make me. It couldn't be too closely related to me as it could link back to my true identity. Something simple…something easy to say and rolls of the tongue swiftly.

I got it.


Punching the name into her holographic computer the receptionist looked up to Charles and I with a smile.

"We look forward to working with you Dusk."

As Charles and I parted ways with the receptionist we gave her a nod and made our way to the main lobby, where we can pick up bounties.

"Mr. Licht if I may?"

Tilting my head towards my left I looked at Charles before replying.

"You may."

"Why the name 'Dusk'?"

Ah, so that's what he wanted to know about. If I were to tell him the whole story it would more than likely bore him to death. The Licht family has always had close relationships with the Azar family, we weren't exactly under their wing but more comparable to a partnership between friends. My family itself wasn't all that well known, although we can't compare to Scions we've always been adept fighters and strategists.

Our family crest is an eclipse.

Said to be passed down from the time of Scions, we were born to serve them to our best abilities. At least that's how the story goes.

'The eclipse is a meeting of light and dark.'

Is what my mother used to tell me at dusk. Dusk was comparable to the meeting of light and dark as well, and so I chose it.

Looking back at Charles with a smile I gave the answer to his question.

"For my family."

In response to my answer, Charles looked surprised and satisfied and nodded his head in understanding.

"Here we are, Mr. Licht."

We were approaching a large room that was dimly lit. It was bustling with activity and people accepting all kinds of bounties at the multiple boards that hosted them.

"What kinda bounty ya lookin for kiddo?"

Grabbing my attention was the man hosting all the bounties. He was a handsome man that seemed to be around the age of my father and had a very well-groomed beard with shoulder-length brown hair, he was currently lighting a cigar.

"I'm looking for something around E+ rank, for a school assignment."

Raising one eyebrow the man took a puff from the cigar before asking me.

"What school son?"


After hearing my answer he paused for a moment before giving me a holo-card from the desk.

"Here ya go kid."

He slid the card to me on the desk, I picked it up and observed it.

"F- rank Task: Get a Gift for my grandmother..."

After reading the task out loud I cocked my head back and was appalled by what I was reading. Did I really seem that weak?

"Excuse me sir this isn't what I asked for."

"Ah- sorry kid wrong card."

After nearly choking on his own cigar he scrambled to find another bounty for me to complete. This man didn't seem reliable or competent, instead, he felt like a bum running a business.

"Here you go kid, E rank right? We don't got any E+ in stock right now."

Handing over another card I swiped it from his hand and made sure it was something I could do as a combat trainee.

E - rank Task :

Acquire an Object and give it to your employer


Reward: 15,000 Credits

'This doesn't look bad.'

"I'll take it."

After reading over the instructions on the bounty I didn't hesitate to take it. For the only task to be acquiring an object and giving it to the employer 15,000 CR seemed like a handsome reward. Hearing my statement the man at the desk flashed a smile and nodded his head.

"Awesome kid, but uh- are ya gonna head out with that gear?"

His eyes were scanning me from head to toe and pointing towards me. The man saw my awkward expression and chuckled.

"Haha- I'll lend you some gear since you seem fun, what's your name son?"

"Keir, Keir Li-... actually why should I tell anybody my name here? What are you trying to achieve?"

"Ahh don't worry about it kiddo, I own the place. Nice to meet ya I'm Jonathan Bond the Bounty Guild owner."

This man was the owner? I couldn't believe it, not until I had solid evidence. I mean how could this man be the guild owner and be working downstairs at a random bounty desk?

There was no way.

"If you're the owner then why are you at a random desk instead of in your office?"

The man, Jonathan, looked at me with a cheeky grin.

"To see how business is booming of course, anyways follow me kiddo I'll get you some proper gear."

After giving me an answer Jonathan shot up from his seat and led Charles and I to the elevator. Jonathan walked towards the elevator with smooth steps and a confident- borderline smug attitude, when he arrived at the door he pressed the screen to the right of the elevator with his right hand which resulted in the doors opening.

We all stepped inside and an awkward silence ensued.

"Soooo... what was your name again kiddo?"

Breaking the ice, Jonathan asked for my name.

'Did he forget already?'

"It's Keir, Keir Licht."

Jonathan then looked at me with curious eyes.

"You have ties with the Azar family?"

After hearing the question made by Jonathan, I instantly furrowed my brows and glared at him.

"How do you know that?!"

The lips on his face curved into a crescent shape, forming a smug grin.

"I got connections kid."

Connections my ass it just seemed like he was a creepy old man. Besides that I see what he means by connections, Jonathan Bond was the owner of the Bounty Guild. That meant he was a man with power and ties to the strongest people within the human domain.


"We're here, let's get you outfitted."

The elevator doors slid open revealing a massive office decorated with the highest quality materials. Bars of light were symmetrically aligned along the floor making for a lit walkway to a large desk, situated behind the desk was a large door that seemed to lead to another room. Jonathan slowly walked toward the large door and beckoned for Charles and I to enter.

"You're free to choose what you want with a limit of 3 things. Ah- except that sword over there, do not touch that sword."

Jonathan was pointing to a particularly high-quality sword.

"Why can't I touch it?"

"Just listen to me kid."

I stared at Jonathan for a brief moment before shrugging it off.

'This stuff is of amazing quality.'

Everything in the room from the knives to the armor, everything was of the highest quality imaginable.


"Are you satisfied with your choices Keir? Or should I say Dusk?"

Jonathan said with a grin.

"Oh, I'm definitely satisfied."

The three things I had chosen were as listed.

- A prototype combat suit made by R.W Corps

- An identity-concealing face mask that only exposed my eyes and hair.

- An RC restrictor

I was all set for my first assignment, and so I gave my thanks to Jonathan and Charles before leaving.


"He's gone now we can finally talk."

Charles suddenly spoke up and looked at Jonathan.

"Tell me, Jonathan, why do you have such interest in this child?"

Jonathan took a seat at his desk and poured out a drink before taking a sip. He laid back in his chair and put his feet atop his desk before answering.

"Because his parents told me to look after him, don't question it brother just keep a close eye on him."

Charles nodded at Jonathan's request.

"I appreciate it."