
Ronald Weasley: A Noble's Ascension

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling. I don't own the Cover Image: Credit to Patilda on DeviantArt. Mc is reborn in the Harry Potter world as Ronald Weasley. Unlike the rich Malfoy, smart Hermione, or famous Harry follow Ron! Discord: https://discord.gg/qZNwXS I'm going to make ALOT of changes to the story, this novel is based on my own personal knowledge. So if anyone knows more please let me know if I get something wrong or if I'm missing something.

AnonAuthor · Bücher und Literatur
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87 Chs

Worm Tail

> Peter Pettigrew POV<

' It's been almost two years now, that I've been with the Weasleys, in which they've never suspected a thing. As far as their concerned, I'm just their little Percy's pet rat. They even treat me better than those Death Eaters, they take good care of me and feed me quite well.'

Thinking back on those days when people like Bellatrix and Lucius would mock and belittle him. Peter was glad that he was picked up by the young Percy. He'd even come to care for the boy, and even felt like part of the family, in a twisted sort of way.

So when the youngest Weasley boy snuck him out of Percy's room to play early in the morning he gladly went with him. In the living room the boy made him run around finding things, fed him bits of cheese before taking him outside to the open fields around their home.

' Where are we going? Don't tell me he's going to chase me around like the twins?'

Seeing that wasn't the case, Peter became curious as to where Ron was taking him. He noticed that they'd walked past the fields and were getting closer to Stoatshead Hill. An incredibly tall hill that almost resembled a small mountain, even when he wasn't walking and instead being carried in his cage by Ron, Peter knew that it was a tough climb.

' Does he want to see the view? Other than rabbit holes and tuffs of grass their isn't much else up there.'

" Don't worry Scabbers we're almost there, the view is amazing I'm sure you'll love it."

' Such a nice kid, although I haven't spent much time with him he seems like a good kid. Maybe he'll be my next owner after Percy.'

After half a hour Ron, with the caged Scabbers reached the top of the Hill. He then slowly lifted up the cage and turned it towards the amazing scenery.

' Beautiful, it's really an amazing view... it reminds me alot of the one from the Shrieking Shack.'

" What did I tell you Scabbers amazing right?"

Happy that the boy had shown him such a majestic view, Peter couldn't help but squeak to show his gratitude. As he turned around to see the view for the second time, he felt an liquid pouring onto him, then came the awful smell of, gasoline.

Squirming inside the cage he found the entire cage had been doused in gasoline.

' What's going on, where did this come from!?'

Looking at the boy who'd brought him up here he noticed that he wasn't holding the cage anymore.

' A Levitation charm. He knows magic...?'

Stunned at this unexpected revelation Peter couldn't react, a cold voice then sounded behind him.

" Die, Pettigrew. Incendio!"

As soon as he spoke those words the entire cage was set ablaze, followed by a terrible shriek from inside of it.


Lost in the immense pain, Peter couldn't control his magic and failed to undo his Animagus form. As time passed the shrieks became louder and started to resemble screaming.

" Aaaaaahhhh!!! STOOOPP!!!"

A few seconds later the burning cage burst open and a charred short fat man was rolling on the ground trying to put out the flames on his body.

" So you're still alive..."

When Peter stood up his entire body was covered in hideous burns and his eyes were bloodshot as he glared at the boy in front of him.



Ron used the charm to create a flash effect to stun Peter, who although temporarily blinded lunged foward to tackle Ron. Crashing down on to the ground he smelled the same aroma from the cage now all around him. He panicked and tried to run away, but that's when he saw the boy smiling at him, with a sinister smile all but familiar to him.

" Lord Volde-"

" Incendio."

The area where Peter had fallen, was set aflame with the former Death Eater inside the raging inferno. His screams lasted a few short breaths before they coming to an end just like the man's life.

" You shouldn't have let your guard down Pettigrew, only those ready to be killed, should kill."

Ron put out the fire and then took out a knife from his back pocket before walking towards the charred Peter and stabbing him in the head. He lodged the entire blade in and made sure that the man would never wake up again. Now covered in ash and blood Ron rummaged through the corpse's pockets finding Peter's wand.

' Interesting, I'd of thought he'd have personally safeguarded Voldemort's Wand. Nevermind that I should finish up here before someone notices the damage to the hill.'

" Targeo."

Becoming somewhat clean again, Ron put the wand in his pocket before concentrating on his next spell.

" Defodio!"

The ground around Peter's corpse collapsed and the man's body fell inside. Once the corpse was inside, the hole closed in on itself and the corpse was nowhere to be seen.

" I should blow the smoke away too, hopefully since no one ever comes up here I'll have some time to come back with my Wand and take care of this permanently."

" Ventus"

Done cleaning up, Ron started heading back home, he'd killed a Death Eater and all it took was two flasks of gasoline. That said, not everything was good since his brother Percy had lost a pet.


Arriving back home he found that only his dad and mom were up while his siblings where all still asleep. They were surprised to see him so early in the morning and even found it strange since he'd never done so before.

" Ron, where did you go!?"

" Oh, I read that Asphodel could be found in tall grass so i went out to look for some."

" I see, well go upstairs and get ready I'm preparing breakfast."

" Mom, I'm not hungry can I go to my room and read?"

" No, you skipped yesterday so go wash up and come down, today your eating with your family."

Since he couldn't win against his mother he turned to his father and asked him instead.

" Dad, I found this new book on the effects of Muggle technology on the Wizarding World, so can I?"

Knowing that his dad worked in the Ministry's Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office he knew that he had a fondness over all things Muggle.

" Just for a hour and if you get hungry you have to make your own food!"

" Okay, thank you!"

Even thought Arthur said it in the deepest voice he could muster his wife knew that he'd let him off easy again.




{LAST UPDATED ON: 7/16/20}

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