
Romance and Bloodshed

The secular world and martial village for ten years now, has had an irreconcilable enmity built on mountain of corpses, two people from both sides, Rachel from secular world and Dariaziki from martial village fell in love due to unforeseen circumstances, they must face immense pressure due to their relationship and for the sake of love, how will they survive? And how will they create a world where they can love each other without troubles?

Helen_Ede · Urban
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1 Chs

Meeting a dragon


Chapter 1- Meeting a Dragon

Author: Blazing goD

The bang and explosions of ballistae and cannons rumbled throughout the barren, lifeless land like thunder, arrows were whistling through the air, and the sounds of warmen and soldiers clashing swords with great vigor played the tune of warfare, some dropped, some advanced to keep on fighting, trampling on the corpeses of comrade or foe. This portrayed the chaotic art or war.

"Sinsang, you old bastard, even if I become a ghost, I wouldn't let you go!!!" A masculine voice full of intense hatred and grief could be heard at an intense pitch, at the fore front of the war. Tracing the source of the shout, a young man that looked in his sixteens, was running at very high speeds, his silver robes torn and dyed red with blood from his grave injuries, he had a dagger that the hilt was clearly sticking out from the back of his left shoulder, although, running at high speeds, his running was filled with staggers and momentary pauses.

An old man with white hair and beards, he was bare chested and he fully showcased his well arranged albs and packs and nice biceps, that an old man wasn't supposed to possess. He had blurry wrinkles on his aged white skin, judging from the outlines of his face, you could tell he was definitely a very good looking man in his prime. He had an impassive face, and didn't respond to the young man's insult, only intently chasing after him, with his wrinkled hand fully grasped on the sword he was holding.

They kept on running and running gradually leaving the battlefield, as if seeing something, the old man's face that was impassive and indifferent, changed enourmously, he said hastily "Dariaziki, are you aware, you are heading towards the boundary?!!"

"Of course, I'm aware, it's better I die there, than to die to you, right!" The young man's face shone with madness, he wasn't going to give this old basard, the benefit of killing him.

"Isn't it better you stop running, and allow to be killed, I promise to make your death swift and painless, at least, that way your relatives can see your corpse to bury" The old man said, his voice was normal lacking any maliciousness, but his face had slight panic.

"Humph" the young man snorted with contempt, he continued to crazily run forward.

"Damn it" the old man muttered with exasperation. They continued the cat and mouse chase for almost an hour before they arrived at another place. ... The two arrived at a place, it was also barren and the land lacked any life, but what made here very special and distinctive was a the presence of a huge bottomless pit, it was rectangular in shape in the ground, its width stretched miles away, but that wasn't what was so special about it, what made it so unique was how deep it was, you couldn't see the bottom and all you could see in the pit was pitch darkness.

He turned and stood in front of the old man, just ten feet away, he was gazing at the old man, but this time, his eyes didn't have any hatred, it was calm, placid and without ripples, he said calmy, but coldy "You think you can cage my father forever, huh, when he breaks out from that place, he will avenge me"

"Don't worry, but I will make sure to kill all your friends and subordinates, though" the old man replied without emotion.

"You can't, I prepared for this day, you won't see them, talk less of killing them" the young man said with a mocking smile.

The old man didn't respond, he moved as quick as a cheetah to try and grab the young man's upper cloth, but was disappointed, when the young man deliberately fell down the pit, the man's howl was heard "SINSANG DECRAD, IF I SURVIVE, I SWEAR TO THE HEAVENS, TO THE EARTH, TO MY MARTIAL CODE, I WILL COME BACK, WILL COME BACK FOR YOUR HEAD AND ALSO ELMINATE ALL YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS!!!!!!" The young man's scream full of hatred, intense grudge and strong emotion echoed as he fell deeper inside the pit.

"Survive?, joke" The old man disdainfully muterred under his breath, how could one hope to survive such a fall.


He kept on falling and falling, falling for almost three minutes, he couldn't see anything, not even his own palm, he couldn't feel anything, only the air pressure that constantly grazed upon skin and his imminent death. He sighed midair, at his impending doom, falling from this great of a height, he was definitely going to be turned to meat paste, he closed his eyes slowly but sorrowfully. No man didn't want to die, even the most bravest warriors and courageous knights were no exception.


To his greatest and utmost surprise, his landing wasn't hard or resulted in him being crushed to flat paste, instead, it was soft like a cushion and although, he did feel great pain all over his body, he did feel a lot better than dying.

"What?" the young man by name, Dariaziki exclaimed in shock, he ignored the aching of his body and looked around flurriedly. He turned backwards because he could see the reflection of blue light, and what he saw horrified him completely. He saw a huge red dragon staring at him calmly with its large eyes.

This red dragon possessed enourmous size and stature almost comparable to a three storey building, it was adopting a resting position with its large, frightening claws in front of it as it rested its terrifying huge maw on its hands, its contrasting black wings withdrawn to its side, its head had a silver gem seemingly engraved in the middle, that strangely and illogically, emitted blue light. Dariaziki finally comprehended something, he actually landed on a dragon nest, and this dragon must be the owner of the nest. He crept backwards in sheer fright, but his injuries was slightly worsened and he wanted to groan in pain but he didn't dare make any noise in front of this frightening dragon, in fear of provoking it. But he was a warrior that had climbed out of mountains of corpses and crawled out from seas of blood, he managed to maintain his composure slightly, he said in low tune "Hey there, dragon sir, I didn't intentionally choose to fall here, I was kinda chased here"

The dragon was silent for a long while just loooking at him with its blood shot eyes and if he said he wasn't afraid, then that will have been a lie from the pit of hell. What happened next made him immensely shocked.

"What's your name?" the dragon actually spoke, its voice resounding like a roar.

"W-what the f**k, you can t..talk?!!!" Dariaziki shrieked in shock, he had already been petrified seeing a dragon but now he was even more stupefied.

"Yes, why?" The dragon answered, not totally minding the shock it gave Dariaziki. Dariaziki simply sat there stunned, not seemingly feeling the blood flowing from his injuried.

"Can't you wrap your injuries?" the dragon asked. Dariaziki snapped out, remembering he always carries clean bandages with him, this was the major thing a warrior of calliber was supposed to do because he had always been in terrifying battles, he had crossed through the gates of hell several times, that even the grim reaper and him were close buddies. He would have tied his injuries, long ago, but that old bastard didn't allow him. Ichiro reached out for his belt and took out a small pouch tied to it, he removed the contents, most of the time, groaning in pain, he finally bandaged most of his wounds. The dragon sat there watching Dariaziki slowly patch up himself, he then stretched its large hands into the shadows, it retracted its hand and its claw flung something at Dariaziki.

Dariaziki instinctively caught it and inspected the object in its hands, it was a cookie shaped red fruit (the size of a fist) with a purple leave shooting out from the middle, it clearly wasn't something that he had seen before.

"Eat it" the dragon's domineering voice echoed like bass. Dariaziki narrowed his eyes, suspicious about what this is. Was is it safe to eat something you had no idea of? But after some hestitation, he swallowed it down in one go, because of thinking about it, if this strange and menacing dragon wanted to harm him, then he couldn't resist, there was no need to go through all the stress.

His stomach welled up with a fiery feeling before finally calming down, he lied down in peace, his internal injuries were gone and he was instantly put to peak state.

"What's this!" Dariaziki cried out in surprise, this fruit was too miraculous, all his dislocated joints were actually treated in mere seconds. He had been shocked several times now, from surving from such fall to seeing a dragon then seeing that dragon speak and now this.

"It's the dragon fruit" the dragon answered. Dariaziki nodded and said with gratitude

"Thank you very much...argh " He stood up and bowed deeply, but his external injuries were split slightly open and he could only hastily stay down.

"Don't make unnecessary movements" the dragon ordered, its eyes closed. Dariaziki didn't respond, causing the dragon to open his eyes slightly and he saw Dariaziki was already asleep, truly, that battle was very exhausting for him. The dragon looked on for a second before closing its eyes. **three day later**

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