
The Serpent's Challenge

As the battle raged on, a spine-chilling hiss pierced the chaos. All heads turned towards the sound, and a wave of dread washed over the allied forces. Maot had arrived, and he brought with him a terrifying ally - a colossal serpent, its scales shimmering in the sunlight.

The serpent slithered forward with deadly grace, its eyes fixed on Jack. Its immense size and coiling power made it clear that this would be a formidable opponent. Jack's heart pounded in his chest as he steeled himself to face this new challenge.

With a quick glance at Anna and Iris, Jack braced himself for the fight ahead. He gripped the sword they had given him for the battle tighter and took a step forward, his resolve unwavering. The serpent hissed menacingly, its forked tongue flicking in and out as it measured its opponent.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jack lunged at the serpent, his sword arcing through the air. The serpent reacted with lightning speed, dodging Jack's attack and retaliating with a swift strike of its own. Its jaws snapped shut a mere inch from Jack's arm, narrowly missing its target.

Jack leaped back, narrowly avoiding the serpent's deadly fangs. He quickly regained his footing and charged back into the fray. With each swing of his sword, he targeted the vulnerable points on the serpent's body - its eyes, the underside of its belly - but the creature was agile and adept at evading his attacks.

Meanwhile, Anna and Iris moved to support Jack. Anna used her agility to circle the snake and strike with pinpoint accuracy at every opportunity. Iris used his wings to move overhead to distract the snake.

The battle between Jack and the serpent became a dance of agility and strategy. They circled each other, defending against attacks while constantly searching for openings to strike. The serpent's powerful coils and venomous fangs were a constant threat, but Jack's determination and skill kept him one step ahead.

As the fight wore on, time seemed to blur. Sweat dripped from Jack's forehead, his muscles strained with exertion, but he refused to yield. The serpent showed no signs of giving up either, its powerful body undulating with deadly precision.