
The Chosen Person, Jack S. (Finale)

So engrossed in their fight, Jack and Maot failed to notice Jack's father getting into the car.

As the car started and began to move, Jack and Maot found themselves in a precarious situation. Fighting on a moving vehicle was difficult, and both realized it would be challenging to continue their battle under these conditions. However, before they could make any decision, Jack's attention was drawn to Anna, who was climbing up from behind the car.

Seizing this opportunity, Maot swiftly grabbed Anna and held her tightly, using her as leverage to gain an advantage over Jack. His malicious grin widened as he saw the distress on Jack's face. He reveled in the power he held over them.

But Jack was not one to back down easily. With a calm but determined expression, he addressed Maot, calling him by his real name, Arthur. The use of his real name seemed to catch Arthur off guard for a moment, his grip on Anna loosening slightly.

"Arthur," Jack said firmly, his voice filled with a mix of determination and compassion. "This doesn't have to be like this. We can find another way."

However, Arthur's twisted desire for power and revenge overshadowed any chance of salvation or compromise. He scoffed at Jack's plea and tightened his grip on Anna once more.

"Do you think I'll just give up? After all I've been through? You don't stand a chance," Arthur replied, his voice laced with venom.

Jack felt a surge of frustration and anger rise within him. He knew that convincing Arthur would not be enough to save Anna or end this conflict. In a moment of desperation, Jack decided to take matters into his own hands.

Gathering all his remaining energy and determination, he clenched his fists. With a resounding thud, he punched the roof of the moving car with all his might. The sound echoed through the vehicle, causing Jack's father to slam on the brakes abruptly.

The sudden stop sent everyone on top of the car, including Jack, Anna, and Arthur, flying forward. They were pushed off the car and into the nearby forest, their bodies tumbling through the air. Jack somehow managed to protect Anna in mid-air, but it was hard for him to maintain control.

As they plunged into the thick foliage, Jack quickly regained his senses and assessed the situation. He looked around and realized they were surrounded by creatures once created by Arthur. Sensing the presence of their former master, the creatures saw an opportunity for revenge.

With a collective roar, the creatures lunged at Arthur, their combined strength and numbers overwhelming him. They attacked him mercilessly, clawing at his body and tearing his clothes until he was left defenseless and exposed.

Anna watched from a safe distance, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and sorrow. She knew this was the end of Arthur, but she couldn't help but empathize with the pain he had caused.

The creatures dragged him away into the depths of the forest, far from civilization. It was a fitting end for someone who had brought so much suffering and destruction into their lives.

Amidst the chaos, Jack felt a sense of closure wash over him. He had faced his enemy and emerged victorious. His battle with Arthur had taught him the value of life and the importance of forgiveness.

Just then, he felt a tingling sensation in his body. He was transforming back into his human form, but before he did, he looked into Anna's eyes and thanked her.

"Thank you for believing I was the Chosen One."

"My heart will always be with you, human Jack," she said, giving him a final kiss before he transformed.

Jack, now back in his human form, watched as his father emerged from the car. A mixture of worry and relief washed over his face as he hugged his son tightly. The joy of seeing Jack alive and well was overwhelming.

"Son, I was so scared something happened to you. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, dad. I was worried about you too," Jack replied, hugging his father back.

And so, Jack embarked on a new chapter in his life, filled with gratitude, love, and a fierce determination to protect those he held dear. The scars of battle would serve as a reminder of the strength he possessed and the lessons he had learned.

He also knew that the one he loved was waiting for him somewhere in the forest, hoping for his return.