
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · Fantasie
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34 Chs


As soon as they heard what Miles said, William and the others went silent.

"Is that so?" Dante spoke with a solemn tone. "Then, you can give your friend the peace that you want him to have."

Miles nodded and thanked him.

"I'm sorry, Miles. You can…do your thing. If you need anything, we're here to help you." William said and now, he was trying to comfort Miles.

"Thank you, but please let me handle him myself." Miles requested.

"Well, sure." William said.

"Here." Dante threw his axe to Miles, who caught it. "Use it."

"Thanks." Miles has now axe on both of his hands, giving him a look of a dual axe wielding warrior.

Michelle walked to Miles and said with a sweet voice, "Return safely, Miles."

He just nodded and rushed toward Jason, his friend, who had already turned into a Berserk Zombie.

Seeing that he was approaching, Jason tilted his head and stared at Miles.

He then moved and also rushed towards Miles. There was no life in his eyes as he looked at Miles, only seeing him as something that he should eliminate or infect.

Seeing the state of his friend, Miles just wants to give him a quick death and end his misery as soon as possible.

However, he knew that that would be impossible because the Berserk Zombie would surely not just let himself be killed.

Also, Miles would face the strongest zombie he encountered so far.

The latest enraged zombies have number 20 in their heads but Jason has [250] in him. This shows that huge difference in their strength.

He held the two axes with his left hand and stretched his right arm forward, aiming at Jason's head.

'Flame Bullet.'

A small but fast flame was shot at Jason.

He didn't defend against it and just tilted his head to evade the Flame Bullet.

It passed by his head as he continued charging towards Miles.

'Don't dodge it, man.' Miles thought.

He wanted to end his friend's misery but he also didn't want to turn Jason's body into an undesirable state. Jason passing away from a single Flame Bullet would be the most ideal case for Miles. But it seems that would be impossible.

He continued firing the Flame Bullet and Jason continued to evade it by hair's gap.

Miles stopped shooting and returned to his dual axe wielding. He turned the blade of the axe backwards and used the butt of the blade instead of the edge for attacking. After all, he didn't want to chop the body of his friend.

His goal was just to immobilize Jason for a moment and use the Flame Bullet to send him away quickly.

They got into each other's reach.

Miles swung the two axes parallel to each other from right to left.

Jason on the other hand, directly met the attack with his right fist.


The iron and fist clashed, creating a strong gust of wind blowing to the surroundings.

Just as Miles thought that they have the same level of strength, Jason grunted and gave more push with his fist.

Miles tried to push but he was overpowered.

Swoosh! Bam!

He was sent flying and crashed into a nearby tree, on his back. However, he didn't lose his footing and firmly stood on the ground.

"That hurts!" He shouted as he tried to massage his back.

He didn't receive any injuries but it still hurt his body.

'If I received that attack directly, I would surely be incapacitated.' Miles exhaled.

'I should evade his attack at all cost.'

Jason growled and locked his eyes onto Miles before charging back towards him.

Miles also did the same.

And the two reached each other for the second time.

This time, however, Miles activated the Heavy Strike skill as he attacked.

Unlike their first exchange, Jason defended the moment he felt the incoming strike with his left arm.


The two axes were blocked by his arm.

'Damn it.' Miles cursed.

The second he stopped Miles' attack, Jason punched him with his right fist.


Miles sensed it but was too late to defend against it.


He was hit on the side and a few of his ribs were instantly broken.


His body then flew away and rolled to the ground a few times before stopping.

When he tried to stand up using the axes, his whole body trembled and he coughed blood.

'Damn, damn. I just got healed and I'm already in this state again.'

He quickly reached into his pocket to get a health potion and realized there were only three left. Miles chugged in one and partially healed his wounds.

The moment he stood up straightly, Jason was already there to attack him.

After exchanging a few more blows, it was obvious that Miles was at a huge disadvantage.

'If not for the Body Strengthening Pill, I would have died from the first strike.'

The Body Strengthening Pill was the first item he received from the Heaven's Dice and it gave him a boost in his physical prowess and strength. Although he was not sure how strong he was in terms of stats of the players, he was sure that he would be at least level 25.

And if that's truly the case, then the others would not be able to defeat this Berserk Zombie alone. They would only have a chance if they would team up against him.

However, Miles wanted to send his friend away himself.

He and Jason were only friends for less than a year but they treat each other almost as brothers.

For him, sending his friend with his own hands was the least he could do.


Miles was hit on the side and flew sideways into a tree.

Unlike the other zombies, the Berserk Zombie was more versed in fighting and it also didn't lunge into Miles like a hungry predator to infect him.

Jason stared at Miles and opened his hands wide, exposing his claw like black nails.

Seeing this, Miles got a little nervous.

With a quick inspection of his body, he found a few shattered ribs and bruised muscles. He took a health potion.

Jason charged to him quickly and slashed with his nails.


Miles ducked and the attack hit the tree, leaving four deep cuts on the trunk.


He rolled sideways and retreated while Jason began chasing him.

Meanwhile, the others were watching the battle from afar.

Looking at Miles who was at a disadvantage, they grew nervous and worried.

"Is he going to be fine?" Michelle asked.

Julia patted her head and spoke. "Of course. Just trust him."

William nodded. "If he said he can do it, he can. If he can't. We'll just help him."

After observing for a minute, Dante suddenly spoke. "It's a pity that we ran out of bullets or he could just end this quickly."

"But why could we not get any exp by killing the zombies with a gun?" Brent asked.

The others began to think to themselves what the reason could be.

William sighed. "Maybe the system rejects the use of modern weapons to kill zombies for exp."

"Why is that?" Brent asked.

William just shrugged. "I don't have any idea. Maybe it's just so easy to kill zombies with a gun and the system doesn't like that."

"It wants us to learn to fight with swords and bows." Dante butted in.

"Exactly. But we still don't have a full understanding of what is happening and how far it extends. We should conduct experiments later and try to observe carefully so that we can understand this matter." William said.

The others nodded and Lilia spoke. "If we can know what is happening, we can adapt ourselves earlier and create plans to our advantage."

"Now that we've closed the gates, it's just a matter of time before we clear out the zombies in the university." William faintly smiled.

"We only have a little ammunition left in the control room. It is better to just save it for now and use this time to raise our levels." Dante suggested.

Meanwhile, Paul was looking at the guns and was thinking something. "The control room is just near this place, right?"

Dante raised his brows and answered. "Yes. It's in the basement of the building just like we discussed."

"And there are only normal zombies there if not for this Berserk Zombie that Miles is fighting." Paul said.

"That should be right. Why do you ask?" Dante replied.

"Then why didn't Hans just charge into the control room and take all the weapons there? If he is as strong as you say him to be, he could surely clear that zombies with himself and others. And his level should be high too, considering that he killed many zombies before." Paul added.

William and Dante frowned.

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm just thinking that there must be some reason why they didn't dare to enter that building in the first place. Brian and Sheila don't know anything about that building because Hans ordered them not to get near or enter it." Paul revealed.

William pinched his chin.

After a few seconds, his eyes widened. "Don't tell me.."

At that second…


A deafening roar thundered.

They covered their ears and turned to the source of the roar.

Their heads all turned not to where Miles was but to the second floor of the Broadcasting Building.

There, a zombie was staring at them while hanging out of the window.

Its features were the same as the zombie that Miles was battling.

"Damn, that's why…"


Miles heard the roar and knew that Jason was not the source of it.

He glanced at his team and saw that they were looking at something.

Following their heads, he caught a glimpse of the Berserk Zombie on the second floor of the Broadcasting Building.

Then, at the ground floor, a wave of enraged zombies began to pour out.