
Rogue Villain

Waking up after a traffic accident, a young man realizes that he might have transmigrated into the world of one of his favorite stories, which isn't all bad. Except for a couple of things. The world and everyone on it gets destroyed at the end of the story. He has transmigrated into the body of Ackster Phileam, an infamous roadside pebble antagonist who gets killed by the original Hero of the story a week after meeting The Hero. And half that week has already passed. *The story is pretty slow paced, especially the first decent batch of chapters. But if you're intrigued by the story but not the abundance of words, check out the chapter 1-56 summary. It will be full of spoilers, but just consider it a prologue.*

armordillo · Fantasie
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423 Chs

Reasoning With The Sword God

The Sword God stared dumbly as Ackster's nub bumped against the hilt. He then looked at Ackster's startled and soon-to-be scared face before changing wrists before Ackster could react. He grabbed Ackster's other hand and wrapped it around the sword hilt, with Ackster unable to do anything about it.

"Fuck off!"

As soon as the Sword God let go, Ackster took off his hand and pulled away from the sword. Or that's what was supposed to happen in Ackster's mind. He didn't pull away from the sword, but the sword wasn't in his hand either, at least not in the ordinary sense.

"Mm, as I suspected. It's parasitic."

The Sword God grabbed Ackster's hand again to look at the black symbol of a sword on its back. He inspected it closely before looking at Ackster when seemingly satisfied.

"Who are you?"

Ackster sighed, not even bothering to try and get out of the Sword God's vice-like grip.